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TAV Chapter 14

TAV Chapter 14. Imperial Vision. Imperialism Protectorate Anglo- Saxonism. Capt. Alfred T. Mahan. The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783 Sen’s Henry Cabot Lodge & Albert J. Beveridge to push for a stronger navy. Alfred ThayerMahan. Beveridge. Lodge. Matthew C. Perry.

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TAV Chapter 14

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  1. TAV Chapter 14

  2. Imperial Vision • Imperialism • Protectorate • Anglo-Saxonism

  3. Capt. Alfred T. Mahan • The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783 • Sen’s Henry Cabot Lodge & Albert J. Beveridgeto push for a stronger navy. Alfred ThayerMahan Beveridge Lodge

  4. Matthew C. Perry • July 8, 1853, four American ships arrived in Tokyo Bay. • Convinced Japan to enter into a trade agreement w. the US

  5. Hawaii • Tariff exemptions for HI. sugar allowed in-roads to be made. • 1887 planters wanted the HI king to accept a const. that limited his power. Resist. Caused Cong. to subsidize U.S. sugar. • Drop in HI sugar profits • HI gave in

  6. HI • 1891, Queen Liliuokalani ascended to the throne • She wanted to increase her power • 1893, her attempt was thwarted by the Marines • A provisional Govt was est. • Cleveland was against annexing HI • 5 yrs later McKinley annexed the islands McKinley Cleveland

  7. Pan-Americanism • The idea that the US and Latin American countries should work together. • Oct. 2, 1889 Blaine held a conference but the Latin American countries rejected the plan • Trade • Conflict resolution • They did create a cooperation between the nations that led to Org. of Am. States Sec. of St. Blaine

  8. Spanish-American War Chapter 14 Section 2

  9. Cuban Rebellion • Feb. 1895, Jose Marti initiated a renewed push for Cuban independence. • By Sept. Marti’s followers had gained control of the eastern portion of the island & declared their independence. Jose Marti

  10. Yellow Journalism • The Cuban people continued to fight for Ind. throughout the island • William Randolph Hearst & Joseph Pulitzer published sensational stories about the brutality in Cuba under Spanish rule. • Gen. ValerianoWeyler was sent from Spain to gain control of Cuba – The Butcher

  11. The Bait • Cuban guerillas would attack sugar mills and railways. They tried to make it look like the Spanish were targeting U.S. owned facilities. • They hoped to get the U.S. to help – we did not bite (or buy it)

  12. USS Maine • Fearing that Americans in Cuba may need to be evacuated the USS Maine was sent to Cuba. The USS Maine entering Havana’s Harbor on 25 January 1898.

  13. USS Maine • Feb. 15, 1898 in Havana’s harbor the Maine exploded • “Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain” filled the air back home in the U.S. Wreckage of the Maine 3 weeks after arriving in Cuba.

  14. Asst. Sec. of the Navy • Teddy Roosevelt gave Commodore Geo. Dewey the order that if we go to war w. Spain he was to attack the Spanish fleet in the Philippines Commodore George Dewey

  15. War • April 11, 1898 McKinley asked Cong. To authorize the use of force • April 19, Cong. Declared Cuba an independent nation & demanded that Spain withdraw • April 24, Spain declares war on the U.S. • Dewey leaves Hong Kong for the Philippines • May 1, Dewey’s 4 ships destroy the Sp. Flt. Of 8 ships in less than 7 hours

  16. Philippines • Dewey sided with former Philippine rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo to force the Spanish out of the Philippines • U.S. troops seized Manila

  17. Rough Riders • Roosevelt resigned as Ast. Sec. of the Navy and started a volunteer cavalry regiment. • Shipped out from Tampa w./out their horses • Took Kettle Hill and San Juan Hill w./ the help of Buffalo Soldiers. TR threatened to shoot them if they did not help. • July 3, 1898 the Sp. Flt. In Santiago harbor was destroyed • 2 wks later the Sp. Troops surrendered in Cuba

  18. After the War • Debate over the Philippines – annexation? • Emilio Aguinaldo led efforts against the U.S. in the islands • Aguinaldo was captured in 1901 & the fighting ended • 1902 Wm. Howard Taft became the Gov. on July 4th

  19. Acquisitions • Puerto Rico was seized • Foraker Act set up a civil Govt., People led legislature, Pres. Apt. Governor & Executive Council • Guam • Platt Amendment- US controlled Cuba until 1932

  20. Chapter 14 Section 3 New American Diplomacy

  21. Open Door Policy • Pres. McKinley and Sec. of State John Hay pushed for the ability for all countries to be able do trade in China.

  22. Boxer Rebellion • Secret Chinese societies formed up to expel the foreign devils & Chinese Christians from their land. • Society of Harmonious Fists • Besieged embassies in Beijing and Tianjin had over 200 people killed. • After a German ambassador was killed troops were assembled to put down the Boxers. - Clemens August Freiherr von Ketteler

  23. 8 countries sent around 50,000 troops • U.S. sent 3,400 • The Boxers were taken

  24. Rough Rider Politics • Senator Thomas Platt helped set up TR as the new Gov. of NY • As Gov. TR began taking on corruption within the system • Platt was not happy with the way TR was doing things as Gov. • Platt hoped to make him the new VP & get him out of the way

  25. 1900 Election • McKinley was in need of winning NY to win the election. • TR was nominated as his new VP • Platt saw this as a way to get TR out of the way • Dem. William Jennings Bryan • Had lost to McKinley 4 years earlier • McKinley won against Bryan

  26. McKinley’s Assassination • 6 months after the inauguration McKinley was shot at the Pan American Exposition in Buffalo • Leon Czolgosz had a bandage over his hand concealing a gun • He died on Sept. 14th 8 days after being shot

  27. TR in the White House • “Now look, that [darn] cowboy is President of the United States.” -Sen. Hanna • TR took office at the age of 42. the youngest man to hold the office.

  28. TR and Washington • TR invited Booker T. Washington to have dinner with him at the W. House • The hope was to improve race relations • The Southerners were furious • Washington advocated black self-help • Washington was often • criticized by W. E. B. Dubois Booker T. Washington & Teddy Roosevelt

  29. Panama Canal • Panama was part of Columbia • 1879, French Co. tries to build a canal • U.S. helps Panama gain independence • U.S. is given a 10 mile wide strip to build a canal • Started in 1904 and finished in 1914

  30. Panama Canal

  31. The Roosevelt Corollary • The U.S. would intervene in Latin America in order to maintain economic & political stability.

  32. Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy • America would increase its trade and that would raise the economic situation in Latin America

  33. Wilson & Villa • March 9, 1916, guerrilla leader PanchoVilla attacked Columbus, NM. • John J. Pershing led 6,000 troops into Mexico • Wilson recalled Pershing from Mexico because of war concerns in Europe

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