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Wrap your hands around a hot mug of ginger green tea and inhale the invigorating aromas that share the secrets of healthy living! Yes, this century's old yet simple combination has been around us for a reason, and that reason is health and wellness.
MIRACULOUSGREENTEA AND GINGER BENEFITS THAT KEEPS YOU HEALTHY Wrapyourhandsaroundahotmugofgingergreentea and inhale the invigorating aromas that share the secretsofhealthyliving!Yes,thiscentury'soldyetsimple combinationhasbeenaroundusforareason,andthat reasonishealthandwellness. www.teajtea.com
WHAT IS GINGERGREEN TEA? GreenteaisatypeofteathatoriginatesfromCamellia sinensisleaves.Greenteasdonotundergotheoxidation process that oolong teas and black teas do. Ginger green tea is simply an amalgamation of green tea and dried ginger; there are many ways you can make this tea.Someteamakersblenddriedtealeaveswithfineor coarsepiecesofdrygingertocreateagingergreentea blend.
LearningGreen Tea and Ginger Benefits! Greenteaandgingerhavebeenusedforcenturiesin eastern medicine for their health benefits. Green tea generally aids with digestion, regulates body temperature, and relieves nausea, pain, and inflammation.
DOESGINGERTEAHAVE CAFFEINE? Whilecaffeinatedbeveragesarethego-tochoiceforaquickpick-me-up, many people prefer to avoid caffeine. Even though tea's caffeine content is considerably less than coffee's, it is essential to understand how ginger greenteastandsonthisscale.
EFFECTS OF GREENTEA& GINGER Gingerisarootwithmanymedicinal properties,andithasbeenusedto treat everything from nausea to inflammation.Whenusedasa spice, ginger is generally safe to consume,thoughitmaycausemild sideeffectslikeabdominal discomfort, heartburn, diarrhea, or gas. However, when added to green tea, ginger can help to improve digestion, boost immunity and reduceinflammation.
GREEN TEA AND GINGERBENEFITSIN RELIEVINGPAIN Anyone who has ever experienced pain knows that pain can interfere with every aspectofyourlife,whetheritisasharp twinge or a dull ache. For centuries, people have turned to ginger tea for its naturalabilitytosootheachesandpains. Due to the anti-inflammatory characteristics of ginger tea, it can heal differentkindsofpains.Theteacanease everything from headaches and arthritis to menstrual cramps and stomach aches,makingitapopularfirstchoicefor remediesagainstpain.
GREEN TEA AND GINGER BENEFITSINRELIEVINGPAIN Anyone who has ever experienced pain knows that pain can interfere with every aspect of your life, whether it is a sharp twinge or a dull ache. For centuries, people haveturnedtogingerteaforitsnaturalabilitytosootheachesandpains.Duetothe anti-inflammatorycharacteristicsofgingertea,itcanhealdifferentkindsofpains.
CONTACTUS Website: www.teajtea.com PhoneNumber: (253)293-5323 Location: Renton,WA98058,USA Mail: support@teajtea.com