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Team Coach is all you the business owner , taking an outside perspective on your business.
ARE YOU LOOking fOR An affordable wAY tO succeed in YOUR bUsinEss? TEA M COACH LEt mE shOw YOU hOw... bUsinEss mEntOR roger simister i am passionate about helping business owners transform their business potential into awesome results. if you own a small to medium business - working with tEAm COACh will help you overcome roadblocks you encounter along the way. i offer affordable and experienced guidance, support and encouragement. “The way To geT sTarTed is To quiT Talking and begin doing”.walT disney LIMITED O FFER get Your 1st montH free (conditions apply) Here’s How i can Help: • Gain control of your business • Clarify your business vision and develop a winning strategy • Improve performance through enhanced team engagement • Drive accountability • Work less hours - but increase your profit • Assist in meeting short, medium and long term goals • Help implement and manage team performance appraisals TEA M COACH take tHe first step - contact me now: m. 0274 493 293 e. rogersimister@me.com w. www.teamcoach.co.nz
WHy DO yOU need A bUsinEss COACh? accountabilitY A business coach is like a personal trainer . being accountable to your coach helps you set and achieve realistic goals. outside perspectiVe working in the business - not on it - can often give a business owner a distorted view of how their business is performing. A Coach can bring an outside perspective - a ‘helicopterview’, helping the owner gain a clearer understanding of their business operation and in-turn setting them on the right course. LIMITED O FFER get Your 1st montH free (conditions apply) mentor A business coach is a trusted and wise friend that asks the tough questions and provides the right answers. Let me be on your team - the main objective is to help you succeed! eXperience No - I don’t have a masters degree - but I do have an extensive range of benefits and skills gained from 35 years real business experience. i can help in many areas of business development, strategy and marketing. TEA M COACH take tHe first step - contact me now: m. 0274 493 293 e. rogersimister@me.com w. www.teamcoach.co.nz