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Jigsaw Coaching: Coach training notes.
Jigsaw Coaching:Coach training notes • Welcome Coach. Here are your jigsaw coaching notes to guide you through outlining the principles and framework of having a coach for building a successful Kleeneze business. This isn’t just important from your new distributors point of view but also for you, this system will show you who is moving forward. • Each coaching session should be no longer than 15 minutes. • Book the date & time for their next session at the end of each session. • CONFIRM!, when and what you’ll cover in the next session • 1. GOALS (Their reason why) Find out what they joined for. If the goal is big (something not achievable in 4 weeks) Break it down to a 1st month target (Min 10%) If they aren’t sure use the Goal setting exercise on the rdream.co.uk Remember people don’t join Kleeneze to make you wealthy.
2. RETAIL STORY Plan their drops on or before sign up. Reassure them that this is just a starting block, plans should be reviewed and changed accordingly. Explain the process of: • Explain the importance of hitting 10% and getting a cheque to show people. • 3. CONTACT WARM MARKET Plant the seed! This is one of the most important parts of building a successful network marketing business. 37% of networks are built from contact list/warm market. Tell Rob Forster’s story to help them to understand the speed that this business can be created with enthusiasm and excitement alone, “Gold in 6 weeks (£1000+) Bronze Exec in 3 months (£2000+)” • Go through these approaches, if they reject one move onto the next. • Approach 1. - Call for a 15min presentation with you (Excitement is KEY). Explain all they need to say is “Hi Tom I've started this new business when can I pop round to show you what it’s about? You may know someone who’d be interested”
Approach 2. - Cover letter & Info pack. Send them the cover letter from the website with their details on. • Approach 3. - Text chrisnsara.com asking them to have a look to see if they know anyone that would be interested. Email DVD link & testimonials • The FEAR factors: “What if they ask questions!” • “What if they mock me!” • “What might my sponsor say!” • The best way to eliminate these fears is to tackle them before they come up, explain what they should expect and what you would say if you spoke with one of their friends about the business. • Send Rob Forster – Follow up training & Abigail Colclough CD’s • 4. WEBSITE, AUTO RESPONDER & CONTACT MANAGER The benefits of having a website! 70% of all our leads come through our website. Getting them a website will also get them into advertising from the start. Using a contact manager makes it easier to keep prospects updated with information, also you never lose any details.
5. VOICEMAIL‘Check daily’ – Install this habit from the beginning, this is important because messages can mount up. Explain they will get up to date company information, tips and ideas of how to run a successful Kleeneze business. ‘Penny drop’ moments usually happen when no-one else is around! It’s FREE for the 1st three months, this is the learning period where they will have the most anxiety and the least confidence. • Setup their box before the call • This eliminates errors and any time delay. Point them to the quick start guide on the Kleeneze DSA website. Get them to send you a message and also reply to a message from you. • 6. CAR STICKER‘Pay for once, work for ever’ Window stickers from £7 to full car £45. Colours and wording ideas on the Rdream.co.uk website. Ways to maximise your sticker – Parking at busy junctions, park as close to the entrance of car parks (e.g. The 1st bay into the car park at your local supermarket)
7. 1500 PIECES OF ACTIVITY PER WEEK‘Reassurance’ once you break this task down for them it doesn’t sound as difficult. Let them know it’s not going to take days out their life. Give examples starting with the amount of catalogues going out (E.g. 200*2 wk plan = 400 cards or flyers) 10 mins at Asda when your shopping = 100 cards on cars, zipping home you stop to pickup bread & milk place a shop ad in the window = 3 per week, filling the cars with petrol place a hot pocket on the pump = 5 per week & place an ad on the notice board and 6 cards on the counter. The ideas are endless all the way to putting staked posters up on car boot days. • POCKETS OF TIME – Send them Tracey Payne’s CD • Make an appointment for an activity hour with them. If you can get other team along the better • 8. 3ft RULE 5 PER WEEK Explain the simplicity, people we meet everyday. E.g. The checkout clerk at the supermarket, the postman, milkman, window cleaner, parcel delivery driver. Remind them of the ‘Memory Jogger’ • Ask them to get a pen & paper to write this simple script as you say it; • “Could I give you my card, you may know someone who’d be interested. Thank you, have a great day!”
Make sure to explain they should use the script at the End of their transaction or conversation. Also that “Thank you, have a great day!” is important for impact. You want to leave a warm approachable impression. • Let them have a practice on you and ask them to call you when they’ve done the 1st one. Leave them with 100 business cards • 9. 1 SIGN UP A WEEKIf you were to start a job in a car show room and the company standard was 5 cars a week you would aspire to at least achieve that target. Just like the standard weekly order value is £250, the company offer the incentive by awarding free delivery of all orders over this amount. The incentive for 1Sign up a week is simply the huge business and income you’d create. • Send Rob explaining the Circles & Company career plan • 10. MEETING & TRAINING • Explain what happens at the types of meetings available; • Opportunity Presentation – An opportunity to see the business presentation, bring guests, learn how to show the business opportunity to others in 3 simple steps, network with other likeminded people
Coaching Workshop – A group coaching session covering the 3 core skills (Retail, Sponsor, Coach), the opportunity to network with like minded people. • Success Seminar – Learn the simple duplicatable system pioneered by Rob Forster, learn the stories of some many successful people, meet & get your photo taken with everyone on the yellow information leaflet (Priceless proof for your presenter) Meet Rob Forster have the chance to ask questions and rub shoulders with one of the most respected people in Kleeneze history. • These meetings & trainings are to increase belief & understanding of the business. Attending meetings also helps people feel part of a team and not alone. We recommend people wanting £1000+ in their 1st year to attend at least:1 Opp PresentationCoaching WorkshopSuccess Seminar every month • Give them the dates for the next meetings, arrange transport. • “It’s only 2 days out of 28” • “1 ½ hours on a Wednesday evening and 1 Sunday a month” • “It’s the backbone of our business”
11. BOOKS & CD’sAs with any profession, everyone needs to learn & understand the industry they’re in • ‘Study them’ Ask the question “Would you expect a doctor to do open heart surgery on their 1st day? Their 1st year for that matter!”This business is no different. • Post 3 CD’s from the list • Ask if they could be 100% more successful next year would they spend 1 hour every day to bettering their understanding of vital skills for fast progression? Explain – reading 10 pages of a development book every day, that 3650 pages a year, 15-20 books. The average person spends 40 mins in the car everyday, why not turn this time useful by listening to 15 mins of a development CD, we get 2 in the price of the Success Seminar pre booked tickets. • If they don’t drive. The average person watches 5 hrs of TV a day, just spending 1 hr of that time listening to a CD or reading one of the books will give you a massive edge. • 12. CONFERENCE CALLGavin Scott hosts a call once a month with one of the top earners in the company. Explain who Gavin is and where he is in the company in relation to us, give them his email address gavin.scott@virgin.net if they email with the following line • “Hi Gavin, Please add me to your group send out loop”
They will receive an email reminder of the conference date & phone number to call in on, a little background on the guest. • Send any of the live conference call CD’s • Don’t be a boss with your team. Give them the best start to financial independence they deserve & share all the above information until they succeed. • YOU SHOULD COACH YOUR PSG & HELP THEM TO COACH THEIR PSG • ** DUPLICATION ** • Please give feedback when ever possible. If you have an issue big or small contact your up line immediately, you can also text or email Chris & Sara. We only know when we’re getting things right if the team tells us. We won’t be offended if you think something could be better. • We wish you all the very best in your business. Continue to repeat this worksheet over the next 3 periods to build on their foundations and show how to coach a team. • Chris & Sara • mail@chrisnsara.com • 07723993514 / 07898275130