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Production of rubber bitumen by blending of bitumen with crumb rubber from crumb tires is not just a waste treating method, but a possible solution for improving the durability of asphalt pavements compared to roads made of conventional bitumen. The following advantages are usually emphasised improved durability, longer life time, lower life cycle maintenance cost, increased permanent deformation resistance, traffic noise reduction effect. MOL together with University of Pannonia developed a new, patented production method HU226481 , which is capable to produce chemically stabilised rubber bitumen CSRB . Asphalt tests have proved that the performance of CSRB is comparable to high quality polymer modified bitumen. Experience attracts attention to the fact that appearance of a binder of such quality is required in the future since it significantly supports sustainability and quality of road network. In 2010 MOL won a HuF 128 million research grant, partly supported by the EU and Hun gary. Main parts of the supported project are u00e2u20acu00a2 Implementation of new technology in Zala Refinery prototype plant u00e2u20acu00a2 RandD work for finalisation of technology u00e2u20acu00a2 Test road construction and evaluation of the road quality u00e2u20acu00a2 Marketing support of product sales. Solid waste management has gained a lot of attention to the research community now a days. Out of the various solid waste, accumulated waste tires, has become a problem of interest because of its non biodegradable nature. Road network is important to the economic development, social integration and trade of a country. Inadequate transportation facilities could have an effect on socio economic and cultural development of a country. Stone Matrix Asphalt having good stability, strength and maintenance of the smooth surface of the road and other structures. Stone Matrix Asphalt mix is prepared by blending of course and fine aggregates. Study on road in india indicated increased the volume of traffic as a result huge development of road is required. The SMA mixture is used to restrain the distresses and provide better durability in the bituminous pavements. Aggregate gradation was taken as per MORTH specification for SMA mix. Study resulted that optimum bitumen content for samples prepared by mix of 5 crumb rubber Tyre waste . Mixing of crumb rubber with 5 waste in SMA mix was observed cost effective and economical. Here maximum stability obtained is 13.86 Kn This value as compared to other fibers is a little higher. Study of test result resulted higher stability, strength and durability of roads. Shubham Thakur | Prof. Sandeep K Shrivastava "An Experimental Study on Bituminous Mix Design using Different Percentage of Crumb Rubber to Improve the Strength of Pavement" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5 , August 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd33082.pdf Paper Url :https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/civil-engineering/33082/an-experimental-study-on-bituminous-mix-design-using-different-percentage-of-crumb-rubber-to-improve-the-strength-of-pavement/shubham-thakur<br>
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 4 Issue 4, June 2020 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470 Design and Fabrication of IoT Enabled Wheelchair cum Stretcher with Home Automation and Patient Monitoring System Dr. G. Kavya1, Janani R2, Keerthana T R S2, Reena Joseline A2 1Professor, 2UG Scholar, 1,2Department of ECE, S. A. Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India ABSTRACT The proposed project was aimed at designing and fabricating a wheelchair cum stretcher that can overcome the shortcomings of a conventional wheelchair, with focus on cost effectiveness and utility. This project will eliminate the use of a separate wheelchair and stretcher in hospitals. The proposed idea describes the wheelchair, which can transform itself into a semi- chair and stretcher and the mobility of the wheelchair positions are made with the help of knob without any assistance. In addition to it, the proposed project has the IoT enabled home automation to control the household devices and patient monitoring system for regularly monitoring the health of patients at home. KEYWORDS: Hospital, Motor, Patient, Stretcher, Wheelchair, Worm gear Abbriviations – DC, Direct current; Wi-Fi, Wireless fidelity; NodeMCU, Node MicroController Unit; MB, Megabyte; KB, Kilobyte. How to cite this paper: Dr. G. Kavya | Janani R | Keerthana T R S | Reena Joseline A "Design and Fabrication of IoT Enabled Wheelchair cum Stretcher with Home Automation and Patient Monitoring System" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- 6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4, June 2020, pp.1040-1043, www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd31324.pdf Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0) IJTSRD31324 URL: BY 4.0) I. In India the number of disabled populations had a tremendous augment in the past few years. According to the survey conducted by government of India, it has been calculated that 6,105,477 of the total population of 1,028,610,328 people [1] are disabled with movement impairment which account for about 0.6% of the total. Enormous amount of people has congenital disabilities, another few percentage are the victim of accidents and various kind of mobility devices are inevitable part of their life. [1] The problem of transferring patients exists from ancient times. In hospitals, for the treatment of patients they have to be shifted from wheelchair to stretcher, stretcher to bed, and bed to wheel chair and vice versa which creates unsafe conditions for patients. Another major problem is that it causes unsafe conditions not only to the patients but also to the people who help them. Though we have evolved in the field of healthcare and technology we are not yet able to address the problem efficiently. Studies also showed that more than 40% of the helpers who helped physically challenged people for transferring them for treatment are suffering from problems like Disc herniation, IT Band Syndrome, Achilles tendonitis; SLAP tear which even risks the life of few people INTRODUCTION In addition to this the growing old age population coupled with various ailments, increases the requirement for these movement assisted devices. Besides these the problems faced by various bed ridden patients while resting on these devices may lead to various disease conditions such as pressure ulcer or otherwise known as decubitus ulcer in medical field [2]. Studies have also shown that prolonged sitting in a wheelchair can cause lower body swelling, venous pressure, abnormal spinal curvature as well as in vital organ damage. II. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT The Wheel chair cum stretcher with patient monitoring and home automation has been proposed mainly to eliminate the medical complications that are caused while transferring the patient from wheel chair to stretcher, stretcher to bed and vice versa. The proposed project has three main purposes: 1.Used for elderly and disabled people in home. 2.Used in hospitals for transferring patients. 3.Used in ambulances for the movement of the patients in a convenient manner and to send a vital detail of the patient before the patient reach the hospital. @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31324 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 1040
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 A.Used for Elderly and Disabled People in Home The wheel chair cum stretcher is developed in such a way that it can operate in three positions which will be a greatest asset to the elderly and disabled people in home. It can be operated by the patients without any assistance and it also plays a major role in monitoring their medical parameters and also used to access the home appliances independently by using patient monitoring and home automation. According to the analysis more than 50 million adults and 300,000 children have many types of arthritis. It is most common among women and occurs more frequently as people get older. [3] The severe arthritis can result inability to daily activities and make it difficult to walk. To reduce the difficulties faced by the people affected by arthritis, wheelchair with three positions is developed. The proposed project is also useful for the people affected by the diseases and disorders like 1.Guillain-Barre syndrome. 2.Non traumatic spinal cord compression. 3.Mentally disabled people. The main advantages are it will monitor the vital details of the patient for every second and the data will be collected from their respective homes and stored for the references of the doctor to analyze the health condition of the patient. B.Used in hospitals for transferring patients The developed model will play an impeccable position in hospitals hence it is used for shifting the patient from wheelchair to stretcher, stretcher to bed, bed to wheelchair and vice versawithout any assistance. The shifting process will be easier and it will provide an injury free transportation of the patients. The attenders who are helping the patient for shifting from one ward to another, i.e. those who help in the mobility of the patients are affected by some physical problems like disc herniation, IT band syndrome, Achilles tendonitis. To overcome these issues, we can use the proposed project. C.Used in ambulances for the movement of the patients in a convinient manner and to send vital details of the patients before the patient reach hospital In this, mechanical operation of the proposed project plays a major role, the people who met with an accident may get fractured or may get injured severely, when the injured person is in unconscious state, the person who is handling the injured one, don’t know where they are injured and fractured, so their handling towards the affected person may cause more injury over an affected part, it will leads to a breakage of bones. To overcome these risk factors, the proposed project is developed with three locked positions chair, semi chair and stretcher. The three positions are controlled by knob will avoid the transferring or shifting of the patient from one position to other. The advantage of the proposed project is that the patient monitoring fixed in the wheel chair will collect the vital details of the injured person and will send the collected data to the hospitals before the ambulance reaches the hospital. This will enable the doctors to analyze about the health conditions of the injured person or patient in advance, so the doctors with the help of the details obtained, they will set up all the necessary requirements for the treatment process before the patients reach the hospitals. Due to this feature, the death rates can be exponentially reduced. III. PRINCIPAL OF WORKING The proposed project consists of both hardware and software implementations. 3.1.Hardware Implementation: The basic model of the wheelchairs which are used in the Indian hospitals is the base of the proposed model. The wheelchairs can be restructured in a way that it could operate in the following three positions. ?Wheelchair Position ?Semi-chair Position ?Stretcher Position 3.1.1.Worm Gear Figure 1 shows the worm gear interfaced with DC motor is attached in the construction plays a key role in maintaining the three fixed position. The patients can control the positions of the designed wheelchair with the help of a knob fitted at their arm rest position. The speed controller with the specification 24V and 60Amps is used in the hardware to control and regulate the speed of the motor. Figure 1: Worm Gear 3.1.2.DC Motor Figure 2 shows the DC motor is used to make the prototype more cost efficient and it is interfaced with the worm gear to lift a person initially up to 60Kg weight. It can be increased by using a motor with higher torque. The specification of the DC motor is 1000rpm, 50kg Torque and 30Amps. Figure 2: DC Motor @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31324 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 1041
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 The supply to the motors is given by two 12V batteries. The mechanism works in such a way that when the knob is rotated, it automatically instructs the speed controller and the motor to change the desired positions. 3.1.3.Speed Controller Figure 3 shows the DC motor speed controller of specifications 24V and 60Amps is used to control the speed of the motor. In the proposed project requires high torque but while changing the positions from chair to semi-chair or semi-chair to stretcher, it requires slow movement. In order to vary the required positions, the speed of the motor is controlled. 3.2.2. Figure 5 shows the Home automation system is specifically designed for the wheelchair cum stretcher which will be used for the patient and also for the elderly people to operate the electronic appliances at their home without any assistance. Home Automation System Figure 5: Home Automation System The Blynk app installed in the smart phone acts as the platform to establish a connection between the home appliances and mobiles. This results in eliminating the need for asking help from other people to operate the home appliances. IV. OUTPUT 1.Wheel Chair Position Figure 3: Speed Controller 3.2.Software Implementation Node-MCU (ESP8266) microcontroller is used for both Patient monitoring and Home automations system. The specification of the Node-MCU is 128KB memory, 4MB storage and XTOS operating system. 3.2.1.Patient Monitoring System: Figure 4 shows the patient monitoring system is attached with the wheelchair which is used to update the vital parameters of the patients such as the glucose level, Blood pressure, heart rate and temperature to the doctors regularly by storing all the vital data’s in the server of the hospital. 2.Semi-Chair Position Figure 4: Patient monitoring system The sensors used in the patient monitoring system sends the vital parameters of the patients to the Node-MCU. Those parameters are finally stored in a server with the help of the inbuilt Wi-Fi module in the Node-MCU. If any problem arises with the patients’ health, the system will give an alert to the doctors. @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31324 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 1042
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 3.Stretcher Position between each neuron such that the neuron emits 0 to 50 HZ electric signal. By interpreting the signal by modulation and demodulation, the wheelchair is controlled. D.The wheelchair will move to the destination given by the patientbyusingGPStechnology, this technology is currently used in driverless cars in various countries. Conflict of Interest: The authors confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication of this paper. VII. REFERENCES [1]Dr. Ramachandra C G, Shashank S, Ragavendra M J, Kaushik Ranganath T G, “ Wheelchair cum Stretcher”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol.6 Issue 10, Oct 2017 V. In this paper, the proposed model of wheelchair cum stretcher is operated smoothly with the DC motor and the worm gear exactly fixes the required position with the use of knob in the speed controller. Thus, the proposed project is cost efficiency and the home automation and patient monitoring system works effectively in both hospitals and the home of the patients. VI. FUTURE SCOPE A.The Solar panel roof can be used as alternative power source and also it can be a protective layer from rain and sun. B.The wheelchair movement is controlled by combination of head and voice control system. C.The wheelchair is controlled by electric signal coming from brain, there is a certain potential difference CONCLUSION [2]Akhil Sivadas, Christy Joseph Jacob, Ebin Philip, “ An Evaluation of Wheel Chair Cum Bed Mechanism with side panel movement for bed”, Vol 2, Issue 11, Apr 2016 [3]“Aging”, Natural Solutions, no.196, Inno Vision Health Media.Inc.,Aug 2017,p.10 [4]Po Er Hsu ,Yeh Liang Hsu ,Jun Ming Lu1 And Cheng-Hao Chang, “Seat Adjustment Design Of An Intelligent Robotic Wheelchair Based On The Stewart Platform” Regular Paper, Geron technology Research Center ,Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan,(2013) [5]Sreerag C S, Gopinath C, ManasRanjan Mishra “Design and Development of conceptual Wheelchair cum Stretcher” SAS Tech, (2011), pp. 78-86 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31324 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 1043