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Simulated Traffic on Turfgrass Topdressed with Crumb Rubber. 指導老師:王裕文 老師 報告人 :廖朝廷. John N. Rogers III, J. Timothy Vanini, and James R. Crum Agron. J. 90:215-221(1998). Topdressing : 在已建立或新建立的草坪上舖一層薄薄的沙 或其他物質以改善草坪草的生長環境.. 效益: (Beard , 1973 ) 控制枯草層 產生平整的表面 改善表層土質 提供冬季的保護.
Simulated Traffic on Turfgrass Topdressed with Crumb Rubber 指導老師:王裕文 老師 報告人 :廖朝廷 John N. Rogers III, J. Timothy Vanini, and James R. Crum Agron. J. 90:215-221(1998)
Topdressing: 在已建立或新建立的草坪上舖一層薄薄的沙 或其他物質以改善草坪草的生長環境. • 效益:(Beard,1973 ) • 控制枯草層 • 產生平整的表面 • 改善表層土質 • 提供冬季的保護
Fig. 3. Electron microscope scan of sand-sized soil particles at 9400Xmagnification.
Fig. 4. Electron microscope scan of sand-sized crum rubber particles at 9400Xmagnification.
試驗材料與方法: 1.試驗方法: 2.試驗草種: 3.栽培管理:
試驗方法: 採用逢機完全區集設計(RCBD) 變因 1.橡膠屑覆蓋比率(使用量): 0.0,17.1,34.2,44.1 and 88.2 t/ha 2.橡膠屑粒徑: 粗橡膠屑:粒徑為6.0-2.0 mm 細橡膠屑:粒徑為2.0-0.25mm
Particle size distribution, by weight Topdressing Size class Soil Large Small ------------------------%------------------------- Gravel (>2 mm) 0.9 93.3 16.6 Very coarse(1–2 mm) 8.8 3.7 39.4 Coarse (1.0–0.50 mm) 44.3 1.5 17.5 Medium (0.50–0.25 mm) 39.6 1.3 22.4 Fine (0.25–0.10 mm) 5.8 0.2 3.8 Very fine (0.10–0.05 mm) 0.6 0.0 0.3 Table 1. Particle size distribution of the soil rootzone mix and of large (2–6 mm)and small (2.0–0.05 mm) crumb rubber topdressing at East Lansing, MI. 79.3
試驗草種: 草種: 1-yr-old Kentucky bluegrass-perennial ryegrass (Poa pratensis L.-Loliumperenne L.)
栽培管理: • Topdressing (覆蓋):於1993年七月29日,九月11日,及十月5日進行. • 割草:每星期割三次,割草高度為38mm. • 試驗期間給予適當的灌溉及充分的肥份. • Simulated traffic:
Simulated traffic: 使用Brinkman traffic simulator來模擬踐踏: 其為重336公斤的機器,具兩個很重具有釘子且可以不同的速度前進的滾輪,可對草地同時進行密實及撕裂的效用;踐踏在1993年八月26日到十一月14日及1994年九月5日到十一月15日進行,期間每個星期分兩次進行8-10次的踐踏,總共進行96次.
結果: 評估 1.peak deceleration(Gmax) time to peak deceleration(Tp) impact duration(Tt) 2.Ball bounce 3.Shear resistance 4.Clipping yield 5.Turf cover 6.其他
1.peak deceleration(Gmax),time to peak deceleration(Tp),impact duration(Tt) Gmax: 表示土壤表面硬度,Gmax值愈大,表示該表面愈硬 ,使用單位為 重力加速度(g);在水泥地上Gmax為1280g ,而地上舖一層毛毯則為260g .
Clegg impact soil tester: 用於土壤密實度測驗,利用hammer 由固定高度(本實驗為0.46m)墜落可得到Impact value (IV), 測得三組IV值後再求其平均,這個實驗所使用的hammer為2.25kg.
Table 2.1 Mean squares for treatment effects of crumb rubber topdressing on peak deceleration (Gmax), in a trafficked Kentucky bluegrass–perennial ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI. *,** Significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels,respectively.
Table 3. Effects of crumb rubber particle size and topdressing rate on peak deceleration (Gmax) on a trafficked Kentucky bluegrass–perennial ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI. * Significant at the 0.05 probability level. † On 20 Sept. 1993, crumb rubber rates were 0.67 times the listed rate.
Table 2.2 Mean squares for treatment effects of crumb rubber topdressing on time to peak deceleration (Tp),and impact duration (Tt) in a trafficked Kentucky bluegrass–perennia ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI. *,** Significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively.
Table4. Time to peak deceleration (Tp) and impact duration (Tt) as affected by crumb rubber topdressing rate and large (2–6 mm) or small (2.0–0.05 mm) particle size in a Kentucky bluegrass–perennial ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI (1994). * Significant at the 0.05 probability level.
2.Ball bounce: 彈性測試是將球由3公尺高擲下,測試球由3公尺丟下後彈起高度的百分比,使用的足球為1990年FIFA足球.
Table 5.2 Mean squares for treatment effects on ball bounce (% rebound) in a trafficked Kentucky bluegrass–perennial ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI. *,** Significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively.
Table6.1 Ball bounce as affected by crumb rubber topdressing rate and large (2–6 mm) or small (2.0–0.05 mm)particle size in a Kentucky bluegrass–perennial ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI. * Significant at the 0.05 probability level.
Table 5.1 Mean squares for treatment effects on shear resistance (Nm) in a trafficked Kentucky bluegrass–perennial ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI. *,** Significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively.
Table6.2 Sheer resistance as affected by crumb rubber topdressing rate and large (2–6 mm) or small (2.0–0.05 mm)particle size in a Kentucky bluegrass–perennial ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI. * Significant at the 0.05 probability level. † On 20 Sept. 1993, crumb rubber rates were 0.67 times the listed rate.
Table 5.3 Mean squares for treatment effects on clipping yield (g m -2 ) in a trafficked Kentucky bluegrass–perennial ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI. *,** Significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively.
Table 7.1 Clipping yield estimates as affected by crumb rubber topdressing rate and large (2–6 mm) or small (2.0–0.05mm) particle size in a Kentucky bluegrass–perennial ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI. † On 2 Oct. 1993, crumb rubber rates were 0.67 times listed rates.
Table 5.4 Mean squares for treatment effects on turf cover(%) in a trafficked Kentucky bluegrass–perennial ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI. *,** Significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively.
Table 7. Turf cover estimates as affected by crumb rubber topdressing rate and large (2–6 mm) or small (2.0–0.05mm) particle size in a Kentucky bluegrass–perennial ryegrass stand at East Lansing, MI. † On 2 Oct. 1993, crumb rubber rates were 0.67 times listed rates.
6.其他: a.土壤溫度 b.營養分析
結論 • 橡膠屑的使用對草坪的物理性質,利用價值,以及草坪草本身的生長均有增進的效果. • 舖橡膠屑的比率以44.1 及88.2 t/ha 的效果最為明顯. • 使用細橡膠屑在短期間的效果較粗橡膠屑為大.