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Implemented by a consortium in collaboration with regional energy efficiency stakeholders, this project aims to establish a regional center of excellence and develop harmonized energy efficiency policies in the SADC region. The project is funded by the European Union.
A project implemented by in Consortium with REGIONAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY STAKEHOLDERS WORKSHOP COMESA/SADC– Presentation by Wolfgang Moser Energy Efficiency Workshop: SADC - COMESA Namibia, 11- 12 November 2015 This project is funded by the European Union
Governance / Mandate / Collaborations • The Southern African Development Community SADC has been mandated through the Energy Protocol of 1996 to lay the policy foundation on energy, including improved energy efficiency. • The SADC Directorate for Infrastructure and Services in Gaborone/BOTSWANA includes the Energy Division which also deals with Energy Efficiency. • Three specialized SADC institutions, SAPP, RERA and SACREEE are linked to the SADC Energy Division. • The International Cooperating Partners meet twice a year to discuss matters on RE/EE and on general energy issues in the frame of the SADC Energy Thematic Group.
Strategies / Programs / Activities • SADC secretariat in 2012 requested International Cooperating Partners Austria and UNIDO for TA to design dedicated regional body to deal with EE/RE; • SADC Energy Ministers approved SACREEE to be hosted by NAM in July 2015; • The Project Document of SACREEE foresees EE measures in collaboration with RERA, SAPP and other stakeholders in the following areas:
SACREEE on Energy Efficiency (examples) • Improved solar thermal systems for water heating with solar geysers (household, government, industry); make use also of solar cooling systems; • Adaptation of cleaner technology for cooking, space-heating and lighting • Improvement of energy efficient buildings (building codes) • Domestic appliances and user behavior awareness, e.g. regional appliance labeling system • Incandescent light bulb replacement with high efficiency lamps (compact fluorescent lamps CFL) • ISO 50001 certification for institutional capacity building for certification and energy management
EE Outcomes & Results • Establish a full functional Regional Centre of Excellence with NEI at Polytech in Windhoek to promote EE together with UNIDO • Develop a harmonized EE policy, regulatory and institutionalized framework in all SADC MS • Help to build the capacities of the market enablers and market players in SADC Region • Harvest and share knowledge and information on good practises to support EE investment projects/programmes • Promotion of investment in EE projects and programs
EE Future Plans SADC Energy Division has overall responsibility for • Role out with SAPP and RERA on EE • Role out with SACREEE on EE • Role out with SADC MS on EE via the National Focal Points • Role out on EE withstakeholders of privatesector, civil society orgs and academia in the 15 SADC MS • Role out with International CooperatingPartners on EE
Recommendations / Proposals for an EE Regional Coordination Approach • Learn first and study best practices of other centres of excellence and their roll-out plans on EE (see Universities in Windhoek, Stellenbosch, Cape Town, Botswana, BIUST, Montlane, Harare, etc.) • Regular meetings of SADC National Focal Points • Exchange and dissémination of information via web site and newsletters • SACREEE to be part of a Global Network of RE/EE Centres of Excellences (e.g. ECOWAS, EAC, Arab Region, Pacific, Caribean) in the context of SE4All and UNIDO Energy