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MCX emerged as the worlds third biggest exchange in terms of contract started.
third biggest exchange in terms ofcontractstraded.Global leadership contractsin energy in of gold, silver and trading MCX emerged as the world’s In2012,MCXaccountedfor8of the top 20 metals commodity contracts traded in the world .A nationwide study byTata creation of jobs and incomes (A MillionJobsandaMillionMore Source: 63 moons innovation for efficient price discovery
It provided reach andaccess to price information on across the commodities Opportunities – a joint study ofMCXandTISS) nation with India through partnership (Gramin Post SuvidhaKendra) The public listing of MCXwas the first-ever exchangelisting inIndia, whichbecameoneof the most successful issues in the Asia Pacific in midsized corporates in2012. Source: 63 moons innovation for efficient price discovery
thefirststockexchangeinthe privatesectorwithmajorityownershipof the public sector financial institutions. The development theme adopted forthe new stock exchange was “Growth and Inclusion” and a market manifesto that clearly spelt out the development objectivesandbusinessoutcomes Itis Source: 63 moons innovation for efficient price discovery
made MCX-SX reach the top of the league tablesintradingofUSD-INRcontractDeveloped special programme for promotion of rural entrepreneursandruralstart-ups. There has been an extensive focus on market educationandskilldevelopmentevenbeforethe launch of Skill India , and special thrust and focus on the development of market segments in the realm of corporate debt, SME capital marketsandretaildebtmarkets. Developed the currency derivatives tradingthat Source: 63 moons innovation for efficient price discovery