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Using the GEOS-Chem CTM to help evaluate the GlobAerosol daily merged/AATSR AOD product. Paul Palmer and Win Trivitayanurak http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/eochem.
Using the GEOS-Chem CTM to help evaluate the GlobAerosol daily merged/AATSR AOD product Paul Palmer and Win Trivitayanurak http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/eochem
Talk Outline1) Data used; Model description2) Model and observed monthly mean statistics3) Validation: Aeronet and AATS144) AOD and speciation of continental outflow regions5) Concluding remarks
For this study we use:1) daily merge files2) daily AATSR files 3) orbit AATSR files (analysis not shown)We use only data that:1) cloud fraction < 0.8 (< 0.5 over land)2) do not include sunglint3) fitting uncertainty < 10% of retrieved AOD
GEOS-Chem chemistry transport modela) 4x5o resolutionb) uses assimilated meteorology from the NASA GMAO NWP modelc) dust, anthropogenic, carbonaceous sources…d) primary and secondary organicse) sampled at 9-12 LT coinciding with satellite overpassf) sampled at individual measurement locationsData comparisonsa) generally, the model is sampled at the nearest 4x5o gridpoint to observationsb) we only consider Globaerosol measurements within 100 km from an AERONET sitec) we compare Globaerosol measurements that fall in the same 0.5x0.5ogridbox as aircraft datad) we compare median values unless otherwise stated
Globaerosol Merged Daily product GEOS-Chem January 2004 July 2004
GEOS-Chem AODs are generally smaller than Globaerosol daily merged AODs January 2004 July 2004
Globaerosol AATSR Daily product GEOS-Chem January 2004 July 2004
GEOS-Chem AODs agree slightly better with revised AATSR data (smaller bias and higher r) January 2004 July 2004
GEOS-Chem AOD budget, January 2004 Model sampled for merged daily product
GEOS-Chem AOD budget, July 2004 Model sampled for merged daily product
AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) is a network of ground-based sun photometers AERONET stations for 550 nm monthly statistics (using daily means) chosen based on AeroCom assessment
GEOS-Chem (--) Aeronet (o) Abracos Hill (S. America): Aug-Nov BB Globaerosol (o): SO4, BC, OC, SS, DD GEOS-Chem: SO4, BC, OC, SS_A, SS_C, DD AOD Anmyon (E. Asia): Spring dust DOY
GEOS-Chem (--) Aeronet (o) Cape Verde: Dust off N. Africa Globaerosol (o): SO4, BC, OC, SS, DD GEOS-Chem: SO4, BC, OC, SS_A, SS_C, DD AOD GSFC: Suburban E. US DOY
AOD comparison between: (1) Globaerosol, (2) GEOS-Chem and (3) NASA Ames Airborne Tracking Sun photometer (AATS) during Summer 2004 • AATS: upward-looking instrument captures typically > 95% of the total column AOD (based on limited comparison with coincident shipborne measurements) • Provides AOD at 13 wavelengths, 354—2138 nm • Original work (Russell, et al, JGR, 2007) compared values with MODIS and MISR • Globaerosol comparison possible with only 5 (out of 15 flights)
Daily GEOS-Chem fields sampled for all AATS14 measurement locations AATS14 AOD GEOS-Chem AOD
Globaerosol comparison with AATS14 Globaerosol: SO4, BC, OC, SS, DD AATS14 AOD GEOS-Chem (black)/Globaerosol (color = aerosol type) AOD
Model and observed AOD variations in major continental outflow regions (merged product) DOY
Model and observed AOD variations in major continental outflow regions (merged product) DOY
Using the revised AATSR product does not improve model agreement but highlights problems with speciation AATSR DOY Merged DOY
Orbit AATSR data: Alternative AOD retrievals based on other aerosol types do not improve agreement with the model.
Concluding remarks Globaerosol AOD retrievals (even after improved cloud screening): 1) are generally higher than the model and in situ data2) have little skill in reproducing continental in situ data (AERONET) in contrast to the coarse-scale CTM3) qualitatively agree better with the model AODs over the ocean downwind of continental outflow4)should be better informed regarding aerosol type (although alternative retrievals do not dramatically improve agreement with the CTM)