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Omar berrayah. LICEO SCIENTIFICO “T. TARAMELLI” PAVIA 10th June, 2011 Omar Berrayah. Drama :. the origins of drama Medioeval drama Mystrery , miracle and morality plays The elizabethan drama. The origins of drama :.
Omar berrayah LICEO SCIENTIFICO “T. TARAMELLI” PAVIA10th June, 2011 Omar Berrayah
Drama : the origins of drama Medioevaldrama Mystrery, miracle and moralityplays The elizabethandrama
The origins of drama: Drama wasborn in the ancientGreece with choral performances going back to 534 B.C, and developedfurther in Roman time. Two Roman playwrightswhoinfluencedrenaissancetheatre in Englandwere Seneca and Plauto
MedioevalDrama • Drama devoloped from liturgy.plays, based on biblicalstories.thelives of saints, the verginmary and the life of christ, wereknownas mistery and miracleplace.thetwereperformedoutsidechurches • Miracle,Mistery, and Moralityplaysgenerictermsgiven to the English dramas of medievaltimes. Suchplayshadconsiderableinfluence on the work of the great English dramatists of 1500s and 1600s. Theygained a formalizedstructure and reached the height of theirpopularity in the 15th and 16th centuries. Eachplayswereacted by members of one of the tradeguilds of the town.
Moralityplays • Morality Plays dealt with allegorical tales teaching a moral lesson .The characters were personification of virtues and vices and were acted by professional players • It was designed to instruct audiences in Christian way of life and the Christian attitude toward death
Elizebethan Drama • In the sixteenthcenturydramabecamepopular and varied. In the Elizabethanagetherewerethreemaintypes of theatre : the public playhouse, performances in private residences and the court theatre. DuringShakespeare’s time, therewereatleastninetheatres in london • The mostimportanttheatreswere :
Elizabethantheatre • The Elizabhthan theatre was a sort of yard enclosed by three storeys of galleries.There was little scenery. People stood or sat on the sides of the stage. It didn’t contain curtain. Boys played female roles.