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Changing the Learning Landscape Mini-Project. Digital Literacies Workshop. Student Enhanced Academic Development (SEAD) Team CHERP, Kingston University. Setting the Scene. > BOOT. By Lars Kristian Flem CC BY-NC 2.0 http://www.flickr.com/photos/larskflem/3753561504/
Changing the Learning Landscape Mini-Project Digital LiteraciesWorkshop Student Enhanced Academic Development (SEAD) Team CHERP, Kingston University
> BOOT By Lars KristianFlem CC BY-NC 2.0 http://www.flickr.com/photos/larskflem/3753561504/ By Stan DaloneCC BY 2.0 http://www.flickr.com/photos/miran/8222627736/ By Mr Ush CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 http://www.flickr.com/photos/ush/2943196220/
Archie Gopher Mosaic CAL Hypercard Developed by Ed Parsons http://www.esri.com/news/arcnews/winter0910articles/kingston-university.html
KU Learning Technologies Timeline Facebook Personal Technologies Twitter ELGG One Community Social Media Second Life KU Island & CISM Island Video IM WebCT Pilot 1999-2000 MediaWiki Wiki Web 2.0 Bb Content System Learning Objects Inc. PeerMark Wiki RSS Blog podcast Qmark Perception Bb9.1 GradeMark Blackboard SMS Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Streaming Media server Blogs.kingston Flexibility Collaborate Video / audio conferencing &Voice tools Integration/ Blended Learning Electronic Voting Systems Own pace Bolt on Mobile classroom Tech Physical / Virtual Lotus Learningspace Moodle TEL Mobile Bb Desire2Learn Starboards Sakai Canvas 2001 2012
Personal Technologies High end Desktop PC C. 2001 1.4Ghz Smartphone C. 2014 2.5Ghz x 4 cores Map Data @2013 Google Exploring In Situ with Layar, CC BY 2.0 by Mosman Council, http://www.flickr.com/photos/mosmancouncil/6305106355/
Networking Bookmarking Mapping Live Blogging Blogs Wikis Social Micro-Blogging Instant Messaging Profile Page QR Codes Like Dislike Rate Live Video Stream Presentation Document Photo Video Sharing MP3 Player Crowd Sourcing Podcasting Smartphone eBook Reader Self Destruct Messaging Augmented Reality MMORPG Mash-ups Tablet image: CC BY-NC 2.0 by Wired Photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/wiredphotostream/ Location Aware
Definitions “By digital literacy we mean those capabilities which fit an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society. For example, the use of digital tools to undertake academic research, writing and critical thinking; digital professionalism; the use of specialist digital tools and data sets; communicating ideas effectively in a range of media; producing, sharing and critically evaluating information; collaborating in virtual networks; using digital technologies to support reflection and PDP; managing digital reputation and showcasing achievements” JISC, 2011
For Study, Skills for Lifelong and ‘Wide long’ Learning “Not only are work places making extensive use of networked technology, they are beginning to model themselves on such technologies, becoming distributed, dynamic & highly mediated environments” “Full political and social participation in society requires digital skills” “valued knowledge is predominantly delivered in digital forms” Littlejohn et. al. 2012 “Online networking has been positively linked to building and reinforcing social capital. In turn better connected people are thought to enjoy an advantage in career management” Benson et. al. 2013 “..digital literacy is process based, and is a way of thinking about technologies and their relationships to individual and social practices” Hall et. al. 2014
Digital Natives? Digital natives by Thomas Angermann CC BY-SA 2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/angermann/3629090827/lightbox/
“The world they encounter in higher education has been constructed on a wholly different set of norms. Characterised broadly, it is hierarchical, substantially introvert, guarded, careful, precise and measured. The two worlds are currently co-existing, with present-day students effectively occupying a position on the cusp of change. They aren’t demanding different approaches; rather they are making such adaptations as are necessary for the time it takes to gain their qualifications. Effectively, they are managing a disjuncture, and the situation is feeding the natural inertia of any established system. It is, however, unlikely to be sustainable in the long term.” JISC 2009 Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World Learning Informal Formal Learning Social Graben image: CC BY-NC 2.0 by Gunnar Ries Zwo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/44949218@N02/
“Digital skillsets of students ….. highly influenced by lecturer methods” Hinrichsen& Coombs, 2013 “Our study found no evidence to support previous claims suggesting that current generation of students adopt radically learning styles, exhibit new forms of literacies, use technologies in sophisticated ways, or have novel expectations from higher education” Margaryan et. al. 2011 Image: Questioning the lecturer by State Library of Victoria Collections CC BY-NC 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/dRm6T5
Making Assumptions about Students • Extremely confident about Internet use while lacking any sophisticated evaluative & critical capabilities. • Often have no idea how to use their tech to support their learning • Some high achievers making active choices not to use ICT • Tutor guidance remains critical Littlejohn et. al. 2012
“Highly confident users of digital technologies may struggle to transfer those skills to their study” JISC Responding to Learners Guide 2
Visitors & Residentshttp://youtu.be/sPOG3iThmRI “When in Visitor mode, individuals have a defined goal or task and select an appropriate online tool to meet their needs. There is very little in terms of social visibility or trace when online in Visitor mode”. “When in Resident mode the individual is going online to connect to, or to be with, other people. This mode is about social presence”. JISC Infokit “Evaluating digital services: A Visitors and Residents approach” White, D. & Le Cornu, A, 2011
Example Visitor & Resident Maps JISC InfoNetInfoKit ‘Evaluating digital services: a Visitors and Residents approach’ http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/evaluating-services/mapping-process/example-maps/
In 2014 is it possible to remain just a ‘Visitor’? • Google Plus / Android / Yahoo etc? • Netflix / Amazon Prime • Windows 8 • Site registration through Facebook • Apps with built in sharing capability
Our Future Students in 2012 Ofcom’s ‘Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes’ Report (2012) for children aged 12-15: • 95% have access to the Internet at home • 80% use social networks • An average of 286 friends • 26% have Twitter accounts • 62% own a smartphone (up 21% in a year) • 52% say that of all regularly-used media, they would miss using their mobile phone the most
2013 Since 2012: • decrease in the number of children with social networking profiles (12-15 down 13% to 68%) • greater diversity in the types of social networking sites being used (24% 12-15 Twitter, Girls x3 account on Tumblr • use of a tablet computer at home has tripled among 5-15s since 2012 (now at 42%) • Children mostly accessing the internet via a laptop/ netbook/PC has decreased Ofcom Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes Report, 2013
Adults 98% 16-34 online (83% for all adults) 42% 65+ (9% up since 2012) 62% adults use a smart phone Tablet use up x3 since 2012 for 65-74 66% all online adults have a social network profile. 42% of adults play online games Ofcom Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes Report 2014
Identity & Personal Information 16-24 year olds are more likely to: • make their privacy settings on Facebook more private • block friends • delete photos that they have posted • give out inaccurate or false information online to protect their personal identity • more likely to say they are happy to provide personal information online to companies as long as they get what they want in return Ofcom Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes Report 2014
Cramlington Learning Village, Northumberland “Cramlington’s approach to digital literacy is centred on the concept of a learner led classroom and an enquiry-based curriculum. The school’s curriculum emphasises the ‘5 Rs’, believing that successful learners are reflective, responsible, resourceful, reasoning and resilient. This means that the school is committed to enabling students to use technology and media to research and resource, to create, to experiment and explore, to transform and translate, to communicate and collaborate and to review and reflect” Holy Trinity Rosehill (VA) C.E. Primary School, Stockton “Twitter is used by the children to reflect on their learning, to practice their functional and spelling skills and to think about effective digital communication in an authentic context” Digital Participation Strand 1: Final report, Futurelab http://www.futurelab.org.uk/sites/default/files/Digital_participation_strand_1_final_report.pdf “I think it's important to embrace social media as it is the primary way that young people communicate, alongside text messaging and instant messaging”. Matt Britland, Kingston Grammar School, The Guardian 2012
scaffolding Self paced critical reading Self testing simulation Extended access and choice Exploration and inquiry OER flexible (time & space) Learning objects Connectivism ownership collaborating Student contribution Co-creation Communication and social interaction knowledge construction community Effective Technology Enhanced Learning mobile Replicating the real world Virtual in physical Creativity and responsiveness Audio feedback situated authentic Digital literacies Public & private “Learners can be cynical about the use of tech as a ‘crutch’ to support indifferent teaching or for ‘trendy purposes” JISC Responding to Learners Guide 3 organisation publishing Themes in bold from JISC 2009 ‘Effective Practice in a Digital Age A guide to technology-enhanced learning and teaching’
Twitter Personal & Mobile Catch AudioBoo #malta10 [latitude][longitude] [rating] text [twitpic URL] Qik Wordpress Youtube Google maps My Tracks Flickr Skype MapDroyd Mashup Wikitude Personal Learning Environments
Challenges Disengaging context and practice from the acquisition of practical skill serves to reinforce: • Competencies can be developed in isolation from each other • Developing digital literacy is about operational and not intellectual activity • Methods of enquiry and analysis embedded in application software are neutral Hinrichsen & Coombs, 2013
“increasing calls to rebalance the emphasis on manipulative and operational skill with a focus on the practices and intellectual traditions of disciplines both as meaningful sites of learning and as a reflection of a shift towards critical academic literacies” Hinrichsen & Coombs, 2013 The Field Notebook MoRSE Project 2010
Digital Skills Frameworks • Visitors and Residents • Five Resources of Critical Digital Literacy • JISC Literacies Development Framework • Kingston Schema
Resources • Evaluating digital services: a Visitors and Residents approach, JISC InfoNet- http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/evaluating-services/ • JISC InfoNet, Developing digital literacies, http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/digital-literacies/ • Benson, V., Morgan, S. & Filippaios, F. 2014 Social career management: social media and employability skills gap. Computers in Human Behavior, v30, 519-525. • Hall, R., Atkins, L & Fraser, J. 2014 Defining a self-evaluation digital literacy framework for secondary educators: the DigiLit Leicester Project. Research in Learning Technology, v22 • Hinrichsen, J. & Coombs, A. 2013 The five resources of critical digital literacy: a framework for Curriculum Integration. Research in Learning Technology, v21. • Littlejohn, A., Beetham, H. & McGill, L. 2012 Learning at the digital frontier: a review of digital literacies in theory and practice, J. Computer Assisted Learning, 28, 547-556 • Margaryan, A., Littlejohn, A. & Vojt, G. 2011 Are digital natives a myth or reality? University students’ use of digital technologies, Computers & Education, 56, 429-440. • White, D. & Le Cornu, A. 2011 Visitors and residents: a new typology for online engagement. First Monday, v16. SEAD Project, CHERP, Kingston University