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Unlock the Funding. Keys to Writing a Winning Grant Proposal. CMS Education Foundation. 3 Key Questions…. 1. What is the CMS Education Foundation? 2. What are the Grant Application Guidelines? 3. How do you complete the application?. What is the CMS Foundation?. 1.
Unlock the Funding Keys to Writing a Winning Grant Proposal CMS Education Foundation
3 Key Questions…... 1. What is the CMS Education Foundation? 2. What are the Grant Application Guidelines? 3. How do you complete the application?
What is the CMS Foundation? 1 • What is the mission of the Foundation? • What are the goals of the Foundation? • What is the Foundation? What is the relationship between the Foundation and the school district? • Who benefits from the Foundation? • What does the CMS Foundation Fund?
What is the mission of the Foundation? The Clovis Municipal Schools Foundation will provide resources to enrich teaching, inspire learning, and enhance opportunities for all students enrolled in the Clovis Municipal School District.
What are the goals of the Foundation? *Encourage all students to work to their highest potential *Support staff for innovative efforts *Recognize staff for exemplary teaching *Build community awareness of the Clovis Municipal Schools Foundation *Inspire parents and the community to participate with the school district to enrich education
What is the CMS Foundation?What is the relationship between the Foundation and the school district? • A 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, tax-exempt, philanthropic organization of citizens • Shares a vision of enhancing education in the Clovis Municipal School District • Works to increase private support for educational activities in the Clovis Municipal School District • Benefits Clovis Municipal School District students and staff by supporting activities not funded by tax dollars • Fosters creative approaches to education through private grants and involvement • Awards Foundation funds through a volunteer Board of Directors consisting of business, community, and educational leaders • Separate entities working together toward the same goals
Who benefits from the Foundation? • Students are stimulated • and imaginations are • sparked • School district is able to • enhance its quality of • education • Great school districts add • value to a community • Business revenues go up • Property values increase Community School District STUDENTS Homeowner Local Business
What does the CMS Foundation fund? • Innovative Teaching Grants • Technology • Staff Development • Economic/Special Needs of Students • Interactive Learning Experiences for Students • School/Community Partnership Programs/Projects • Student/Teacher Recognition Programs • Author/Artist in Residence Programs • Permanent Endowment Fund • Endowed Scholarship Programs for Students
Eligible Proposals Types of Grants Eligible Applicants Required Signatures Selection Criteria Selection Process What are the Grant Application Guidelines? 2
Eligible Proposals • All proposals MUST directly involve the instruction of students and MUST offer an innovative and creative approach to student achievement. • Instructional approaches or projects should be designed to begin and end during the current school year and meet the selection criteria.
Types of Grants • Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded to individual teacher initiated programs or projects. Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to campus teams, departments, and district initiated programs or projects. 2. Only one grant per school will be awarded per grant cycle. 3. The number of awards will depend on funds available from the Clovis Municipal Schools Foundation.
Eligible Applicants • Individuals or teams of individuals employed by the Clovis Municipal Schools who are involved in the instruction of students or related support services benefiting students
Required Signatures 1. Signatures by all grant applicants 2. All proposals require an approval signature from the campus principal.
Selection Criteria • Purpose: The purpose is clearly stated. • Rationale: Improves student learning (It is broadly applicable and replicable.) Directly relates to the CMS District Strategic Plan and the goals of the CMS Foundation Specifically aligns with NM Standards and Benchmarks and is supported by research • Objectives: Objectives are specifically stated and are measurable. Objectives are feasible (time, resources, etc.) • Activities: Activities/procedures are specifically stated and directly relate to the purpose and objectives. A specific budget has been included and is justified. • Evaluation: Measurable criteria are used. Measures directly relate to objectives and activities.
Selection Process • Signed applications are due to the Deputy Superintendent of Instruction who will annotate on the front of the application the date grant was received. • Applications will be reviewed and commented on by the Grant Application Review Committee made up of the following members: a. A minimum of five Foundation directors appointed by the President of the Foundation Board of Directors b. Deputy Superintendent for Instruction c. Others as determined by the Foundation Board of Directors • Grant Committee will meet in person and discuss each application. Upon review of all grant requests, the Grant Committee will select winning packages based on meeting selection criteria, quality of package, and availability of funds. • If recommended for approval, the application is presented to the Foundation Board of Directors in summary form for review and formal approval. • Applicants will be notified of the Foundation’s decisions.
How do you complete the application? 3 • Important Questions • Completing the Application -Cover Page -Abstract -Purpose -Need/Rationale -Work Plan (Objectives, Instructional Procedures, & Evaluation Procedures) -Partners in Project -Budget • Tips for writing a successful grant • Final thoughts
Completing the ApplicationImportant Questions To determine if the project is appropriate for this grant process, you must be able to answer ‘yes’ to following questions: • Is it important to learning? • Is it research-based? • Are the results measurable? • Are the objectives clear? • Does the project address the NM Standards & Benchmarks and Foundation goals? • Can it be done? • Is it practical? • Is it new for you? (If you are seeking recognition for something already completed, it is inappropriate.)
Completing the ApplicationCover Page • Title: Keep as short as possible but descriptive of the project. • Names & Signatures: All printed and signature names of applicants and principal’s signature signifying review and approval of application • School(s), Grade(s), Subject(s): List all that will benefit from the request. • Primary target population: Mark with an “X” and indicate number served. • Implementation/Ending dates: Be sure to provide dates.
Completing the Application Cultivating Curiosity Model Mania Minds in Motion Zoolapalooza Catchy Titles Beyond the Looking Glass Planet-A-Thon Scientist's Magic Hat
Completing the Application Abstract Your Project in a Nutshell! • Provide a brief statement (less than 100 words) about the project or program you wish to implement. What do you hope to achieve? How will this project enhance the education of students? • Ensure this is a stand-alone commentary that accurately and succinctly describes your request. • This paragraph is the “HOOK” for the grant reader…write it well!
Completing the Application Purpose • Tell what you hope to achieve. (e.g. what will be different or better if the project is successful) • State only what you can reasonably expect to achieve. • Keep the statement simple and straightforward. Avoid the use of educational jargon or acronyms.
Completing the ApplicationNeed/Rationale Explain the specific need(s) that this project addresses. • The problem or issue addressed • How will the project improve student learning and support the purpose? • Discuss the NM Standards & Benchmarks that will be addressed by this proposal.
Completing the Application Objectives • Limit the number of objectives. • List the main objective of your project. • List in terms of “students will…” • Objectives should be clear and measurable. • Link objectives to instructional activities and evaluation procedures. • Write SMART objectives: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results–oriented, Time-bound (or relative)
Completing the ApplicationInstructional Procedures • Describe proposed activities and tasks. • What actions will you take to meet the objectives? • How will the project be implemented? • Provide details so that the evaluation committee can distinguish innovative ideas. • Link the instructional activities to purpose, objectives, and evaluation procedures. • Be specific. • List steps.
Completing the Application Evaluation Procedures • Describe how you will measure the success of your project. (outside of standardized testing) • How will you know that this project was successful? • Link the evaluation procedures to objectives and instructional procedures. • Be specific. Think About…. • What information do I need to collect? • What is the best way to collect my information? • What are my conclusions? • How do I communicate my results? • Summary due to the CMS Foundation Board of Directors within 30 days of concluding the program/project.
Sample Work Plan (Simplified) Objective Instructional Activity Evaluation Procedure Anticipated Result Students will increase their Memorization of 0-12 multiplication facts to 100%. Multiplication Music Readers’ Theatre three daysper week. Pre and post multiplicationtimed test given atthe beginning, mid-term and endof year. 100% of targeted population will have learned multiplication facts 0-12.
Completing the ApplicationPartners in Project • If other schools, businesses, or community agencies will be included in project or program, state which agencies or schools will be involved • Provide information as to how partners will be involved in project or program. • Will you be requesting matching/supplemental funding for this project?
Completing the ApplicationBudget • What do you need to make this project happen? • List detailed information on how the grant funds will be spent. • Do NOT guess at prices. (Every school has catalogs.) • Do not forget to include shipping and handling costs. • This is one of the more important sections of the application. Ensure it is complete and accurate. • Provide specific name for each item, name of vendor, quantity requested, total cost of each item. • Provide total cost for overall program or project at end of individual list. • If possible, get a quote that is good for 90 days to ensure that your costs will be the same at the actual time of purchase.
Budget • EXAMPLE: Budget Item Vendor Quantity Budget Amt. Total Cost 20 Gallon Wal-Mart 1 $102.36 $102.36 Aquarium Each Microscopes Discover 6 $ 39.99 $239.94 This Each S&H 20% $68.46 TOTAL $410.76
Tips for Submitting a Successful Grant Application Be SMART Specific Measurable Achievable Reasonable and Timely! nLet everyone you know read your application. nFill in all sections appropriately. nWrite as if the person reading the grant does not know anything about education. Remember...not all reviewers may be an expert in your field. nMak sur yur spelin, gramer, and punkuaton iz correct. It speks vollumes abor yul. nDo not ramble on. Get to the point. nUse bullets if possible.
Final Thoughts (one more time) • Use clear, concise, simple language. • Keep your audience in mind when writing. • Projects must have an ending. • Use test readers to review your application. • Double-check and Triple-check your finished application. • Avoid using unexplained acronyms. • Original with signatures must be received in the office of the Deputy Superintendent for Instruction by October 3, 2013. • If you have any further questions, please email Jan Cox at jan.cox@clovis-schools.org