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Grant Proposal Writing Workshop. Office of Research No ё l Gregg, Associate Dean Cathy Cuppett, COE Grants Officer Grace Thornton, COE Grants Development Specialist. Proposal Writing Workshop. Introductions What do you hope to learn today? Office of Research & COE Support Search Tips
Grant Proposal Writing Workshop Office of Research Noёl Gregg, Associate Dean Cathy Cuppett, COE Grants Officer Grace Thornton, COE Grants Development Specialist
Proposal Writing Workshop • Introductions • What do you hope to learn today? • Office of Research & COE Support • Search Tips • Proposal Components & Preparation • RFP/RFA Review • Individual work time/Questions
Office of Research Support • We can assist you with finding funding sources • We offer workshops on Finding Funding, Grants Development, Proposal Writing, and Budget and Compliance • We can assist with narrative development, budget development, editing, graphics, and formatting
College of Education Resources Grant Writing Information and Resources Cathy Cuppett – Grants Officer Assists with making budgets, checks for compliance with RFP, CASB, UGA accounting standards, and completion of all forms Signs on behalf of the Dean and the College Paula Alexander – Accountant Assists with making budgets, getting salary numbers and percentages, and serves as Cathy’s back-up Grace Thornton – Grant Development Specialist Available to discuss research interests and to assist with professional development plans Assist with finding funding opportunities Reviews and edits proposal narratives
College of Education Resources • Troy Bassett - Grants Technology Support Specialist • Graphic support, Format review • Julie Sartor - Editor • Editing support • Web Resources • http://www.ovpr.uga.edu/osp/proposal/write-proposal • http://foundationcenter.org/getstarted/guides/proposal.html
Funding Opportunities Search • When beginning your funding search consider the following: • Am I eligible to apply? • Grants can take 6-9 months (sometimes 12) to be awarded, so is the funding coming in time for the project? • Does my project meet the goals of the funder? • Is the average funding amount enough to carry out my research?
Proposal Components • Project title • Abstract/Executive Summary/Project Summary • Project Narrative • Statement of need • Literature review • Research Questions/Hypotheses • Methodology • Evaluation • Budget • References, Bio-sketches, Appendices, etc.
Proposal Preparation Suggested sequence for preparing proposal sections • Project Narrative: • Statement of need/Purpose of study • Research Questions/Hypotheses • The preceding sections drive the search for funding opportunities. It is important to determine if your project meets the goals and objectives of the funder/funding opportunity • Literature Review • From NIH Guide “… demonstrate in the narrative that you have a broad knowledge of current scholarship and activities in your field and how this is relevant to your project’s design. This knowledge should include current research in teaching and learning practices. However, do not focus entirely on this aspect and fail to adequately describe the components of your project.”
Proposal Preparation • Methodology & Simultaneously Budget Development Time • What will be done? • Tasks and Timeline (Timeline often required w/i body of narrative) • Required Resources
Proposal Preparation • Methodology-continued • Well thought out strategy to collect, analyze, and report findings • Adhere to required components for methodology section • Evaluation - what does RFP/RFA/ call require? • Goals-based • Process – Formative evaluation • Outcomes – Summative evaluation • Abstract
Logic Models The WHAT: Logic Model Definition • Basically, a logic model is a systematic and visual way to present and share your understanding of the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program, the activities you plan, and the changes or results you hope to achieve (W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide, page 1). • W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide • http://www.wkkf.org/Pubs/Tools/Evaluation/Pub3669.pdf • You may or may not have room in the proposal to include the logic model, but useful for you to use to guide your project – check to see if it could go into the Appendices
The Budget Justification Each expense must be justified -- you must explain how each expense is reasonable and allocable to this specific project Effective Example: Senior Personnel Dr. Smith, PI is requesting 11.111% of his academic salary ( 1 academic month). Dr. Smith will provide the overall direction of the project, including making arrangements for and directing the (_____symposium, conference, research, etc._______) and coordinating the schedule of work to further (_______develop the project, meet the goals of the grant, develop the scholarship, complete the project, etc.________).
The Budget Justification Less Effective: Dr. Smith is the PI. He will devote sufficient time and energy to the project. No salary is requested. Cathy Cuppett will assist you with the narrative for the Budget Justifications The Office of the Vice President for Research has examples of CASB exceptions on their website: http://www.ovpr.uga.edu/docs/policies/osp/CASB-Non-Admin-Exception.pdf http://www.ovpr.uga.edu/docs/policies/osp/CASB-Admin-Exception.pdf
Bio-Sketches May or may not be required- depends on the agency. Can vary in length from a full Vita to a short 2- page synopsis. Cathy has templates for some agencies’ bio-sketches. Current and Pending Support May or may not be required- depends on the agency. Formats and contents will vary. NSF always requires it and requires you to list the proposal you are submitting in the pending support section. Support is listed in person months. NIH uses a "Just in Time" mechanism in which certain components, including Current & Pending, are not required at proposal time but may be requested later. Submitting Your Proposal- Other Forms You May Need
References Cited Again- depends on the agency for where to place the references, format, spacing, etc. The RFP is your best guide to learn these things. For example - NSF references cited section has certain formatting requirements. Cathy has a template for this. Other agencies allow you to handle your references cited sections as you see fit. Letter of Support RFP will state whether Letters of Support are required, allowed, or not allowed. Submitting Your Proposal- Other Forms You May Need
Institutional Letter of Support Different than other letters of support Is provided by the Sponsored Programs Office and signed by an Institutional Representative such as Jacob Maas. Institutional Letters of Support are always required when UGA is a subcontract to another institution of higher education. They may also be required by the RFP but not always. Submitting Your Proposal- Other Forms You May Need
Internal Forms The Transmittal Form The most important form you will fill out that will not go with your proposal to the Agency. Allows your proposal to be tracked in UGA’s accounting system. Allows for you to receive an account number if and when you proposal is awarded. Shows that your department head is in support of your project and if there is cost share. Shows by your signature that you have no conflict of interest. Should be turned in before your proposal is submitted. http://www.ovpr.uga.edu/docs/forms/osp/Transmittal-Form.pdf
ReviewingPreviously Funded Proposals • Informs your writing • Has your research study or something strikingly similar been previously funded under this particular call? • How can your research further inform the field? • Enables you to situate your work in the context of what has already been done
Audience • Who is reviewing your proposal and making funding decisions? • Those who are thoroughly knowledgeable about your field and • Those who represent a spectrum of content areas but who are not directly involved in your field
Editing • Does it matter if your proposal is not well-edited? • You are often competing with senior scholars for research dollars • Proper formatting can be as important as strong editing • Troy Bassett can assist with graphic design and format review; Grace Thornton can assist with narrative editing during writing process and Grace and Julie Sartor can assist with final editing
Contact Information Cathy Cuppett: cathya15@uga.edu /2-3873 Have general questions Would like assistance with creating a budget Have any other needs related to grant proposals, budget creation, compliance or proposal submission Grace Thornton: gthorn@uga.edu / 2-9068 proposal review contacting agencies and compliance and proposal submission Troy Bassett: tbassett@uga.edu / 2-0894 Graphic assistance Format review Julie Sartor: jsartor@uga.edu / 2-4693 Final editing