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CHEMISTRY LABORATORY. SAFETY ORIENTATION. Eye protection, gloves & lab coats. Goggles required for all classes ANSI Z87.1, non vented Sold by Chem. Office at the beginning of each quarter Gloves – provided by the Department for all classes and research labs

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  2. Eye protection, gloves & lab coats • Goggles required for all classes • ANSI Z87.1, non vented • Sold by Chem. Office at the beginning of each quarter • Gloves – provided by the Department for all classes and research labs • Type: vinyl, non-powdered; for Organic classes: Nitrile. • Laboratory coats required in all classes and available in SU Bookstore ( ~$27.00, XL $31.50)

  3. First Aid Kits locations: • Stockrooms 514 & 609 • Quant Lab. 507 (between 507 and 506) • Organic Lab 603 • Main Chemistry Office: 516 • All research labs

  4. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES • Chemical burns: wash affected body parts with cold water for 15 minutes; • Exceptions: HF, Na, K, Phosphorous (see CHP for specific instructions) • Do not attempt to neutralize!!!! • Organic burns – use hand soap to emulsify organic substance, wash w/water • Eyes: wash w/water for 15 minutes in eye wash fountain • Evaluate the burns and sent a victim to the Health Center

  5. CAMPUS HEALTH CENTER: • Located in Bellarmine Hall • Phone # (206) 296-6300 • Open Mon- Fri 7:00-5:00 • When closed – go to Swedish, Providence or Harborview Emergency Departments • Telephone ##: Swedish 386-2573; Providence: 320-2111; Harborview: 731-3074 • Telephones located in the 5-th and 6-th floor hallways, room BA601and Stockroom BA609

  6. LIFE THREATENNING CONDITIONS • Difficulty breathing • Major injuries: open wounds, spinal or neck, obvious fracture..etc. • Unconsciousness or unresponsiveness • SU Emergency line #-5911

  7. EVACUATION ROUTES • Always use stairs, check reassembly areas assigned to different buildings on campus • BANNAN  in front of the Law School flag pole (picture) • There will be an “evacuation drill” some times during the school year.

  8. Evacuation assembly area for Bannanbuilding: by the Law School flagpole

  9. Evacuation procedure: • Stop what you are doing and walk, not run, to the nearest stairwell. Close all doors behind you. • Use the stairs, do not use elevators. If the powers fails, you may become trapped in the elevator. • Once evacuated, proceed to your designated gathering area. Do so in an orderly manner, do not panic. • In assembly area report to your instructor/supervisor fr a headcount. • Do not re-enter the building until the “all clear” announcement is given by the emergency coordinator.

  10. FIRE HAZARD • Each lab is equipped with ABC extinguisher, located by the door and labeled • In case of the fire not possible to handle with the extinguisher– activate the fire alarms and evacuate!! • Fire alarms are located at the opposite sides of each hallway (picture)

  11. Fire alarm next to BA501

  12. INCIDENT/ ACCIDENT REPORTS • Fill up a “Chemistry Department Incident Report Form” – available in each laboratory. Give one copy to Kasia, keep one. We will archive them on SU Network and eventually use for safety discussion. • Accidents as: injuries, fires and spills should also be reported to Public Safety.

  13. “Reportable Accidents” • Each injury, fire and “spill” in the laboratory should be reported to Public Safety Department in order to make an official “Accident Report” • Call -5990 or –5911 • The officers will show up in the lab to fill out the required forms

  14. CHEMICAL SPILLS • Immediate action: confine and neutralize if possible to handle. • Examples of spills which would require evacuation: • - Bromine> 50 ml and not in the hood -Mercury > 1 thermometer bulb -Extremely hazardous chemicals > 1 L. Call Public Safety Office at -5911, they will contact Emergence Response Team to clean up the lab.


  16. ORDERING, INVENTORY & STORAGE • Monthly PO# ( ask Doris) • The chemicals will be delivered to the Stockroom, inventoried and delivered to you • Inventory : bar-coded system by VERTERE • Kasia & Deanna are “administrators” eligible to make entries/changes • “Read only” copy – available in T drive under “Chemical and lab inventories” • No password required • To remove used reagents from inventory list: return an empty bottle with bar-code label to the Stockroom or remove the label and stick on the designated log.

  17. CHEMICAL STORAGE LOCATIONS: • BA610 – main chemical storage area • BA605&604 under hoods: Corrosive acids and bases • BA603 under hoods: Hexanes, Ethyl Acetate, Halogenated solvents • Research chemicals: in individual research labs and BA612/B ( solvent purification room) • BA514 Stockroom: limited amounts of basic chemicals for lecture demonstrations • Teaching labs: limited amount of chemicals for students’ experiments

  18. Relocation procedures: • Sign relocations sheet ( on the door of storage areas) • Needed are: date, bar-code number & new location • This is to keep the inventory updated

  19. Chemical Relocation Log Please add the following information when removing any chemical reagent from this lab.

  20. Please, remove barcodes from empty reagent bottles and stick them here:

  21. CHEMICALS “WATCH LIST” • 1. Reagents (air contaminants) with extremely low (OSHA) PEL-s: • -Acrylamide 0.3 mg/cu meter • -Allyl alcohol 5 mg/ “ • -Benzene 1 ppm • -Benzyl chloride 5 mg • -Bromine 0.7 mg • -Carbon tetrachloride 2 ppm • -Chloroform 2 ppm • -Chromic acid 0.05 mg • -Formic acid 10 mg • -HCl 5 ppm • -Hydrogen Sulfide 10 ppm • -Iodine 1 ppm • -Mecury 0.05 mg

  22. Links to full OSHA lists (Table Z-1 & Z-2)of PEL-s & STEL-s • http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=9992 • http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=9993 http

  23. 2. Extremely flammable reagents:(low Flash /boiling point & wide LEL-UEL) • NFPA Group 1A: -Acetaldehyde -Diethyl ether -Pentane • NFPA Group 1B: -Acetone -Benzene -Carbon Disulfide -Cyclohexane -Ethanol -Ethyl Acetate -Heptane -Hexane -Methanol -Methyl Ethyl Ketone -Toluene

  24. TOXIC Chemical Reagents • LD50 (LC50) – experimental value, lowest dose which kills 50% population of tested animals (rats, mice, guinea pigs…) – always indicated what animal and the route of exposure • LDLo – lowest published lethal dose (humans too) • Conversion factors for human doses: Rat x 0.142 Mose x 0.066 Guinea pigs x 0.179

  25. Classes of Toxic Chemicals

  26. Finding Toxicity Data: • www.hazard.com • Go to: (SIRI) MSDS Index • Go to: Chemical Toxicity Data • Use chemical name or CAS# • Look for LD50/LC50…etc

  27. HgCl2 1 mg KCN 5 mg NaCN 6.4 mg HCN 10 mg HgI2 18 mg HgO 18 mg Sodium Azide 27 mg Mercury 29 mg HgBr2 40 mg NaAsO2 41 mg Mercury Thiocyanate 46 mg Mercuric Sulfate 57 mg Hydrazine 60 mg Lead Acetate 71 mg Chromium trioxide 80 mg Cobalt Chloride 80 mg Cadmium Iodide 81 mg Chromium Sulfate 85 mg Cadmium Chloride 88 mg Lead Nitrate 93 mg Our List: (LD50/oral /rat/ mg/kg body)

  28. SU Chemical Hygiene Plan - SU web site: Facilities administration/ EHS/Environmental Programs - “T” drive ( .pdf file), CHP folder - Chemistry web site/safety

  29. Other links: • ACS Chemical safety committee web site: • http://portal.acs.org/portal/acs/corg/content?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=PP_TRANSITIONMAIN&node_id=2228&use_sec=false&sec_url_var=region1&__uuid=37910c5e-4cc5-4770-8c9d-bd0e411addca • Take Safety Quiz!!! (120 question that could save your life)

  30. Lab safety elements in SU Chemistry courses: • Initial General Chemistry training In class discussion, video, in lab activity, Lab safety contract, quiz • CH 131: Labeling activity • CH132: MSDS activity • CH 133: Toxicity/LD50 activity • Organic Chemistry: first lab training, safety teams and post lab reports

  31. Laboratory ventilation • To keep the hoods working properly the doors and windows in the labs should be kept closed all the time

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