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Changes to Operating Procedures for NERC Reliability Standard NUC-001 ( Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination). Reliability Committee Meeting - 1/19/10. OP 14 Additions. OP 14 – Technical Requirements for Generation, Demand Resources and Asset Related Demands
Changes to Operating Proceduresfor NERC Reliability Standard NUC-001(Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination) Reliability Committee Meeting - 1/19/10
OP 14 Additions • OP 14 – Technical Requirements for Generation, Demand Resources and Asset Related Demands • Form NX-12: Generator Technical Data • Appendix A – Explanation of Terms and Instructions for Data Preparation of ISO New England
OP 14 Appendix A (continued) Section 8: Additional Information – List any additional information regarding the Generator that is not previously detailed in this form or the Bid Parameter Additional Information Required for Nuclear Power Plants ONLY - Market Participants submitting an NX-12 for Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) must include information regarding the Nuclear Plant Interface Requirements (NPIR) which are based on Nuclear Plant Licensing Requirements and Bulk Electric System requirements. The ISO reserves the right to request documentation of how each requirement in (a) through (f) below corresponds to one or more Nuclear Plant Licensing Requirements. The NPIRs that pertain to ISO and the LCCs include data and requirements relative to both generation and transmission. The NPIRs to which the ISO has agreed are entirely contained in the approved ISO Form NX-12 for generation data.
Specific NPIR information included on the NX-12 form is as follows: • Based on licensing requirements, the minimum voltage required at the transmission switchyard after the nuclear unit has tripped and time (optional) within which the voltage must be provided. • NPP station service load details. Additional information regarding AC power requirements of the NPP during and after transients such as a unit trip, restoration during and after a station blackout, etc. Note that normal station service load is documented in Form NX-12D.
Specific NPIR information included on the NX-12 form is as follows: • Specific NPP systems that require ISO and/or LCCs to coordinate operations and maintenance with the NPP. For example, systems at the NPP that should not be scheduled to be out of service simultaneously with the outage of a transmission line (i.e., emergency diesel generators, critical cooling systems, startup or shutdown transformers, etc.). • Transmission facilities that require ISO and/or LCCs to coordinate operations and maintenance with the NPP. For example, transmission lines which provide off-site sources of power.
Specific NPIR information included on the NX-12 form is as follows: • Operating scenarios based on licensing requirements that require communication from the NPP to ISO and/or LCC. For example, the NPP may be required to notify ISO and the LCC when the NPP enters a shutdown Limiting Condition of Operation (shutdown LCO) or when critical equipment is removed from service. • Operating scenarios based on licensing requirements that require communication from ISO and/or LCC to the NPP Operator: For example, the NPP may require notification when ISO and the LCC lose the ability to analyze post trip voltage at the switchyard or when one of the off-site sources of power to the NPP is unavailable.
OP 1 Additions • OP 1- Central Dispatch Operating Responsibility and Authority of ISO New England, the Local Control Centers and Participants • Appendix A – Assignment of Responsibilities • ISO New England • Local Control Centers • Market Participants
XIX. NUCLEAR PLANT INTERFACE COORDINATION AND OPERATION • ISO NEW ENGLAND • Verify receipt of Nuclear Plant Interface Requirements (NPIRs), as defined in ISO New England Operating Procedure No. 14 - Technical Requirements for Generation, Demand Resources and Asset Related Demands (OP-14). • Monitor applicable limits, conduct operational analyses, communicate and coordinate information about the transmission system as pertains to the NPIRs.
XIX. NUCLEAR PLANT INTERFACE COORDINATION AND OPERATION • ISO NEW ENGLAND (continued) • Coordinate outages and maintenance activities which affect the NPIRs with the Nuclear Plant Generator Operator. • Notify appropriate Local Control Center(s) and Nuclear Power Plant whenever ISO identifies a system limitation or configuration, as has been identified by the Nuclear Power Plant through OP-14 and agreed to by ISO, that may affect the NPIRs.
XIX. NUCLEAR PLANT INTERFACE COORDINATION AND OPERATION • ISO NEW ENGLAND (continued) • Notify appropriate Nuclear Power Plant when both ISO and the applicable LCC lose the ability to assess the operation of the electric system affecting the NPIRs. • Inform the Nuclear Plant Generator Operator of actual or proposed changes to electric system design, configuration, operations, limits, protection systems, or capabilities that may impact the ability of the bulk electric system to meet the NPIRs.
XIX. NUCLEAR PLANT INTERFACE COORDINATION AND OPERATION • ISO NEW ENGLAND (continued) • At least once every three years, review applicable provisions of the Transmission Operating Agreement, Market Participant Services Agreement, Interconnection Agreements and Operating Procedures related to how the NPIRs are addressed, implemented, incorporated into operations analyses and included in training programs. These Agreements include administrative elements, technical requirements and analysis, operations and maintenance coordination, communication protocols and training programs necessary to implement the NPIRs. • Incorporate NPIRs into training program
XIX. NUCLEAR PLANT INTERFACE COORDINATION AND OPERATION • LOCAL CONTROL CENTERS • Monitor applicable limits, conduct operational analyses, communicate and coordinate information about the transmission system as pertains to the NPIRs. • Inform ISO and the Nuclear Power Plant of any operating condition that has the potential to violate the NPIRs.
XIX. NUCLEAR PLANT INTERFACE COORDINATION AND OPERATION • LOCAL CONTROL CENTERS (continued) • Coordinate outages and maintenance activities which affect the NPIRs with the Nuclear Plant Generator Operator. • Incorporate NPIRs into training programs.
XIX. NUCLEAR PLANT INTERFACE COORDINATION AND OPERATION • MARKET PARTICIPANTS • The Nuclear Power Plant Market Participants are solely responsible for meeting the licensing and environmental requirements for the facilities they own and operate unless otherwise assigned. • The Nuclear Power Plant Market Participants must supply the ISO and applicable Market Participants with the NPIRs in accordance with applicable ISO Operating Documents including OP-14.
XIX. NUCLEAR PLANT INTERFACE COORDINATION AND OPERATION • MARKET PARTICIPANTS (continued) • The Transmission Owner Market Participants are required to inform the LCC of any operating condition that has the potential to violate the NPIRs, and are also required to supply ISO with facility parameters and limits in accordance with ISO Operating Documents including ISO New England Operating Procedure No. 16 - Transmission System Data (OP-16). Such information is essential to provide accurate models needed by the ISO and LCCs to conduct operational analyses. • The Nuclear Power Plant Market Participants and the Transmission Owner Market Participants shall coordinate outages and maintenance activities which affect the NPIRs with the ISO and applicable LCC.
XIX. NUCLEAR PLANT INTERFACE COORDINATION AND OPERATION • MARKET PARTICIPANTS (continued) • The Nuclear Power Plant Market Participant and the Transmission Owner Market Participant shall incorporate NPIRs into training programs. • The Nuclear Power Plant Market Participants and the Transmission Owner Market Participant shall coordinate on the development and submittal to ISO of the one-line diagram(s) in accordance with ISO OP-16. Such one-line diagram(s) shall include a representation of the configuration of the electrical facilities and components at the interface between the electric system and the nuclear plant that are essential for meeting the NPIRs, and shall also identify and delineate ownership and operational jurisdiction of facilities.