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Heat Pump Field Trials Progress So Far…

Heat Pump Field Trials Progress So Far…. Jaryn Bradford Development Manager - Renewables Energy Saving Trust 22 June 2009. EST Heat Pump Field Trials. Presentation will cover:. Project update Site selection Installation Monitoring/data collection Data analysis Customer engagement.

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Heat Pump Field Trials Progress So Far…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Heat Pump Field TrialsProgress So Far… Jaryn Bradford Development Manager - Renewables Energy Saving Trust 22 June 2009

  2. EST Heat Pump Field Trials Presentation will cover: • Project update • Site selection • Installation • Monitoring/data collection • Data analysis • Customer engagement

  3. The Energy Saving Trust Mission: To lead 60 million people to act on climate change • Promoting the need for action • Provide information and advice • Offer practical support

  4. EST Heat Pump Field Trials Completed and present monitoring projects: • Field trials aim to inform the consumer.

  5. Project Update • 80 fully monitored sites • Additional data contributed by Mitsubishi and British Gas • 15 manufacturers • ~30 social housing/50 private • 10 sites each in NW and Scotland • 6 Funding Manufacturers

  6. EST Heat Pump Field Trials Consultation process • 100+ comments received from industry • Peer review process undertaken with UK, EU, and IEA experts.

  7. EST Heat Pump Field Trials Site selection process • 100+ responses from interested householders. • Further sites submitted from:

  8. Doncaster Council ENERGY SAVING TRUST Heat Pump Manuf Community Energy Solutions EA Technology & Gastec at CRE St Ledger Housing Association Bramhall Construction Residents (6 sites) Electrical Contractor Mechanical Contractor Working in Partnership

  9. Barriers Overcome • Identifying ‘suitable’ sites & keen householders • Supply of equipment • Learning curve: plumbing & installation of equipment • Scheduling installers and site visits

  10. EST Heat Pump Field Trials • Project update • Site selection • Installation • Monitoring/data collection • Data analysis • Customer engagement

  11. Site Description

  12. System Schematics

  13. Temperature Data

  14. Heat Output

  15. Customer Engagement • Customer perception of technology • Customer usage/behaviour • Private + social housing • Interviews, questionnaires, focus groups (quarterly) • Final report – April 2009

  16. Customer Dissemination • Energy Saving Trust Advice Centres: • 21 in total • Regional manager structure • Act on CO2 helpline These new advice centres are based in: Scotland 5 North West 3 North East 1 Yorks and Humber 2 London 1 East Midlands 1 West Midlands 1 East 2 South West 1 South East 2 Northern Ireland 1 Wales 1

  17. Project Timeline

  18. Energy Saving Trust Field Trials For further information contact: Jaryn Bradford 0207 222 0101

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