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Wind Power. What is the wind ??. The wind is the movement of the air in the atmosphere, specially, in the troposphere, produced by natural reasons. It is a meteorological phenomenon.
Wind Power
Whatisthewind?? The wind is the movement of the air in the atmosphere, specially, in the troposphere, produced by natural reasons. It is a meteorological phenomenon. The phenomena which causes the wind are the terrestrial movements of rotation that give origin to considerable differences in the solar radiation or sunstroke. They are the (infrared) beams of heat reflected by the terrestrial and aquatic surface of the Earth those that manage to warm the air. The sunstroke is almost the only heat source that can give origin to the movement of the air, that is to say, to the winds. In turn, the unequal warming of the air gives origin to the differences of pressure and these differences of pressure give origin to the winds.
SUN The origin of the wind power is in the Sun
Because of the solar radiation, the air expands and ascends, forming air bags.
Warm air to low pressures Cold air to high pressures Wind .
Between 1 and 2 % of the energy of the Sun transforms into wind
If we used in all his totality, it would be enough to supply five times the energetic world annual need
The wind power in Spain is one of the most important electrical energy in the country: in particular on windy days, it manages to contribute more than one quarter. The nuclear floors 20,7 % of the total production. The thermal ones of coal, 15,5 %. The hydraulic jumps, 15,32 %. The floors of combined cycle 11,8 %. The annual average is in 10 % of the total production Spain was producing in the middle of 2007, 20 % of the world wind power.
The wind power is one of the many technologies of the future in which Spain plays an important role. Spain is the second producer of wind power in Europe, after Germany, and with a few levels of production very similar as the United States ones, also it is among the three countries that more energy produces in the world in this field. This is due to a regulative stable frame, a better knowledge of the resources, and the better one in the technology, which has caused a considerable reduction of the initial investment, the maintenance, and the exploitation. In 2006, Spain had installed a capacity of wind power of 11.615 MW, being like that the second country in the world as for production, together with The United States, and only behind Germany. In 2005, the Government of Spain approved a new national law with the aim to come to 20.000 MW of production in 2012. The wind power in Spain reached on January 22, 2009 newly maximum of production of.
ADVANTAGES It is a type of renewable energy because it has his origin in atmospheric processes due to the energy that comes to the Earth proceeding from the Sun. It is a clean energy. It doesn't produce atmospheric emission or pollutant residues. It doesn't need a combustion that produces carbon dioxide (CO2), for what it doesn't contribute to the increase of the greenhouse effect or to the climatic change. It can establish in not suitable spaces for other purposes, for example in desert zones, next to the coast, in hillsides arid and very straightened to be cultivable. Beet can coexist with other uses of the soil, for example meadows for cattle use or low culturing as wheat ,corn, potatoes, etc.
It can coexist with other uses of the soil, for example meadows for cattle use or low cultures as wheat, maize, potatoes, etc. It produces a high number of working places in the assembly plants and the installation zones. The installation is rapid, between 6 months and one year. Its incorporation in a system ínter ligature allows, when the conditions of the wind are adapted, to save fuel in the thermal head offices and / or waters down in the reservoirs of the hydroelectric head offices. Its use combined with other types of energy, habitually the sun power, allows the auto nourishment of housings, stopping with the need connecting this way to networks of supply, there being able to be achieved autonomies superior to 82 hours, without nourishment from none of 2 systems..
Disadvantages To evacuate the electricity produced by every wind farm (that they are in the habit of being placed in addition in natural isolated places) is necessary to construct a few lines of high tension that are capable of leading the maximum of electricity that is capable of producing the installation. Nevertheless, the tension average to driving will be much lower. This means to put 4 times thicker cables, and often higher towers, to accommodate correctly the wind beaks. It is necessary to replace the wind voltage reductions "instantaneously" (increasing the production of the thermal head offices), because if it isn't done like that they would produced, and of fact blackouts generalized by voltage reduction take place. This problem might be solved by means of devices of storage of electric power. But the produced electric power is not storable: it is instantaneously emaciated or lost.
One of the big disadvantages of this type of generation, is the intrinsic difficulty of foreseeing the generation in advance. Provided that the electrical systems are produced calculating the generation with a day of anticipation in view of the foreseen consumption, the randomness of the wind raises serious problems. The last advances in anticipation of the wind have improved very much the situation, but it continues being a problem. Besides the evident need of a minimal speed in the wind to be able to move the arms, a top limitation exists also: a machine can be generating to the maximum of its power, but if the wind increases the just thing to exceed the specifications of the mill, is obligatory to disconnect this circuit of the network or to change the inclination of the arms in order that they stop turning, since with wind of high speeds the structure can turn out to be damaged by the efforts that appear in the axis.The immediate consequence is an evident decrease of the electrical production, in spite of there being wind galore, and another factor more of uncertainty at the moment of relying on this energy in the electrical network of consumption.
Generally there is combined by thermal head offices, which takes that exist those who criticize that really too many emission of carbon dioxide does not save itself. Nevertheless, it is necessary to bear in mind that no form of production of energy has the potential of covering the whole demand and the energetic production based in renewable to be less pollutant, for what his contribution to the electrical network is net positive. To the beginning of his installation, the places selected for it coincided with the routes of the migratory birds, or zones where the birds take advantage of winds of hillside, which does that the wind turbines enter conflict with birds and bats. Lucky the levels of mortality are very low in comparison with other reasons. Nowadays the studies of environmental impact necessary for the recognition of the plan of the wind farm have in consideration the ornithological situation of the zone. In addition, provided that the current wind turbines are of low speed of rotation, the problem of shock with the birds is diminishing. This concerns also the fauna.
Thefirstwindmills • The most ancient reference that is had is a windmill that was used to make to work an organ in the 1st century it was common. The first mills of practical use were constructed in Afghanistan, in the 7th century. These were mills of vertical axis with rectangular leaves. Made devices from 6 to 8 sails of mill covered with fabrics were used to grind corn or to extract water
Mills of pumping • In The United States, the development of mills of pumping, recognizable for his multiple metallic sails, was the principal factor that allowed the agriculture and the ranching in vast areas of North America, otherwise impossibly without easy access to the water. These mills contributed to the expansion of the railroad about the world, replacing the water needs of the locomotives to steam