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Effect of Iron Supplementation on Endurance Performance in Iron Deficient Trained Males and Females. United States Females: 11-13% Males: < 1%. Athletes Basketball Players (Dubnov & Constantini 2004) 35% Female 15% Male Various Sports (Malczewska et al. 2001) 26% Female 11% Male
Effect of Iron Supplementation on Endurance Performance in Iron Deficient Trained Males and Females
United States Females: 11-13% Males: < 1% Athletes Basketball Players (Dubnov & Constantini 2004) 35% Female 15% Male Various Sports (Malczewska et al. 2001) 26% Female 11% Male Endurance Athletes (Malczewska et al. 2000) 26% Female Prevalence of Iron Deficiency
Maximal Exercise Iron deficiency without anemia was not found to have an affect on aerobic capacity. Endurance Exercise Animal studies reduced in iron-deficient non-anemic rats. (Davies1984, Finch1976, Zinker1993) Human studies No correlation between reduced iron status and endurance capacity. (Klingshirn 1992, Newhouse 1989, LaManca,1993) Reduced endurance capacity due to iron deficiency shown by higher energy expenditures during submaximal workloads and/or shortened time to fatigue. (Brutsaert 2003, Hinton 2000, Zhu 1998, LaManca 1992, and Rowland 1987) Effects of Iron Deficiency on Exercise Performance
Purpose To determine the effect of iron supplementation on iron status and endurance capacity in iron-deficient non-anemic, trained males and females
Iron Status Baseline Post-Supplement Iron Status Iron supplementation, wks 1-6 Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 VO2max VO2max Submax Submax Study Design Iron Status Screening • Randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trial • Iron Supplement: 30mg elemental iron as ferrous sulfate
Iron Status Hb Hct sFer sTfR Subjects Recreationally trained (60 min, 3 days/wk, 6 months +) Females & Males 18-40 yrs Methods • Subject Questionnaires • 3-day diet • Physical activity logs
Exercise Testing • VO2max Test • Max VO2, HR, RER, • VT • 60-min submax test at 60% VO2max • Avg RER • Avg HR • Energy Expenditure (kcal) • Workload (watts) • Efficiency (kcal/watt)
Two-way ANOVA (GxT) One-way ANOVA Multiple linear regression Initial iron status x group Pearson Correlations Significance level set at p0.05 Means ± SE Statistical Analysis
Iron Group 9 Females, 1 Male Age: 28.1 ± 1.6 yrs. Wt: 61.7 ± 2.1kg BF: 21.6 ± 1.4 % PA: 3092 ± 590 kcal/wk (pre) 3156 ± 555 kcal/wk (post) Iron: 17.5 ± 1.7 mg (pre) 19.8 ± 1.4 mg (post) Placebo Group 8 Females, 2 Males Age: 27.7 ± 1.4 yrs. Wt: 67.8 ± 3.7 kg BF: 21.2 ± 1.2 % PA: 2561 ± 813 kcal/wk (pre) 2418 ± 660 kcal/wk(post) Iron: 19.2 ± 3.7 mg (pre) 17.6 ± 2.5 mg (post) Subjects
Serum Ferritin G x T p = .007 G x T p = 0.011
sTfR & sTfR/log sFer Index G x T p = 0.072
Ventilatory Threshold G x T p = 0.012 G x T p = 0.042
Effect of Initial Iron Status on Response to Supplementation
Heart Rate T p = 0.023
Workload & Efficiency T p = 0.048 T p = 0.049
Relationship between sFer & submax RER p = 0.055 r = -0.189
Summary • Iron supplementation • Improved iron status • Maintained VT, with no effect on VO2max • Increased energetic efficiency during submaximal exercise • Initial iron status modified the change in VT after iron supplementation • Changes in sFer correlated with RER
Conclusion Improved iron status in iron-deficient individuals enhances or maintains aerobic function
Acknowledgments Dr. Pam Hinton Dr. Tom Thomas Scott Rector MU Dept. of Nutritional Sciences University of Missouri Alumni Association Gatorade Sports Science Institute
Factors Affecting Iron Status of Physically Active Individuals • Gastrointestinal bleeding (0.5 to 2 mg iron/day) • Hemolysis of red blood cells “foot strike hemolysis” • Sweating • Diet • Menstruation (0.5 to 0.6 mg mg iron/day) • iron need ? Estimated iron loss in endurance training athletes is on average: 1.5-1.7 mg/day for men and 2.2-2.3 mg/day for women. (Haymes and LaMaca Iron Loss in runners during exercise. Sports Med. 1989)
How does iron deficiency affect exercise performance? • Hemoglobin – delivery of O2 to cells • Myoglobin – transports & stores O2 in muscle • Iron dependent enzymes – • Cytochromes – oxidative metabolism • Iron functions in delivery of oxygen to tissues and facilitates the use of oxygen at the cellular level.
Iron Status Screening # of Subjects
Iron Indicators sFer • Indicator of storage iron • Acute phase protein • with infection or inflammation • Exercise induces inflammatory-like response sTfR • New marker of iron status • Indicator of functional iron • Not affected by inflammatory reactions • Up-regulated when iron stores are depleted sTfR/log ferritin index • More sensitive for borderline cases • Stages of iron deficiency are detectable using this index
Ventilatory Equivalents Determination of VT 35 30 25 VE/VO2 20 VE/VCO2 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (min)