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ExoMars. Industry Day. Rover Operations Control Center ALTEC S.p.A. . Rover Operation Control Center. Content EXOMARS Ground Segment Architecture and ROCC Communication Scenario ROCC Role and Responsibility ROCC Elements Decomposition and Description ROCC Industrial Consortium

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  1. ExoMars Industry Day Rover Operations Control Center ALTEC S.p.A.

  2. Rover Operation Control Center Content EXOMARS Ground Segment Architecture and ROCC Communication Scenario ROCC Role and Responsibility ROCC Elements Decomposition and Description ROCC Industrial Consortium ROCC Programmatic Aspects & Schedule ROCC Point of Contacts

  3. EXOMARS Ground Segment Architecture and ROCC Communication scenario Rover X-band UHF X-band NRO

  4. ROCC Role and Responsibility during Mission Operations The Rover Operations Control Centre (ROCC) located at ALTEC (Italy) is responsible for: Providing remote support to ESOC/MOC during all mission phases from pre-launch up to the end of EDL phase, assessing Rover & PPL data during periodic checkout and addressing any issue affecting the Rover & PPL that could arise during this long period (i.e. software update if required). Operations activities with the Rover are managed by ESOC/MOC based on the input provided by ROCC. After the first communication session establishment between Rover and ground, an official operations handover occurs between ESOC/MOC and ROCC. Performing full Rover Mission Operations (including science operations) for the entire Surface operations phase. Science team involved in mission operations are located in the ROCC, remotely supported by their home base teams. ESOC/MOC will support the ROCC for all communication management/scheduling related to the usage of the ESA G/Ss and NASA provided communication services (DSN and NRO) The ROCC operations process will be based on day-to-day commanding of the Rover and PPL, to increase the return of the mission and to maximize the usage of the Rover during its nominal mission lifetime

  5. ROCC Design Role and Responsibility • The following main task will be accomplished for responding to the above responsibilities: • Design, develop, install and test the communication infrastructure in support to the mission operations • Design, develop, install and test the Software applications necessary to support the mission operations • Design, install and test the infrastructures (including the simulator of the Mars terrain) in support to the operations teams activities • Develop the operation products (Procedures, data bases, operations teams organization etc.) • Design, develop and execute the training campaign for the engineering and science operation teams • Validate the integrated control center 29 May 2008 page 5

  6. ROCC Elements Decomposition The following figure presents, at very high level, the proposed reference overall functional architecture of the ROCC. RGCI: ROCC Ground Communication Infrastructure ROCS: ROCC Operation Control System RGSS: ROCC Ground Segment Simulator MTS: Mars Terrain Simulator

  7. ROCC Ground Communication Infrastructure This component provides the operational communications necessary to conduct Rover Operations, in particular in support of TM / TC. It includes the following major elements: • The Operational Communication Interface Module at ROCC, : • receive/transmit TM/TC, from the external entities depending on the mission phase, e.g: • from/to NRO-CC for Rover data transmitted via Prox.1 UHF link during the surface operations • from/to DSN network (ESA and/or NASA) during the surface operation • from/to ExoMars MOC-ESOC from Launch until end of EDL phase • support the exchange with external centre (ESOC, JPL, etc) of data necessary for mission planning and operation conduction • support operational voice communication with external operation centres (NASA and ESA) • support the distribution of mission data to external scientist supporting mission operations • allow mission support operations by the science team when not located in the ROCC supporting the exchange of required data for mission planning and operations execution support the distribution of post-mission data products to ESAC 29 May 2008 page 7

  8. ROCC Ground Communication Infrastructure (cont’d) • The Communication Interface Modules at the external centres required for properly interface the ESOC-MOC systems (when not provided by the centres itself). It represents the demarcation point between the ground communication subnet under ROCC responsibility and the ground communication network / systems under external entities responsibility. • The Ground Communication links between the ROCC Operational Communication Interface Module and the Communication Interface Modules at the external centres. 29 May 2008 page 8

  9. ROCC Ground Segment Simulator The ROCC Communication Infrastructure is completed by the ROCC Ground Segment Simulator(RGSS) which provides the capability to simulate an end to end communication between the ROCS and the Rover simulator or the EQM in the MTS, taking into account the characteristics of the ground segment and the physical environment (Mars orbit, Earth orbit, visibility, ground station capability and bandwidth, latencies, etc.). 29 May 2008 page 9

  10. ROCC Operation Control System • The ROCC Operations Control System (ROCS) provides the core capabilities in direct support of Rover operations, for telemetry receiving and analysis, science and vehicle planning, simulation and sequence validation, on-board software management, command sequence uplink. • The ROCS is thought with strict relationships with the operations concept for the Rover and support all the requested ground processing. Major characteristics are: • Acquire, process, archive and distribute to the operations and scientific teams Rover TM data received both in a deferred way from the NRO-CC (nominal TM processing) as “bulk TM” and during a near-real time DTE session from the G/S (limited TM due to bandwidth limitation). Generation of set of “complete data products” required for overall Rover status assessment, Science assessment and subsequent activity planning. • Provides the Rover Operations team and the Science Team proper capabilities for the assessment of the Rover vehicle and PPL status, including for example the assessment of the executed on board activity plan, acquired images and spectra visualization, navigation performances assessment, comparison between actual data and predicted data, management of the Rover absolute position determination, etc.

  11. ROCC Operation Control System (cont’d) • Provides the Science Team with the necessary capabilities to support science objectives identification required for next sol operations and to support a collaborative science activity plan building, taking immediately into consideration constraints, flight rules and actual rover status and resources as determined from the latest received TM. The system shall be as much as possible “integrated” (in terms of an effective collaboration) with the one provided for the Rover operations team, in order to allow fast and reliable rover surface operations planning. • Provides the Rover Operations Team with capabilities for the preparation of the required integrated Rover Activity Plan based on the science requirements, its simulation (different level of simulation are foreseen), verification and final uplink to the Rover. Planning is considered a critical activity because the rover will interact with an unknown environment. It is necessary to react in a very short time (within the next uplink opportunity, around 8-10 hours) and adapt plan and activities to the actual encountered conditions, always assuring the vehicle safety at the maximum level in order to not risk a mission loss. • Provides the capabilities for the TC preparation and uplink both throught the NRO data relay (nominal) and through the allocated DSN Antenna (DFE comm session) • Provides capabilties for the overall management of the Rover OBSW.

  12. Rover Operation Control System (cont’d) From a functional point of view, the classification and breakdown of the system functions is the following: • Core Mission Control System Functions • Telemetry (system and science) Data Acquisition and Processing • TC Processing • Rover OBSW Management and Configuration Control • Data Analysis and Post Processing Functions • Rover HK Data Assessment • Science Data Analysis • Rover and science post mission data product generation • Planning Functions • Engineering Activity Planning • Science Activity Planning • Rover Planning, including: • • Activity planning • • Robotic planning • • Rover Plan Validation and Command Generation • • Activity Preparation and Validation • Rover Simulation and Modelling Function • Rover Operational Simulator • Rover Models • Common Functions • Data Archive and Retrieval (including data import/export and DB management) • Support function : • ROCS System Control and Administration • ROCS Mission Configuration Control (e.g. databases, models, algorithms, etc) 20 March 2008 page 12

  13. ROCC Operation Control System (cont’d)

  14. ROCC Mars Terrain Simulator The Mars Terrain Simulator Facility (MTS) aims to provide an easily reconfigurable simulation environment of the Mars surface (in terms of terrain, rocks, slopes, etc) in order to allow the utilization of a physical Rover Model (expected the ExoMars Rover EQM) for: • during C/D phase, validation of specific Rover nominal and contingency operations procedures, like Rover egress from the Descent Module in different conditions, navigation and locomotion operation in a limited area, arm / drill positioning, specific science operations, etc. • before the start of surface operation, supporting the ROCC staff training (including science) • during the surface operation: • support locomotion/navigation troubleshooting simulating similar Mars surface conditions • support development and validation of non-nominal and/or critical manoeuvre before implementation • Support simulation of P/L operations The MTS will also provide a means for supporting education and promotion activities.

  15. ROCC Mars Terrain Simulator (cont’d) The overall MTS infrastructure is presently composed by the following elements: • The “arena”, composed by the sand-box (terrain kit) where accurate emulation of Mars terrain soil/surface characteristics is provided (about 20m x 17m), including the capabilities to build slopes of different angles and dunes; • The control room, hosting the control systems of the MTS and Rover Model EGSE; • The laboratories (for activity on the Rover; for soil materials preparation); • The various terrains and rocks storage area; • Hoisting and lifting equipment and mechanical apparatus to move sands and rocks; • A lighting system to simulate the sun position for shadowing effects; • A Rover position determination system (w.r.t. the MTS reference frame) • A video system for remote visualization of the on-going operation in the MTS • Additional capabilties, like the MTS DEM determination and the associated software system for visualization and processing are under assessment and presently are TBD.

  16. ROCC Operation Support System The ROCC Operations Support Systems provide supporting capabilities to the ROCC operations and science team necessary for mission operations execution, namely: • Voice Loops (internal / external), providing “operational” voice communication between the different ground operators, both in the local site or in a remote site • Time Management Systems, providing reference time to all ROCC systems, as well visualization of time in different format (Earth and Mars time) • Multimedia system, supporting ROCC teams collaborative works during the different phases of the operations process • Anomaly Reporting and Tracking System (both for Flight and Ground issues) • Console Log, that allow each operation position to electronically record mission events. • Flight/Ground Procedures and Mission Database management tool • Rover Mission and System Documentation Archive (User Manuals, Reports, Drawings, CD phase documentation) • ROCC operations portal, web based application that shall provide easy access to all operations support tools and mission / system information required to conduct and support the Rover mission operations by both the engineering and science team, both locally at ROCC and from remote sites

  17. ROCC Global and Infrastructure Services The Global IT Services includes general purpose and standard capabilities that are provided in support of the ROCC, namely: • ROCC Network Infrastructure with: • operational (isolated) LAN, interconnecting all ROCC operational systems • operations support LAN, interconnecting all ROCC supporting system • Security access control for allowing access to specific internal ROCC system in support of distributed operations via Internet. • Office Tools, Internet connectivity and services (ftp, web etc.) The Infrastructure Services provides the essential elements of the typical hosting facility, in particular the proper space and associated services (primary and backup power distribution, Air conditioning, Access control) to host the different elements of the ROCC, like: • Operations/Support Rooms • Special Facilities Area • Technical Rooms • Offices and Meeting Rooms • Public Events Support Areas (e.g. Auditorium, Show Rooms, etc) 20 March 2008 page 17

  18. ROCC Operations Concept • The operation concept design will be based on the following: • Strict interrelationship between Rover Operations Team and Science Teams during the daily operations cycle (a single integrated plan to be defined for each sol). • Be effective assuming a short time between data reception and next command uplink opportunity (fixed schedule of events) • Be flexible in order to adapt at changing conditions such as availability of data, different Rover operations phases (flexibility); • Maximize the scientific exploitation of the mission starting from a limited amount of resources (optimization of the science planning); • Take in proper consideration the time difference between Mars and Earth minimizing the impact on the personnel: • Mars time shift personnel schedule easier for operation planning but potential problem for the team, • Earth time impacted from Rover operations schedule shifting (about 40 minutes difference per day) 20 March 2008 page 18

  19. ROCC Operations Concept (cont’d) The diagram below summarizes the operations activities and the ideal associated duration (Mars time reference) In nominal and theoretical condition, the available time to perform the telemetry processing, the data assessment , the planning activity and the commands preparation and validation is about 8 mars hours, assuming 2 hours (TBC) of data latency for the down-link process and 2 hours (TBC) for the up-link process. 20 March 2008 page 19

  20. ESA TAS-I ALTEC (I) ROCC Telespazio (I) RGCI GMV (E) ROCS VEGA (D) RGSS Datasat (UK) TBC MTS Trasys (B) RGCI: ROCC Ground Communication Infrastructure ROCS: ROCC Operation Control System RGSS: ROCC Ground Segment Simulator MTS: Mars Terrain Simulator ROCC Industrial Consortium

  21. ROCC Programmatic Aspects • ROCC phase B2-C/D-E1 proposal (including E2 and E3) delivered to TAS-I in September 2007 • Phase B1 concluded in January with the implementation of BCR outcomes and the delivery of the ROCC BB-1. • Phase B2 kicked-off in April 2008: activities addressed at system level, ALTEC and GMV involved • Advanced C/D activities June 2008 – March 2009: development of ROCC breadboards (ALTEC, GMV and VEGA involved), and perform ROCC Elements PDR (Telespazio, GMV, VEGA and Datasat involved),. • RFQ to Datasat (Mars Terrain Simulator) foreseen in beginning of June 2008. • Phase C/D and E1 “Consolidation commitment” proposal foreseen for July 2008 20 March 2008 page 21

  22. ROCC B2/Adv CD Schedule

  23. ROCC Major C/D Milestones • ROCC elements staggered development approach with incremental releases of the major functions to support advanced integrated testing • Dec 2009, integration with the Rover Operational Simulator V1 • Dec 2010, to support integration with the Rover Operational SimV2 and SVT-0 • MTS delivery planned for Jun 2011 • Dec 2011, Integration with Rover EQM, SVT-1, SVT-2 • Final ROCC delivery on Oct.2012 (FAR) • ROCC Design Review on Nov 2010 • ROCC Implementation Review on Feb 2012 • ROCC Readiness Review on Jan 2013 • Launch on Dec. 2013 • In Orbit Checkout Review L+2 months 20 March 2008 page 23

  24. Point of Contacts • ROCC Project Manager: Michele TRICHILO Trichilo.michele@spacegate-altec.it Tel: +39-011-7430-454 • ROCC System Engineer: Michele MARTINO martino.michele@spacegate-altec.it Tel: +39-011-7430-014 • ROCC Contract Officer: Luigi PRATI prati.luigi@spacegate-altec.it Tel: +39-011-7430-323 • ALTEC Head of Technical Operations and Programmes Directorate: Armando CIAMPOLINI ciampolini.armando@spacegate-altec.it Tel: +39-011-7430-447 20 March 2008 page 24

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