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Senate Bill 530 Changes Delivery of Physical Education Instruction

Senate Bill 530 Changes Delivery of Physical Education Instruction. Curriculum & Instruction Marilyn Mitton, Specialist. Requirements of SB 530 Overview. Student requirements for vigorous activity Fitness assessment required grades 3-12 Fitness assessment components

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Senate Bill 530 Changes Delivery of Physical Education Instruction

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  1. Senate Bill 530Changes Delivery of Physical Education Instruction Curriculum & Instruction Marilyn Mitton, Specialist

  2. Requirements of SB 530 Overview • Student requirements for vigorous activity • Fitness assessment required grades 3-12 • Fitness assessment components • Data collection and analysis • LEA policy and procedure • BISD personnel and equipment needs

  3. Requirements for Vigorous Activity • Kinder – 5th grade students will participate in moderate or vigorous activity 30 minutes daily or 135 minutes per week • In middle school students grades 6 – 8 will participate in four semesters of moderate or vigorous physical activity; 30 minutes daily or 135 minutes per week beginning in the 2008-2009 school year • NOTE: Students must be appropriately dressed in order to participate in moderate to vigorous activity

  4. Fitness Assessment Requirements • All students grades 3 – 12 • Students are assessed annually • Not required to assess students who have a disability for whom this assessment would be inappropriate • The individual student results are confidential

  5. Fitness Assessment Components • Aerobic capacity (mile run/walk or walk/run for time) • Body composition (body mass index/skin calipers) • Muscular strength & endurance (curl ups/push ups) • Flexibility(sit and reach) Criterion referenced fitness standards specific to age and gender

  6. Data Collection and Analysis • Summary results will be sent from the LEA to each year • Analysis at the state level will be conducted to see what correlation exists with: 1) student academic achievement 2) attendance 3) obesity 4) disciplinary problems 5) the school meal program

  7. LEA Policy and Procedure • Student needing improvement in their fitness level will be referred to resources including CATCH • Information will be provided in the student handbook and district web-site and will include information about the SHAC • Local policy in regard to student access to vending machines • Local policy in regard to penalties for tobacco use • Notice to parents in regard to student fitness results

  8. Personnel and Equipment Needs • PE teachers are scheduled for fitness assessment training at UTB on September 18th or 19th • School nurses will assess student body composition • The state mandate was not funded nor in the LEA budget • Non-competitive grant monies are available for grades 6-8 • UTB may be interested in a MOU – upper level UTB students could help with campus student assessment

  9. Reminders • The moderate and vigorous activity daily requirement is not negotiable • The fitness assessment for students is not negotiable • The need for life-time fitness for our students is written in the TEKS; implementation is not negotiable • Senate Bill 530 raises accountability for instruction that has been provided for years – the required change for fitness assessment will highlight the importance of lifetime fitness and physical education

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