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Text (Term 2). Ch 12- Hunger Ch 15- Addiction & Reward Ch 10,11- Plasticity, Learning, Memory Ch 17- Emotion, Stress Ch 18- Psychiatric Disorders. Hunger
Text (Term 2) • Ch 12- Hunger • Ch 15- Addiction & Reward • Ch 10,11- Plasticity, Learning, Memory • Ch 17- Emotion, Stress • Ch 18- Psychiatric Disorders
Hunger Food Intake (History): Central (CNS) factors and peripheral signals- Central (2-center m.): Lateral hypothalamus (LH) » aphagia Ventromedial hypoth. (VMH) » hyperphagia (satiety) Peripheral: Cannon & Washburn (1912) Stretch receptors – Humoral factors - Mayer (1953) - glucostatic VMH glucoreceptors (goldthioglucose) Epstein (1960) - VMH glucose Brobeck (1948) - thermoregulatory Kennedy (1953) - lipostatic Teitelbaum (1962) - set-point
Food Intake - CNS & Peripheral Signals Brainstem: n. solitary tract (NTS) area postrema - glucose - glucagon (peptide); pancreas after sympath. stim; glycogen (carbohydrate) to glucose - insulin – (parasympath) glucose to glycogen (carbo) - glucoprivic (low blood sugar) - lipoprivic (low free-fatty acids) VMH: lesions » hyperphagia (mostly carbohydrates) » increase parasympathetic/ decrease sympathetic » decrease glucagon » increase insulin PVN (paraventricular n.): lesions » carbohydrates » NE: carbohydrates » 5-HT: carbohydrates » Galanin: fat
Autonomic NS - food Sympathetic increased: a. Glucagon secreted from pancreas b. Stored glycogen (carbo) in liver to glucose in blood Parasympathetic increased: a. Insulin secretion higher b. Glucose in blood converted to glycogen (carbo) in liver
Food Intake - CNS & Peripheral Signals continued LH: lesions » aphagia; adipsia NPY » intake food glucoreceptors Rolls (1986): hunger motivation (drive) Amygdala: Selection Learning
Eating Disorders Rodin (1989): cephalic-phase insulin response Zucker rat: hypothalamic NPY up but: anorexia NPY (icv) up 5-HT agonists (reuptake inhibitors): fenfluramine, Prozac, etc. Galanin antagonists - fat ICV insulin – intake reduced MIC-1 (cytokines) – intake reduced