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What is the CERP-IoT?

C luster of E uropean R esearch P rojects on the I nternet o f T hings <Event, Date> <Name, Org > www.rfid-in-action.eu/cerp-iot. What is the CERP-IoT?. The Cluster is bringing EU-funded projects together to define and promote a common vision of the Internet of Things

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What is the CERP-IoT?

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  1. Cluster of EuropeanResearchProjectsonthe Internet of Things<Event, Date><Name, Org>www.rfid-in-action.eu/cerp-iot

  2. What is the CERP-IoT? • The Cluster is bringing EU-funded projects together to define and promote a common vision of the Internet of Things • The main objectives of the Cluster are: • Facilitate networking of different RFID and IoT projects in Europe • Coordinate research activities in IoT including RFID • Leverage expertise, talents, and resources and maximize impact • Establish synergies between projects

  3. List of CERP-IoT Projects and Participants AMI-4-SME, Harald Sundmaeker ASPIRE, Neeli Prasad BRIDGE, Henri Barthel CASAGRAS, Ian Smith CASCADAS, Antonio Manzalini CE-RFID, Gerd Wolfram CoBIS, Stephan Haller CuteLoop, Harald Sundmaeker Dynamite, Kenneth Holmberg ETP EPoSS, Alessandro Bassi EU-IFM, Inge Meister EUWB (tbc) EURIDICE, Paolo Paganelli GRIFS, Stephane Pique HYDRA, Markus Eisenhauer Indisputable Key, Richard Uusijärvi IMS2020, Dimitris Kiritsis iSURF, Asuman Dogac LEAPFROG, Lutz Walter PEARS Feasibility, Humberto Moran PRIME, Marit Hansen PrimeLife, Dieter Sommer PROMISE, DimitrisKiritsis RACE networkRFID, Remi Ronchaud SMART, Kostas Thiveos SMMART, Jean-Louis Boucon StoLPaN, AndrásVilmos SToP, Harald Vogt TraSer, ZsoltKemeny WALTER, Franck Le Gall AITPL Cluster, Markus Rabe FInES Cluster, Sergio Gusmeroli (tbc) FIA/RWI, Neeli Prasad (tbc)

  4. Achievements so far • Regular meetings of the cluster (every 4-6 months) • Working Paper on RFID research needs (2007) • 2008: Adoption of a new scope to move from RFID to the broader scope of the Internet of Things (CERP -> CERP-IoT) • Collaboration with Japan, Korea, US etc on IoT issues • Contribution to the EU RFID Expert Group (EU REG) • Participation to important RFID and IoT events • Members of the cluster involved in numerous RFID and IoT EU activities (calls for proposals, action plans, thematic network etc.)

  5. Focus areas 2009 The CERP-IoT will focus on the following tasks in 2009: • Publication of an updated strategic research roadmap (SRA) • Publication of CERP-IoT Cluster book (planned for fall 09) • Sound contribution in the next high level events and conferences • Identification of concrete areas of cooperation • Reinforcement of network synergies with the EU RFID Thematic Network “RACE networkRFID”, CASAGRAS and GRIFS

  6. CERP-IoT Coordinator patrick.guillemin@etsi.org http://www.rfid-in-action.eu/cerp-iot CERP-IoT EC Secretary: Peter.FRIESS@ec.europa.eu

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