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ACTION PLAN. TEACHING MATH AT MONTESSOSI LEVEL D.A.I.M.S MS.BUSHRA SHAH. CONTENTS OF MY ACTION PLAN:. Long term goal. Short term goal. Instructional strategies and task. Solution and anticipated challenges. Timeline. 21 st century teaching approach
CONTENTS OF MY ACTION PLAN: • Long term goal. • Short term goal. • Instructional strategies and task. • Solution and anticipated challenges. • Timeline. • 21st century teaching approach • Bloom’s taxonomy or cognitive process of dimension. • Resources. • Conclusion.
LONG TERM GOALS • Adopt 21st century teaching approaches to enhance student appreciation of mathematics. • Students remember ,understand, creating effective oral and written work with the help of media and variety of content assign to them. • Students analyze, integrated and can create information. • Students can Demonstrate himself during group lesson. • Students Develop confidence and indecency during his learning that is working with material. • Students
SHORT TERM GOAL • To develop mathematical mind . • To remember number names and its formation. • They analyze formation of unit and tens numbers, teen and ty numbers • To develop thinking approach through questioning session. • To develop student-centered approach by encouraging. • To develop power of reasoning and problem solving.
Numbers can be introduce to the child with the help of concrete and symbols. Child can memorize the number as lesson given in three period lesson. Child can form the number with his body or posture. Child can listen poem related to numbers. Child can play game of jumbled counting on computer. Different task assign to different groups; labelling,tracing, sorting,colouring, matching,counting,formation of numbers and material work. Child will do cutting and pasting of different numbers from different books ,calendars and newspaper. Task assign to the child to find the number you see in nature .capture the picture of those things and make your own album. INSTRUCTIONAL STATEGIES AND TASK
Text books if not fulfilling children needs. Parents will emphasize their children on traditional method i.e rote learning . If children loose their interest due to power failure. Parents hold their child hand to get rid of this responsibility early. this decline their confidence level and brings drawback in their writing. Recap of content learnt sometimes spoils class discipline Separate worksheet assign to them for further cementing the concept. Orientation meeting will be done to aware them from teaching methodologies. I send them to the outdoor and their they learn through play way method. Individual attention given to those and also discuss this matter in P.T.M. with parents. Provide varieties of activity i.e games and story,artwork,work sheet,quiz programme. SOLUTION AND ANTICIPATED CHALLENGES
BLOOM’S TAXONOMYCOGINITIVE PROCESS DIMENSION • REMEMBER: After group lesson student recognize numbers. • UNDERSTAND: Student will get the clear concept about categories of numbers(unit,tens,teen& ty numbers. • APPLY; they Can do the given task properly.i.e writing of numbers, sorting and matching ,labeling. • ANALYZE: Student will form new number with the help of decimal card. • EVALUATE: Students will recognize the number. they will write number in sequence. They will do the given worksheets. • CREATIVITY: they do activity i.e pasting of right numbers, finding numbers in nature.
RESOURCES • Montessori math sensorial material. • Library. • Worksheet stuff. • Environment colleagues. • Suggestion jot down by parents in P.T.M. • Media.
CONCLUSION • By implementing 21st century teaching approach, students will be empowered and will be appreciated. students develops mathematical mind and gain better knowledge of mathematics.