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STANDING OPERATING PROSEDURES IN DISASTER. TRACK#1. MPAT TEMPEST EXPRESS-20. AGENDA. Purpose Organizations and their responsibilities in disaster crisis Main tasks Coordination structure of governmental and international humanitarian organizations
AGENDA Purpose Organizations and their responsibilities in disaster crisis Main tasks Coordination structure of governmental and international humanitarian organizations Responsibility of Government Organizations in pre-crisis actions Responsibility of Government Organizations in crisis actions Responsibility of Government Organizations in post-crisis actions
1. PURPOSE ASSUMPTIONS Specific features of Mongolia such as weather, territory, population, economy, cities growth have negative influence to the quick response and disaster relief operation. In order to deal with these issue there is requirement of coordination. APPLICABILITY Adopting this SOP can create the condition to implement disaster protection, quick response, recovery and reconstruction effectively and sufficiently. In addition to that this document can form effective coordination and collaboration of government organizations, agencies, national and international NGOs, international humanitarian organizations.
2-1 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS Deputy Prime Minister Direct and provide the guidance to the disaster protection operation throughout the country. State Emergency Committee Organize and provide the overall command to the disaster rescue, response, and recovery operations. Submit the necessary issue to the government for decision. National Emergency Operations Center Implement the tasks issued by SEC, direct the disaster rescue, response, and recovery operations in the affected area as well as organizing the coordination and arrangement of the participating organizations, national and international humanitarian organizations.
National Emergency Operation Center Responsibility • Direct the disaster rescue, response, and recovery operations in the affected area as well as conducting the coordination and arrangement of the participating all humanitarian organizations. • Allocate all the manpower and recourses • To provide the necessary information to the SEC and proposal additional funding. • To consume the resource material in accordance with the regulation • To report the situation of the operation to the SEC. Command and coordination • Operations in the National Emergency Operation Center /NEOC/ is coordinated and directed by the representative of NEMA. • NEOC provides the guidance to the coordination of the participating organizations and clusters. Submit the necessary issue to SEC for decision. • NEOC is organizing to provide national liaison, interpreter and other necessary professionals to participating organizations including international military assistance team. • General Staff of MAF and Multinational Coordination Center are responsible for organizing coordination of the International military assistance teams and provide the proper guidelines.
National Emergency Operation Center Command and coordination • Representative of foreign affairs organization provides the guidance to the Civil coordination center, provides the coordination to the foreign assistance and the international humanitarian organizations co-organized with IFRC. • General Staff is responsible for organizing Multinational Coordination Center and it organizes and directs all the coordination of foreign military assistance Information sharing • NEOC provides the command, coordination, and necessary information to all the participating organizations. • All the participants’ reports to the NEOC about the situations, operations overview, and changes. • During the disaster NEOC organizes situational brief daily with other centers. If necessary NEOC would organize the meeting with related organizations, or people in order to get better coordination and exchange the information.
2-1 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS NEMA Preventing the population, property, and environment from the disaster, conduct the rescue, response and recovery operation in case of emergency. GSMAF Support NEMA in preventing the population property, and environment from the disaster, and support the quarantine, recovery and reconstruction operation. GENERAL AUTHORITY OF BORDER PROTECTION SERVICE Protection of national border, in case of state emergency close the border GENERAL POLICE DEPARTMENT Provide the control of public law and order as well as traffic during disaster;
3. MAIN TASKS A. Coordination Government International organizations Multinational Military assistance team
3. MAIN TASKS B. SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION The NEMA provides professional guidance, operational command, and execution for rescue and search operations during the disaster. If necessary MAF, National Police, and Border Troops and other international assistance will be cooperated on rescue and search operations. LOGISTICS GOM is responsible for establishing acquiring, pre-positioning, and acquisitioning of the state emergence reserve in order to conduct to relief operations. Logistic provision follows: Food Water Clothing Shelter Electricity Medical assistance Fuel Physiology International assistance
B. SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION II. Airport Operation • GOM (Civil Aviation General Authority, The Mongolian General Customs Administration, Border Troops, and Foreign Civilian and Immigration Authority) facilitates/establishes staging areas for the incoming respective Assisting State personnel and expedites customs clearance for required equipment and support packages. • If the closest Int’l airport on site of disaster is out of operation or heavily limited due to natural disaster, the military airports will take over responsibility of that tasks until it’s operational. This decision made by Commander-in Chief of Mongolian Armed Forces State. • In case of both civilian and military designated airports are limited to use, Bilateral Agreement with neighboring countries regulates passage/receive flights from Assisting State or IO’s. • GOM will consider of enabling Assisting State Support through the customs of the country smoothly.
B. SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION III. ENGINEERING Engineering and sapper units of MAF and border troops are participating in disaster relief operation by the order of SEC and coordinated with NEMA.. NEMA mobilizes nationwide entrepreneurs sector of mining and road construction companies which have an engineering assets and capabilities. Intl’ assistance called for broadly if national capacity is limited.
B. SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION IV. COMMUNICATIONS State Disaster recovery Department for Information and Communication is responsible all matters regarding communication systems. It utilizes all National Broadcasting, radio, internet, newspapers, loudspeakers, and all other means in order to dissemination of early warning. • Establish command and control communication • Establish Data base of state level postal system, telephone land line and cellular and satellite phone service • Identify/assess of network coverage, main and secondary frequencies, reserve landlines • Establish Point of contacts with the IO’s, NGO’s, and other Humanitarian organizations • Set condition/maintain information sharing, security information, • Back-up plan • State Disaster recovery Department for Media and Advertisement is responsible for obtain information, its distribution, accuracy, and fastness.
B. SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION V. SECURITY General Police Department, National Intelligence agency are responsible for providing security. If necessary units of Mongolian Armed Forces would be called for support. • Main tasks are followed by: • Reinforce the national border protection. • Reinforce security of State vital objects • Establish CP, disaster boundary, as well as quarantine • Save environment, freedom of movement/operations of Humanitarian organizations • Build up Airport security, (air traffic control/movement) • Maintain public order, patrol, preventive measures of property • Search and Rescue for the missing or lost population, provide shelters
B. SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION VI. CAMP MANAGEMENT Camp management personnel State organizations , Humanitarian organizations Evacuation, Locations of IDP camp: Nalaikh, Tuvaimag, Emeelt, Khuidoloonkhudag, Erdenesoum, Bagannuur, Bagakhangai, and vacation lands and tourist camps. International assistance: Assess the national capacity and reserve and request international assistance for additional recourse on shelter, food, clothing and medical assistance. Camp organizations
B. SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION VII. DRINKING WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE Drinking water supply: Daily water supply will be 5-10 liters per person. Sanitation and hygiene: Its sanitation & hygiene issues will be under responsibilities of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industries, Ministry of Health, the general agency for specialized inspection.
B. SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION VIII. ЭРҮҮЛ МЭНДИЙН ТУСЛАМЖ, ҮЙЧИЛГЭЭ Эмнэлгийн үйчилгээ • Гамшгаас хамгаалах эрүүл мэндийн улсын албаны төлөвлөгөөний дагуу гамшгийн үед эрүүл мэндийн тусламж, үйчилгээг зохион байгуулна. • Гамшгийн үед Монгол улсын эмийн бүртгэлд бүртгэгдээгүй эмийг хэрэглэхийг хориглоно. • Гадаадаас хандивласан цус, цусан бүтээгдэхүүнийг Эрүүл мэндийн сайдын баталсан журмын дагуу хүлээн авч, эрүүл мэндийн байгууллагын хяналт, зөвшөөрлийн дагуу ашиглана. Халдварт өвчинтэй тэмцэх, хорио цээрийн дэглэмийг сахиулах • Халдварт өвчинтэй тэмцэх бэлэн байдлын төлөвлөгөөний дагуу халдварт өвчинтэй тэмцэх ажиллагааг зохион байгуулна. • Хэн болох нь тогтоогдоогүй цогцосыг 3 сар хүртэл хугацаагаар хадгалж, Онцгой комиссын шийдвэрээр оршуулах ажлыг зохион байгуулна.
B. SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION VIII. Medical service and assistance Foreign medical assistance and international humanitarian assistance • Receiving, deploying, and coordinating the international medical assistance are conducted by the order of Minister of Health • Location and the security of international medical assistance team is organized by the SEC. • Representative of Ministry of Health will provide the guidance to the assistance and service of the international medical assistance teams
B. SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION IX. RESCUE OPERATION FOR THE POPULATION WITH LIVESTOCK IN THE VICINITY OF THE CITY: • Calculate the number of livestock (А) • To create the reserve in districts and sub-districts (Khoroo) • Evacuate the livestock, and provide the necessary assistance X. ASSISTANCE OPERATION OUTSIDE THE ULAANBAATAR CITY: • Assessment • Assistance operation throughout the local SEC. • Coordinate the international humanitarian agencies
4. STRUCTURE OF COORDINATION OF GOVERNMENTAL AND OTHER HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATIONS IN DISASTER RELIEF SITUATIONS Deputy Minister, ministries, agencies, ministers, chiefs Deputy chief of NEMA, Disaster organizations, GS-J-3, Border Troops, International Agencies. Agencies of disaster protection: - Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism /evaluate the danger of chemical pollutions/ - Ministry of Health - Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry - Department of protection of radioactive - Ministry of Roads, Transportation, Construction and Urban Development- - Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy - Agency for Specialized Inspection - Law and order - provide information to the public \public media\
. • To coordinate the activity of government agencies, entities, enterprises and companies in case of disaster emergency • To make assessment • . • To develop the coordination of foreign country and international agencies in order to disaster protection issue. 5. RESPONSIBILITY OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS IN PRE-CRISIS ACTIONS GOM GSMAF NEMA Develop the state policy of disaster protection Provide the training and readiness of task forces Develop and maintain the “Disaster protection plan”, and develop the policy, and instructions of caution of disaster protection means Develop and modify coordination plan with NEMA; Develop and control the execution of contingency plan for the protection of population, property from the disaster and conduct the disaster relief, recovery and reconstruction operations. Conduct the disaster protection training throughout the country Maintain the state mobilization reserve; Develop the coordination of foreign country and international agencies in order to disaster protection issue planning and preparation of coordination with foreign militaries; Publicize the information and advertisement of disaster protection activities to the public throughout the public information means.
5. RESPONSIBILITY OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS IN PRE-CRISIS ACTIONS International organization Border Troops Police Department emergency planning and execution of border protection Develop and modify the coordination plan in disaster relief operation together with UN agency, IFRC, GOM and NEMA. maintain the preparedness in accordance with the disaster Plan develop an modify emergency coordination plan conduct training with local authority and other government agency provide the preparedness of Police service Arrangement plan the international organizations coordinate with other agencies Training of personnel
PRE CRISIS ACTION SOP every NEMA branches in districts, aimag and organizations have “Readiness plan of disaster protection”. They modify the plan every year. Training Disaster protection training have different categories such as for senior leaders, rescue units, training for professional individuals, and for other civilians, students etc. Training exercise different stages of training, exercise conduct annually including CPX, training exercise of the professional units and individuals, Reserve and its location Reserve branches are established in the region of dense populated, disaster occurrence has higher Equipment acquisition Equipments for search and rescue are provided by national funding and ths contribution of foreign country. 22
6. RESPONSIBILITY OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS IN CRISIS ACTIONS GOM NEMA • Mobilize the manpower and equipments • Submit of the shifting Disaster Readiness Level to the government meeting • Government officials that are tasked with planning for or responding to all included emergency incidents, whether local or national, are affected by the National Response Plan., • disaster assessment • disaster readiness levels • quarantine • implicate other agencies • search and rescue • evacuation • constant precautions to the public • obtain and disseminate the related information to provide hierarchy • request the participation of foreign search and rescue team and coordinate with them
6. RESPONSIBILITY OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS IN CRISIS ACTIONS GS MAF Border Troops • support the relief operation, search and rescue and quarantine • support the security of state vital objects • support and assist humanitarian operation • conduct rescue operation • mobilize the MAF reserve if necessary • mobilize the reserve force if necessary • organize to receive the foreign military assistance, provide security, support the deployment • coordination with foreign militaries • reinforcement of national border protection • regulation of border crossing procedures • support the search, rescue and quarantine operation • execute the specific tasks issued by SEC • provide the necessary resource to the operation
6. RESPONSIBILITY OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS IN CRISIS ACTIONS 6. ГАМШИЙН ҮЕИЙН ЗГ, ТӨРИЙН БАЙГУУЛЛАГУУДЫН ҮҮРЭГ ХАРИУЦЛАГА F. Humanitarian organizations • In the framework of disaster readiness, there should be taken in policy management and response planning, evaluation, information sharing and mobilize back-up resources. • Humanitarian team has the responsibility for seamless management and coordination, capabilities and resources into a unified between government, non-government and international orgs. • In the event of the National Emergency is publicized, it activates main concerned humanitarian orgs and provides also emergency management guidance for all clusters in conformity with national governmental response procedures.
CRISIS ACTION SOP According to plan to execute the search, rescue, and early recovery operations are conducted. Training Assigned personnel and other personnel in disaster relief operation must be introduced the safety instructions before the operation. They must obey the safety instruction during the operation. Exercise Professional skills must be controlled and advised during the operation. If time allows, short time practice could be conducted. Pre-positioning of reserve Reserve must be contributed appropriately to the all effected area Equipment acquisition Necessary equipments be bought by the decision of SEC 26
7. RESPONSIBILITY OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS IN POST-CRISIS ACTIONS A.NEMA • initiate recovery and reconstruction • assess and estimate overall disaster damage, • plan for disaster relief • recreate the state reserve • prepare the lessons learned B.MAF • planning and execution of reconstruction plan • support the security of state vital objects • support and assist humanitarian operation • provide the coordination within foreign military assistance teams
C.Border Troops • provide border protection • control the border zone regime • maintain the border crossing procedures • support the recovery and reconstruction D. General Police Department Maintain public order in the disaster area; Evidence collection and Investigation; Provide security E.Humanitarian • In framework of preparedness of disaster, GOM and HCT have contingency plan regarding issues on the policy, coordination, response planning, control, assessment, information sharing, and mobilization of reserve • Government agencies, NGO’s, IO’s, and other humanitarian entities organize the meeting. It would formulate the clear guidance in order to better collaboration and coordination in future actions.
ГАМШГИЙН ДАРААХЬ ҮЙЛ АЖИЛЛАГАА SOP Update the SOP based on the lessons learned. Training Identify future training review based on the operational lessons learned. Exercises conduct the training exercises to improve the individual professional skills, knowledge, and ability which was required during the operation. Pre-positioning Gather again the national reserve Equipment acquisition Required equipment, spare parts need to be ordered and distribute them to the units. Readjustment and repair work of the equipment must be conducted. 29
Recommendation • Establish National Emergency Operation Center • Training about the National Emergency Operation Center • Establish the agreement with neighboring countries in order to receive the foreign military assistance in case of disaster emergency • improvement of legislation to receive the humanitarian assistance • Continue the development of draft SOP, conduct the training among the senior leaders.