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BIOMIMETIC SYNTHESIS AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE DIHYDRATE D. Rabadjieva 1 , R. Gergulova 1 , R. Titorenkova 2 , S. Tepavitcharova 1 , E. Dyulgerova 3 , O. Petrov 2 , Chr. Balarew 1
BIOMIMETIC SYNTHESIS AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE DIHYDRATE D. Rabadjieva1, R. Gergulova1, R. Titorenkova2, S. Tepavitcharova1, E. Dyulgerova3, O. Petrov2, Chr. Balarew1 1Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,Acad. G. Bontchev Str., Bl.11, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, didiarab@svr.igic.bas.bg 2Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bontchev Str., Bl.107, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria 3Dental Medicine Faculty, University of Medicine,1 G. Sofiiski Str., 1431 Sofia, Bulgaria Poster P36 IR studies SBF maturation Introduction • Biomimetic conditions (37oC, pH 7.3, SBFc, SBFr, SBFcg, SBFcu) Calcium ortophosphates possess good biocompatibility, littletoxicity and an adequate biodegradable rate when they are used as bone substitutes in a view of ceramics or cements. Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD, CaHPO4.2H2O) as calcium orthophosphates, attracts the interest due to its relevance to biological systems. DCPD is detected in pathologic mineralization and it is considered to be an intermediate phase in the processes of bone and teeth de- and re-mineralization. Thus, investigations on the biomimetic synthesis and phase transformation of DCPD are of great importance for elucidation of some of the elementary processes of hard tissue mineralization. FT IR spectra of solid phases obtained at the maturation process in different SBFs • Static regime, Solid/liquid ratio 4 g/l • Duration – 72h, 240h, 720h, 6 monts • Change the SBF solution every day after 72nd hour. Thermodynamic studies of the dissolution process and phase transformation of DCPD and OCP Aims To study the biomimetic transformations of DCPD by applying of chemical, thermodynamics, kinetics, and spectral (XRD and IR) analysis. Kinetics studies Experiments and Results DCPD biomimetic synthesis Composition SBFc-Pm SBFc-Cam mmol/l (CaCl2 solution) (K2HPO4 solution) Na+ 141.9 141.9 K+ 5.0 383.5 Mg2+ 1.5 1.5 Ca2+ 340.9 0.0 Cl- 819.7 142.8 SO42- 0.5 0.5 HCO3- 4.2 4.2 HPO42- 0.0 190.2 • Initial solutions - • SBFc-Pm and SBFc-Cam Calculated (____) and experimental (■ ;; ▲) pH and Ca values of liquid phase Conclusions • Precipitation method (fast mixing, pH 5.5, room temperature, washing with water and acetone (1:1), drying at 37oC SBF); • DCPD with minor impurities of Mg, Na, K and Cl precipitates at these experimental conditions; • DCPD dissolution during the first 1-2 hours causes pH increasing in all maturation solutions. The effect is greater at SBFc and SBFr than in SBFcg and SBFcu since Glycine and Urea operate as additional buffer system together with HPO42-/Н2PO4-and HCO3-/CO32-; • Тhe solubility of DCPD increases in SBFcg and SBFcu, due to the tendency of Glycine and Urea to form calcium complexes [Ca2+(Gly)n] 2-n or [Ca2+Un]2-n; • Тhe phase transformation of DCPD into OCP is completed after 240h in SBFc, SBFcg and SBFcu, six months later formation of carbonated apatite phase takes place • In SBFr the phase transformation carries out faster and phase of carbonated apatite was registered still after 240th hours Kinetics profile of Mg2+, Ca2+ and PO43- and pH in liquid (a) and solid (b) phases during the process Chemical composition of the precipitate XRD studies XRD and IR analysis of the precipitate Thermodynamic simulations of the precipitation process in the studied system (pH 4 - 6.5) XRD powder data of solid phases obtained at the maturation process in different SBFs ___ DCPD; ____ DCPD+OCP; _____ OCP; _____ carbonated apatite Acknowledgments This work is financially supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science under Projects DTK 02-70/2009 and CVP-09-0003.