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ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe . E. Brockmann . Topics. Basis of ETRS89 The 3 hierarchies: European – national new – national old availability and accuracy 3D 2D + 1D Country-specific situations in Europe some examples of Switzerland
ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe E. Brockmann
Topics • Basis of ETRS89 • The 3 hierarchies: European – national new – national old • availability and accuracy • 3D • 2D + 1D • Country-specific situations in Europe • some examples of Switzerland • specifications and standards (European / national)
Definition ETRS89 (=System) • Adopted in 1990 by EUREF • ETRS89 was aligned to the international reference system ITRS at epoch 1989.0. • Whereas European stations have movements of several centimeters within one year in the ITRS, ETRS89 is fixed to stable part of Europe • 2003: decision of the European Commission to relate their own geographical data to ETRS89
Station movements globally • World-wide (1-10 cm/year) Europe (< 1-2 mm/year) Europe: 2.5 cm/year -> North -East
Internat./EUREF “mm” National new “cm” National old“cm/dm” Realization (=Frame) • “Fixing” / Defining coordinates - High accuracies and world-wide thanks to GPS • Need for homogeneous national reference frame in Europe (Eurogeographics, INSPIRE, GIS data exchange): ETRF • National ETRF coordinates were in the past mainly computed from campaigns – today permanent networks define national reference frames • The ETRFyy realizations are used as the reference frame for Europe an in the countries! • Umbrella EUREF: EPN web portal gives detailed information on coordinates. Coordinates are mainly “scientific” oriented (weekly an multi-annual coordinate sets) • In countries “old” / distorted coordinate reference systems exist
Trafo (Boucher, Altamimi) Internat./EUREF “mm” No kinematic Simple 3D-Transformation National new “cm” Fineltra Transformation cm / dm National old “cm/dm” 1989 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 time Example: CRS in Switzerland ITRF20yy ETRF93
North East North East Conversion Conversion Transformation Latitude Longitude (ell. height) Latitude Longitude (ell. height) Conversion Conversion X Y Z X Y Z Transformation - Position national CRS ETRS89 2DMap projection (+ 1D)height /geoid 3D
Internat./EUREF “mm” National new “cm” National old“cm/dm” Transformation info for GIS Transformation with Meter accuraccy Definition + transformationhttp://www.crs-geo.eu Globally also available (European Petroleum Survey Group)http://www.epsg.org/ Reference for many OGC projects
Internat./EUREF “mm” National new “cm” National old“cm/dm” Relation between coordinate systems • Availability in the countries ? • accuracy 3D ? / 2D ? 1D ? • http://www.euref-iag.net
Status of the European Permanent Network (EPN) 39 countries 223 sites Status: 1.5.2009
Comparison with EPN05 densification:alternative Method using EPN web National level (e.g. CH) EPN international national • requested to report in the national report • - on sub-mm identical to method using SNX: SSC file rounded to 1 mm http://www.epncb.oma.be/_trackingnetwork/coordinates/stationcoordinates4onestation.php?station=ZIMM
Number of EPN sites with official national ETRF coordinates Not yet asked (EPN sites) Ok: (xx CRD delivered / EPN sites) 2 4/4 No EPN sites used: (xx CRD delivered / EPN sites) 12 6 4 7/8 Greenland:4Israel: 2Morocco: 2Armenia: 1 1 3 1 EPN: 39 countries 223 sites 12 1/17 5/5 9 4/5 9/20 0/7 All 15 countries sent coordinates 1 2/4 10/10 4/5 16/19 5 2/2 1 Partly more site coordinates delivered (additional national + outside of the country) 3 20/31 1 1 1 3/6 4 20/35 3 Status: 1.5.2009 1
EPN_ETRF_C1355.CRD EPN_ITRF_C1355.SNX ETRF2000(R05) Transformation, Epoch 2000.0 ETRF2000 ITRF2005 ETRF00 ETRF2000 ETRF93 ETRS89 ETRF05 ETRF96 ETRF93 ETRF00 ETRF2000 ETRF2000(R05) ETRF05(R05) ETRF89 ETRF2000 ETRF97 AUT_20090211.ETRF BEL_20090127.ETRF CHE_20081021.ETRF DEU_20081104.ETRF ESP_20090201.ETRF FIN_20090119.ETRF FRA_20090428.ETRF HUN_20090120.ETRF ITA_20090101.ETRF NLD_20090325.ETRF POL_20090129.ETRF PRT_20090402.ETRF SVK_20090421.ETR SWE_20081024.ETRF “National ETRF” cm ITRF ETRF Different Epochs National ETRF coordinates Comparison with EPN05 densification:Method used scientific multi-annual densification solution ITRF05 Densification solution of the EPN (Nov. 2008): data till week 1355 “EPN05” mm Comparison(Difference) official national coordinates
Comparison of “official” national coordinates with scientific multi-annual EPN05 densification
Why 2-3 cm differences? Limits of ETRS realizations • different ETRFYY definitions and reference epochs • transition from campaign to permanent stations • different analysis models and software used • different station setups (antenna changes) – most recent EPN station setup was used for the comparisons • mapping agencies cannot change coordinates frequently • location on “non-stable plate” (South Italy) • Well done by the national mapping agencies • Limit: stable part of Europe
2D / 1D in Europe • Map projections defined since 1999 (Eurogeographics, INSPIRE) • Height reference frame ETRF2007 • released 2008 • transformations not yet available in most of the countries; very rough transformations available at CRS web page • CH: 1-2 cm Trafo-tool planned (11 cm shift + HTRANS-type correction to old LHN02 and new LHN95) • Precise European Geoid not yet available: publication planned 2010 Requirement 5 INSPIRE will mandate the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (ETRS89-LAEA) for spatial analysis and display Requirement 6 NSPIRE will mandate the Lambert Conformal Conic (ETRS89-LCC) for conformal pan-European mapping at scales smaller or equal to 1:500,000 Requirement 7 INSPIRE will mandate the Transverse Mercator (ETRS89-TMzn) for conformal pan-European mapping at scales larger than 1:500,000
Related topics • Other standards / specifications • ISO19100-family on geographic information • Inspire data specifications • Inspire web service specifications (e.g. coordinate Web Coordinate Transformation Service (WCTS); Web Processing Service (WPS)) • National specifications (geoservices; CH: e-geo) “INSPIRE Annex I data specifications”
Internat./EUREF “mm” National new “cm” National old“cm/dm” Relation between coordinate systems Stable part of Europe • Availability in the countries • accuracy 3D / 2D 1D • http://www.euref-iag.net • Availability in the countries ? • accuracy 3D ? / 2D ? 1D ?
New Reference System CHTRS95 (Reference Frame LV95) “old coordinates” 200’000 / 600’000 “new coordinates” 1’ 200’000 / 2’ 600’000
Transformation: Old <-> New System LV95 LV03 Trafo using Finite Elements: ▬ national „dm“-transformation ▬ cantonal „cm“-transformation Model name: CHENyx06 5'925 transformation points 11'731 triangles
Accuracy of the transformation • 46‘600 control points (CP) 2.2 points per km2 • maximal CP influence 1.5 km • interpolation (using 1/d2 and max. 1.5 km) • Empirical accuracy: 2 cm ± 1 cm
CH: Geoid + Height Transformation LN02-LHN95 Height system remains “old” LHN02 • Available for • Receiver • Office programs (TGO, other GNSS software) • both included in REFRAME Geoid CHGeo2004 HTRANS 1 km grids available -0.20 <-> +0.55 m ± 3 – 15 cm (far from levelling lines) -5 <-> +5 m± 2 – 5 cm (alps) free of charge: NOT free of charge:
Method „Grids“ • ~ 1 mm identical to dm-FINELTRA (1 km raster) • < 1 cm difference to cm-FINELTRA (1 km raster) • < 1 cm to HTRANS (1 km raster); high alps < 10 cm
Mapping Navigation yes m: Simply add1’000’000 and 2’000’000 Usage of transformation data set availability horizontal accuracy GIS yes dm: National Trafo: 1-3 dm (moderate elevations) up to several dm (mountains) Federal surveying yes cm: Cantonal Trafo: Depending quality of the areas: 1 cm up to some dm Example CH: accuracy and usage of transformation
2000 … 2006 2007 2008 … 2016 2017 … 20XX renewal Δ-generation Change of the reference frame work geobasis data LV03 LV95 reference frame LV03 LV95 GeoIG and reference frame • Geographic information law + 10 ordinances, came into force 1.7.2008 • Transitions phase for LV95: 2016 for geobasis data regulated by federal law; 2020 for all geobasis data Height system remains “old” LHN02
Support for transformations 1. Download of CHENyx06 data set; dlls are available 2. off-line transformation program “REFRAME” 4. View of transformation accuracy • LV03-LV95-ETRS • geoid, • height systems LN02-LHN95 3. on-line transformations 5. transformation supported also by positioning service swipos® in real-time (special phone number) 4 3 2
Examples Grids / FINELTRA usage in third-party software • Leica GPS Software (CSCS): Country specific coordinate systems • ESRI: FINELTRA dll included • NTV2 Format as European-wide standard for the transformation
Grids (plane trafo) in other EU countries • At annual EUREF not a “hot” topic (no big discussions) -> also available in the countries (but different accuracies) • For UIC (2006) a detailed status was collected for countries France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland - all countries have slightly different solutions, but the goal of the transformation “old”-”new” is reached.
Internat./EUREF “mm” National new “cm” National old“cm/dm” Relation between coordinate systems Stable part of Europe • Availability in the countries • accuracy 3D / 2D 1D • http://www.euref-iag.net • Availability in the countries • accuracy 3D / 2D 1D Solutions country- and software-specific
Advantages of ETRS • ONE reference system for Europe • Linked to the international reference system ITRS • Easily accessible with GPS • No distortions in the network / no adoption to neighbouring points • „Absolute“ coordinates / less maintenance work for local reference points • Simple handling of coordinates for users (economy, administration, etc.) • Enables an exchange of geographical data
Thanks for your attention! C. Calvert: EUREF–Symposium 2005, Vienna