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Stream Erosion

Stream Erosion. Notes. Watershed. A major river or stream along with all the smaller streams that connect to it. Tributary. A small stream that feeds a larger river. Streams/Rivers.

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Stream Erosion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stream Erosion Notes

  2. Watershed • A major river or stream along with all the smaller streams that connect to it.

  3. Tributary • A small stream that feeds a larger river.

  4. Streams/Rivers • Streams/rivers are running channels of water that begin at high elevation (source) and run to low elevations (mouth).

  5. Stream terms • Stream Velocity: Speed of water in a stream. • Discharge: The volume of water in a stream. • Erosion: The ability of a stream to carry and remove sediment. • Deposition: When a stream deposits sediment because the velocity slows down. • Gradient: The steepness of the slope of the stream channel.

  6. Relationship of Terms • As gradient increases velocity ________.

  7. Relationship of Terms • As gradient increases velocity increases. • As gradient increases erosion ________.

  8. Relationship of Terms • As gradient increases velocity increases. • As gradient increases erosion increases. • As discharge increases velocity ________.

  9. Relationship of Terms • As gradient increases velocity increases. • As gradient increases erosion increases. • As discharge increases velocity increases. • As discharge increases rate of erosion _________.

  10. Relationship of Terms • As gradient increases velocity increases. • As gradient increases erosion increases. • As discharge increases velocity increases. • As discharge increases rate of erosion increases. • As velocity decreases rate of deposition _________.

  11. Relationship of Terms • As gradient increases velocity increases. • As gradient increases erosion increases. • As discharge increases velocity increases. • As discharge increases rate of erosion increases. • As velocity decreases rate of deposition increases.

  12. Life-stages of streams • Youthful stream: • Very steep slope. • V-shaped channel. • Steep canyon walls. • Straight channel. • High velocity. • High rate of erosion.

  13. Youthful Stream

  14. Youthful Stream

  15. Youthful Stream

  16. Mature stream • The v-shape channel becomes more rounded. • Gradient is decreasing. • Velocity is decreasing. • Meanders begin to form. • A narrow flood plain begins to form.

  17. Mature Stream

  18. Old-age streams • Slow velocity. • Very wide flood plain. • Elaborate Meandering Patterns • Oxbow Lakes

  19. Old-Age Stream

  20. Stages in a stream

  21. Oxbow Lakes

  22. Oxbow Lakes

  23. Oxbow Lakes

  24. River Delta • When a moving river reaches its destination, the river’s speed will decrease sharply. • This sharp decrease in velocity will cause an enormous amount of deposition to occur. • This depositional feature is known as a delta, named for the Greek letter shaped as a triangle.

  25. Mississippi Delta

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