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Evaluation of Work Placements

Evaluation of Work Placements. http://www.hestem-sw.org.uk/higher-education-curriculum Dr Poppy Turner poppy.m.turner@gmail.com. Aims of the project : To enable effective evaluation of placement situations To enhance staff understanding of placement learning

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Evaluation of Work Placements

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  1. Evaluation of Work Placements http://www.hestem-sw.org.uk/higher-education-curriculum Dr Poppy Turner poppy.m.turner@gmail.com

  2. Aims of the project: • To enable effective evaluation of placement situations • To enhance staff understanding of placement learning • To help define expected placement learning outcomes • To disseminate good practice in placement evaluation • What has been achieved so far? • ‘Guidance for the Evaluation of Work Placements’ • ‘Frameworks and Models for the Analytical Evaluation of Work Placements’ • What next? • Two half-day workshops on 27 February and 5 March

  3. Guidance for the Evaluation of Work Placementsincludes: • The significance of placement learning • Its promoters and inhibitors (or what matters in placement learning?) • Definition of high quality placements • Evaluation in advance of placement • During placement • Post placement • Placement learning outcomes

  4. Frameworks and Models for the Analytical Evaluation of Work Placementsincludes: • Summary of the processes involved in effective evaluation • Frameworks = questions that need to be answered to ensure evaluation is effective • One for employers’ perspectives, one for students’ perspectives • Is there alignment or disparity between them? • Models = diagrams to illustrate placement situations.

  5. Workshops. Two, complementary: • Opportunity to explore placement learning, its promoters and inhibitors • Identify what constitutes high quality placements, in terms of their potential to facilitate student learning • Introduction to ‘Guidance for Evaluation of Work Placements’. Opportunity to think about anticipated Learning Outcomes • Explores what to do if a placement is less than ideal? • Opportunity to explore evaluation in more depth • Introduction to ‘Frameworks and Models for the Analytical Evaluation of Work Placements’ • Opportunity to practise using the frameworks and models

  6. Invitation These informal workshops will deal with placement learning in a fun way, with plenty of chances to chat to other interested colleagues Please join us on 27 February (pm) and 5 March (am) Register by emailing hestem@bath.ac.uk by 20 February.

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