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Scientific Method

Notes. Scientific Method . How Scientists Work: Solving the Problems. Science deals with solving problems No matter what types of problems are being studied, scientists use the same problem-solving steps called… The Scientific Method. Scientific Method Definition.

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Scientific Method

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  1. Notes Scientific Method

  2. How Scientists Work:Solving the Problems • Science deals with solving problems • No matter what types of problemsare being studied, scientists use the same problem-solving steps called… • The Scientific Method

  3. Scientific Method Definition • The scientific method is- • A logical and systematic approach or process to problem solving. 

  4. Question What does the scientist want to learn more about? First Then Research Gathering of information Scientific Method An Overview Next Hypothesis An “Educated” guess of an answer to the question Then Procedure/ Method Written and carefully followed step-by-step experiment designed to test the hypothesis Next Data Information collected during the experiment And And Observations Written description of what was noticed during the experiment Finally Conclusion Was the hypothesis correct or incorrect?

  5. Scientific Method Ask Question • Let’s break each of these steps down into their individual components: Do Background Research Think! Try Again Construct Hypothesis Test with an Experiment Analyze Results Draw Conclusion Hypothesis is True Hypothesis is False or Partially True Report Results

  6. As we all know, frogs have four legs. What’s up with thesefroggies? Observing • Make an observation • See somethingunusual • Frogs withincorrectnumber oflegs!

  7. Questioning/Problem • Recognize, state or define the problem • Must be in the form of a question • The obvious question is:  • What is causing these deformities?

  8. Researching • Gather information related to the problem • Read, observe, measure, take samples, etc. • How frogs normally develop from eggs • The % of frogs with the deformities

  9. Hypothesizing • A hypothesis is: • An educated guess, trial answer, possible solution, prediction (no explanation!!) • Must be a statement • Must be testable or measurable • Is based on your research and previous experience

  10. Uncovered jars Two groups of jars Covered jars Control and Experimental Groups Control group: • used as a standard of comparison • the group containing the factor (variable) that has been changed Experimental group: (manipulated or independent variable)

  11. Variables in an Experiment • Variables - Factors that can be changed

  12. Controlled Variables - all the variables that remain constant

  13. Manipulated Variable - (also called the Independent Variable) - factor in an experiment that a scientist purposely changes

  14. Setting up a Controlled Experiment • In a controlled experiment, only one factor is changed at a time. • Independent variable: the factor that is deliberately changed • Dependent variable: the factor that the scientist wants to observe; it changes in response to the independent variable

  15. Scientific Theory • A theory is an explanation of a set of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times by detached groups of researchers

  16. Scientific Law Scientific Method • Scientific laws represent the cornerstoneof scientific discovery • They must be simple, true, universal, and absolute

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