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WINDSCANNER.DK: LIDAR WIND SPEED MEASUREMENTS FROM A ROTATING SPINNER. T. Mikkelsen, K. Hansen, N. Angelou, M. Sjöholm, M. Harris, P. Hadley, R. Scullion, G. Ellis, G. Vives Risø DTU, Roskilde, Denmark Natural Power, Malvern, UK. WindScanner.dk

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WINDSCANNER.DK:LIDAR WIND SPEED MEASUREMENTS FROM A ROTATING SPINNER T. Mikkelsen, K. Hansen, N. Angelou, M. Sjöholm, M. Harris, P. Hadley, R. Scullion, G. Ellis, G. VivesRisø DTU, Roskilde, Denmark Natural Power, Malvern, UK

  2. WindScanner.dk From new Wind Lidar Technology towards new Wind Energy Research Infrastructures…: WindScanner.dk2010-2013 Current Status SpinnerEX 2009 EU ESFRI Road Map 2010 ? MusketeerEX 2007/2008 RI focus First CW Wind lidar 2004 Scientific focus Technical focus

  3. WindScanner.dkmethodology is based on 3-dimensional scanning with wind lidar's to determine the instantaneous turbulence fields: Since 2005 new wind lidar's have enabled replacement of tall (80-300 m) MET masts

  4. 25 kW Wind Turbine 1975: • Ø/H ~ 0.3 • 2.3 MW NM80 • Height 59 m; • Ø=80H • <Ø/H ~ 1.4 Ø HH

  5. Spinner Integrated LidarI: Experimental Setup: Pro-active wind turbine control from upwind measurements by lidars integrated in the rotating Spinner… :

  6. CW Lidar: ZephIR (50 Hz) Spinner – mounted lidar Tjæreborg SPINNER-EX 2009 Wind Turbine: NM80 (NegMicon/Vestas)

  7. Tjæreborg: ZephIR “Spinner-Ex.” …:

  8. Real-time LIDAR Raw data (50 Hz un-calibrated):

  9. Time series (10 s) of approaching wind conditions measured +100 m upwind: Ex.: Inhomogeneous wind field

  10. Spinner Integrated LidarII: Measurements and Results Pro-active wind turbine control from upwind measurements by lidar's integrated in the rotating Spinner… :

  11. Measurement Setup’s: Wind speed values per rotation (each frame contains 10 consecutive scanning circles)

  12. Upwind @ 1.24 Ø (+ 100 m): Radial wind speeds during a 10-min sampling period The loci of the focussed lidar beam

  13. Geometry Horizontal Wind Speeds –ground-referenced: Radial Wind Speeds – Wind Turbine-referenced:

  14. Results Correlation between lidar and mast Study of the approaching wind field

  15. Wind turbine Yaw-misalignment relative to time-averaged wind direction as measured by lidar: Direction [degrees] Time [HH:MM] Yaw misalignment angles at hub height (57m) Θw [degrees] Time [sec]

  16. 10-min averages Power curve measurements based on Spinner Lidar data: 1-min averages 1-s averages Power [kW] U [m/s] U [m/s] U [m/s] U [m/s] Power curves from lidar wind speed 100 m (1.24 Ø) upwind Power [kW] U [m/s] U [m/s] U [m/s] Power curves based on hub-height cup anemometer

  17. Spinner Integrated LidarIII: Future Work 2D Rotor Plane Scans Pro-active wind turbine control from upwind measurements by lidars integrated in the rotating Spinner… :

  18. Scanning in 2-D: ”Risley prism” Dual-prism single-axis beam steering:

  19. Scope for further wind LIDAR integration: Upwind Rotor Plane Spinnerintegratedlidar Blade integratedlidar

  20. Future research and applications: • More precise yaw alignment using lidar • Proactive (typically +10 s) Pitch control • Pro-active RPM control • Warning and mitigating of extreme loads (from gusts) • More percisepower-curvemeasurememts • … Acknowledgements: The Tjæreborg “Lidar-in-spinner Experiment” was conducted as part of the Windscanner.dk RI activities 2009. Meteorology and turbine data have been provided via the Danish DAN-AERO MW project. Access to the NM80 research Turbine was granted by Vestas and Dong Energy.

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