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Background. This image is an advertisement created by WWF to persuade people to not cause damage to exotic animals by purchasing souvenirs that are created from animals on their trips. . What is the purpose of this advertisement?.

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  1. Background • This image is an advertisement created by WWF to persuade people to not cause damage to exotic animals by purchasing souvenirs that are created from animals on their trips.

  2. What is the purpose of this advertisement?

  3. The purpose of this advertisement is to persuade people to not purchase products that cause harm to exotic animals

  4. Who is the audience of this advertisement?

  5. What techniques does the image use?

  6. The image uses dull colors to create a gloomy mood • The color of the blood stands out so that the eyes focus on it • The blood coming from the suitcase is a symbol for the damage that people do to animals when buying items made from them

  7. The audience of this advertisement is anyone who may think about purchasing items that cause harm to exotic animals

  8. How does this advertisement appeal to pathos?

  9. This advertisement appeals to pathos when it creates emotion in the viewer by showing blood that would be from an animal. • This technique would be most effective when shown to someone who may feel sorry for the animals

  10. How does this advertisement appeal to ethos?

  11. The creators of this advertisement use their own credibility • WWF is a fundraising organization that brings substantial financial support to the conservation movement on a worldwide scale

  12. How does this advertisement appeal to logos?

  13. This advertisement uses the logic that people can cause damage to nature by buying things created from exotic animals when they go on trips

  14. What is the point of view of this advertisement?

  15. This advertisement uses a third person point of view to show the entire image

  16. Sources • "Creative Advertisement." : 40 Most Creative WWF Advertisements Ever. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

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