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Endtimes - Eschatology. Pre-Tribulation Pre-Millenial Dispensational Futurist Seriously (Literally). Isa 28:13 (Isa 28:10) But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little;
Endtimes - Eschatology Pre-Tribulation Pre-Millenial Dispensational Futurist Seriously (Literally) • Isa 28:13 (Isa 28:10) • But the word of the LORD was unto them • precept upon precept, precept upon precept; • line upon line, line upon line; • here a little, and there a little; • that they might go, and fall backward, and • be broken, and snared, and taken. KJV • Hos 12:10 • I have also spoken by the prophets, • and I have multiplied visions, • and used similitudes, • by the ministry of the prophets. KJV
Rev 2-3 Rev 6 > Petra Bosrah Ammon Edom Moab Modern Jordan PS 27:5 CHURCH IN HEAVEN WITH CHRIST JESUS ZEPH 2:2-3 ZECH 13.6 Wounds in the house of my friends… JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - REWARDS MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Virgin Bride without spot or wrinkle ISA 26.20 1 COR 15.22-28 1 COR 15.51-53 GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT Sheep / Goat Judgment Judgment of the Nations 1 THES 4:15-18 ZECH 12:10 MATT 23.39 Go away until Israel acknowledges their sin / their guilt and seek me / call on me ISA 63 Returns to Bozrah to make war FINAL REBELLION ZECH 13.1-14.21 REV 19.3 EZEKIEL’s 430 YEARS EZEK 4.1-8 LEV 26.18, 21, 24, 28 ZECH 11.17 Worthless shepherd Right Eye and Arm wounded Zeph 3 2ND COMING OF CHRIST May 14, 1948 June 7, 1967 ASCENSION 30th Day – Man of Sin’s Work and Evil put down ??? MARTYRS FROM THE TRIBULATION PERIOD ZECH 13.8-9 2/3 Israel Purged 1/3 tried as by Fire 45th Day – Judgment of the Nations complete ??? CROSS ISRAEL A NATION AGAIN Servitude of the Nation 606 BC – 1st siege of Nebuchadnezzar Desolations of Jerusalem 597 BC – 3rd siege of Nebucahdnezzar IJERUSALEM RETAKEN RAPTURE RESURRECTION ELIJAH / MOSES 2 Witnesses / 144,000 Sealed PENTECOST A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH ETERNITY FUTURE 2 Peter 3:8-9 Ezek 20.33-38 ISRAEL: Purged / Pass under the rod / Try as by fire ETERNITY PAST Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 – (Sabbath) 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days AMOS 9.7-15 Purged Israel from Edom ISA 61.1 LU 4.16-21 GEN 3.15 REV 20.13-15 Mat 24:24 1 Tim 4 2 Tim 2; 3 2 Co 11:13 2 Ptr 2 MILLENIUM (1,000 YEARS) Jesus rules on David’s Throne AGE OF CONSCIENCE ISRAEL - UNDER LAW CHURCH - UNDER GRACE BEGINNING OF SORROWS THE GREAT TRIBULATION Rev 1 Rev 4-5 B.C. 0 A.D. TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE THE WRATH OF GOD HOSEA 6.2 Back for 1 day ISA 61.2-3 4000 B.C. 1000 A.D. 2000 B.C. EZEKIEL 36-38 MATTHEW 24-25 MARK 13 LUKE 21 144,000 SEALED ??? 2000 A.D. TWO WITNESSESS REBELLION AGAINST MAN OF SIN REBELS UNITE AGAINST GOD 200,000,000 MAN ARMY GATHERS SATAN LOOSED FOR A SHORT TIME ??? GOG/MAGOG INVASION MAN OF SIN (ANTI-CHRIST) & FALSE PROPHET CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION MAN OF SIN COMES TO POWER ARMAGEDDON As man reckons time on earth Hos 6:1 Gone for two days… SATAN BOUND FOR 1,000 YEARS 2 THES 2 Satan and those NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity Early
Rev 1 Rev 4 Rev 2-3 Letters Church (Lampstands) on Earth Harpatzio (Rapturo) Churches (Lampstands) in Heaven before the Throne Rev 1-4 • Seven Letters • Ephesus: 33-100 AD = Duty without love • Smyrna: 100-300 AD = Poor, Persecuted but Rich • Pergamos: 300-600 AD = Compromise with the World • Thyatira: 600-1500 AD = The Great Counterfeit • Sardis: 1500-1700 AD = Dead Orthodoxy • Philadelphia: 1750-1900 AD = Revival and Evangelism • Laodicea: 1900-Present = Compromise and Apostasy
Matt 18:18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matt 16:19) Harpazo The Man of Sin Revealed The Day of the Lord The Restrainer Removed The Apostasy For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first v.3 He who now [restraineth] will [restrain], until He be taken out of the way v.7 And then shall that Wicked One be revealed v.8, The Order of Events
Rapture to the Tribulation PS 27:5 ZEPH 2:2-3 ISA 26.20 JOHN 14:1-4 1 COR 15.51-53 1 THES 4:15-18 • Rapture of the Church • Apostasy / Man of Sin Revealed – Comes in Peace • Gog / Magog Invasion of Israel (Exact Timing Uncertain) • God intervenes / Anti-christ claims credit ?? • Gog, Magog , Arab lands / peoples devastated ?? • Man of Sin comes to Power – ‘Enforces Peace’ • Enforces 7 year ‘Covenant’ on Israel • Permits Israel to rebuild a Temple on the Temple Mount ?? • Daniel’s 70th Week begins / Day of the Lord ZECH 11.17 DAN 8:25 REV 6:1-2 2 THES 2:6-12 EZEK 38-39 DAN 8:23-25 ISA 28:14-20 DAN 9:27 DAN 9:24-27 Many other scriptures refer to or allude to these events and the times and circumstances surrounding them. These are provided to allow you to begin your own investigation…
Rev 2-3 Rev 6 > Petra Bosrah Ammon Edom Moab Modern Jordan PS 27:5 CHURCH IN HEAVEN WITH CHRIST JESUS ZEPH 2:2-3 ZECH 13.6 Wounds in the house of my friends… JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - REWARDS MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Virgin Bride without spot or wrinkle ISA 26.20 1 COR 15.22-28 1 COR 15.51-53 GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT Sheep / Goat Judgment Judgment of the Nations 1 THES 4:15-18 ZECH 12:10 MATT 23.39 Go away until Israel acknowledges their sin / their guilt and seek me / call on me ISA 63 Returns to Bozrah to make war FINAL REBELLION ZECH 13.1-14.21 REV 19.3 Zeph 3 EZEKIEL’s 430 YEARS EZEK 4.1-8 LEV 26.18, 21, 24, 28 ZECH 11.17 Worthless shepherd Right Eye and Arm wounded 2ND COMING OF CHRIST May 14, 1948 June 7, 1967 ASCENSION 30th Day – Man of Sin’s Work and Evil put down ??? MARTYRS FROM THE TRIBULATION PERIOD ZECH 13.8-9 2/3 Israel Purged 1/3 tried as by Fire 45th Day – Judgment of the Nations complete ??? CROSS ISRAEL A NATION AGAIN Servitude of the Nation 606 BC – 1st siege of Nebuchadnezzar Desolations of Jerusalem 597 BC – 3rd siege of Nebucahdnezzar IJERUSALEM RETAKEN RAPTURE RESURRECTION ELIJAH / MOSES 2 Witnesses / 144,000 Sealed PENTECOST A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH ETERNITY FUTURE 2 Peter 3:8-9 Ezek 20.33-38 ISRAEL: Purged / Pass under the rod / Try as by fire ETERNITY PAST Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 – (Sabbath) 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days AMOS 9.7-15 Purged Israel from Edom ISA 61.1 LU 4.16-21 Mat 24:24 1 Tim 4 2 Tim 2; 3 2 Co 11:13 2 Ptr 2 GEN 3.15 REV 20.13-15 Rev 1 Rev 4-5 MILLENIUM (1,000 YEARS) Jesus rules on David’s Throne AGE OF CONSCIENCE ISRAEL - UNDER LAW THE GREAT TRIBULATION CHURCH - UNDER GRACE BEGINNING OF SORROWS B.C. 0 A.D. TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE THE WRATH OF GOD HOSEA 6.2 Back for 1 day ISA 61.2-3 4000 B.C. 1000 A.D. 2000 B.C. EZEKIEL 36-38 MATTHEW 24-25 MARK 13 LUKE 21 144,000 SEALED ??? 2000 A.D. TWO WITNESSESS REBELLION AGAINST MAN OF SIN REBELS UNITE AGAINST GOD 200,000,000 MAN ARMY GATHERS SATAN LOOSED FOR A SHORT TIME ??? GOG/MAGOG INVASION MAN OF SIN (ANTI-CHRIST) & FALSE PROPHET CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE Hosea 6:2-3 in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION MAN OF SIN COMES TO POWER As man reckons time on earth ARMAGEDDON Hosea 6:1-2 Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: SATAN BOUND FOR 1,000 YEARS Satan and those NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity 2 THES 2 Mid
Seven Seal Judgments • Rider of a White Horse – Peace • Man of Sin (Anti-Christ) Revealed • Rider on a Red Horse – War • Northern Invasion of Israel • Rider on a Black Horse – Famine • Rider on a Pale Horse – Death • Martyred Souls Under the Alter • Persecution • Catastrophic Changes in the Earth • Destruction • Silence – 144,000 Sealed • Seven Bowl (Vial) Judgments • Boils – Malignant sores on those with the mark of the Beast • Sea of Blood • Everything in the oceans dies • Rivers of Blood • Rivers and springs turn to Blood • Oppressive heat • Sun scorches all mankind • Darkness • Thick darkness covers the whole earth • Euphrates dries up • Eastern Army marches on Jerusalem • Hail – Earth’s cities crumble • Seven Trumpet Judgments • 1st Angel – Hail, Fire, Blood • All Earth’s grass is burned, • 1/3 of trees burned, & 1/3 of Earth on fire • 2nd Angel – Falling Meteor • 1/3 ships at sea destroyed, 1/3 of fish killed, 1/3 of Seas filled with Blood • 3rd Angel – Falling Star impacts Earth • Wormwood – Bitterness • 1/3 of the Water is Poisoned • 4th Angel – Sun, Moon and Stars Fall • 1/3 of Heavens are darkened • Light diminished by 1/3 • 5th Angel – Locusts from the Pit • Power to torment for 5 months • 6th Angel – Satan’s Army forms • 200 Million man Army • 1/3 of humanity killed • Silence – Interval • Earthquake in Jerusalem kills 7,000 • 1/10 of Jerusalem leveled • 7th Angel – power over the Kingdom of • the World is transferred to Christ Jesus 7th Seal Judgment Seal Judgments 1 thru 6 Trumpet Judgments 1 thru 6 7th Trumpet Judgment 7 Bowl (Vial) Judgments Rev 5 - 19
Petra Bosrah Ammon Edom Moab Modern Jordan Rev 6 >>> 22 PS 27:5 CHURCH IN HEAVEN WITH CHRIST JESUS ZEPH 2:2-3 ZECH 13.6 Wounds in the house of my friends… JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - REWARDS MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Virgin Bride without spot or wrinkle ISA 26.20 Sheep / Goat Judgment Judgment of the Nations 1 COR 15.22-28 1 COR 15.51-53 GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT 1 THES 4:15-18 ZECH 12:10 MATT 23.39 Go away until Israel acknowledges their sin / their guilt and seek me / call on me ISA 63 Returns to Bozrah to make war Zeph 3 FINAL REBELLION ZECH 13.1-14.21 REV 19.3 EZEKIEL’s 430 YEARS EZEK 4.1-8 LEV 26.18, 21, 24, 28 ZECH 11.17 Worthless shepherd Right Eye and Arm wounded 2ND COMING OF CHRIST May 14, 1948 June 7, 1967 ASCENSION 30th Day – Man of Sin’s Work and Evil put down ??? MARTYRS FROM THE TRIBULATION PERIOD ZECH 13.8-9 2/3 Israel Purged 1/3 tried as by Fire 45th Day – Judgment of the Nations complete ??? CROSS ISRAEL A NATION AGAIN Servitude of the Nation 606 BC – 1st siege of Nebuchadnezzar Desolations of Jerusalem 597 BC – 3rd siege of Nebucahdnezzar IJERUSALEM RETAKEN RAPTURE RESURRECTION ELIJAH / MOSES 2 Witnesses / 144,000 Sealed PENTECOST A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH ETERNITY FUTURE 2 Peter 3:8-9 Ezek 20.33-38 ISRAEL: Purged / Pass under the rod / Try as by fire ETERNITY PAST Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 – (Sabbath) 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days AMOS 9.7-15 Purged Israel from Edom ISA 61.1 LU 4.16-21 Mat 24:24 1 Tim 4 2 Tim 2; 3 2 Co 11:13 2 Ptr 2 GEN 3.15 REV 20.13-15 MILLENIUM (1,000 YEARS) Jesus rules on David’s Throne AGE OF CONSCIENCE ISRAEL - UNDER LAW CHURCH - UNDER GRACE BEGINNING OF SORROWS THE GREAT TRIBULATION B.C. 0 A.D. TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE THE WRATH OF GOD HOSEA 6.2 Back for 1 day ISA 61.2-3 4000 B.C. 1000 A.D. 2000 B.C. EZEKIEL 36-38 MATTHEW 24-25 MARK 13 LUKE 21 144,000 SEALED ??? 2000 A.D. TWO WITNESSESS REBELLION AGAINST MAN OF SIN REBELS UNITE AGAINST GOD 200,000,000 MAN ARMY GATHERS SATAN LOOSED FOR A SHORT TIME ??? GOG/MAGOG INVASION MAN OF SIN (ANTI-CHRIST) & FALSE PROPHET CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION MAN OF SIN COMES TO POWER As man reckons time on earth Hos 6:1 Gone for two days… ARMAGEDDON SATAN BOUND FOR 1,000 YEARS 2 THES 2 Satan and those NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity Late
Rev 19-22 Rev 19-22 • Armageddon • Second Coming of Jesus Christ • Man of Sin & False Prophet cast into the Lake of Fire • Millenium • Satan bound 1,000 years • Sheep / Goat judgment • Satan loosed • Final rebellion put down • Great White Throne judgement • New Heaven and New Earth • Eternity future…
Which are yet to come: Rev 4-22 Which are: Rev 2-3 John’s Epistles Hast seen: Rev 1 Gospel of John The Revelation When shall these things be? (one stone not left standing upon another) What shall be the sign of Thy coming What shall be the sign of the end of the world? Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, Luke 17 / 21 – Olivet Discourse Timeline CHURCH IN HEAVEN WITH CHRIST JESUS JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - REWARDS MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Virgin Bride without spot or wrinkle GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT Sheep / Goat Judgment Judgment of the Nations May 14, 1948 Jun 7, 1967 FINAL REBELLION 2ND COMING OF CHRIST ASCENSION 30th Day – Man of Sin’s Work and Evil put down ??? JERUSALEM DESTROYED 130 AD MARTYRS FROM THE TRIBULATION PERIOD RESURRECTION TEMPLE DESTROYED 70 AD 45th Day – Judgment of the Nations complete ??? 1ST HOLOCAUST 1937 AD > CROSS ISRAEL A NATION AGAIN REFORMATION 1517 AD JERUSALEM RETAKEN 144,000 SEALED CHURCH RAPTURED PENTECOST 2 WITNESSES A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH ETERNITY FUTURE 2 Peter 3:8-9 2000 A.D. 1000 A.D. ETERNITY PAST 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 – (Sabbath) BEGINNING OF SORROWS MILLENIUM (1,000 YEARS) Jesus rules on David’s Throne GREAT TRIBULATION ISRAEL - UNDER LAW AGE OF CONSCIENCE TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE CHURCH AGE B.C. A.D. THE WRATH OF GOD CATASTROPHIC CHANGES IN THE EARTH AND SKY DEATH FAMINE MARTYRS 4000 B.C. 2000 B.C. Israel Cast Off - Dispersed ‘But not abandoned forever’ ARMAGEDDON REBELLION AGAINST MAN OF SIN REBELS UNITE AGAINST GOD 200,000,000 MAN ARMY GATHERS ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION SATAN LOOSED FOR A SHORT TIME FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES IS COME IN MAN OF SIN (ANTI-CHRIST) & FALSE PROPHET CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE WAR - GOG/MAGOG INVASION MAN OF SIN COMES TO POWER As man reckons time on earth TRUMPETS VIALS (BOWLS) SATAN BOUND FOR 1,000 YEARS Satan and those NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity ------ SEALS BROKEN - SCROLL OPENED ------
1st and 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ • 1st Coming • Birth • Death • Burial • Resurrection • Ascension • Pentecost – Church established • 2nd Coming • Rapture – Coming for His Church • Tribulation – Seals / Trumpets / Vials • 2nd Coming to Earth - Judgment • Millennium - Kingdom • Eternity - New Heaven / New Earth 1st Coming 30+ years Church Age 2nd Coming Beginning of Sorrows Anti-Christ Revealed Gog / Magog Invasion Covenant Enforced Judgment Seat of Christ Marriage Supper of the Lamb Time of Jacob’s Trouble Great Tribulation Wrath of God 1,007+ years Armageddon Sheep / Goat Judgment Jesus Rules w/ Rod of Iron Rebellion Great White Throne Judgment Each is an extended period of time including multiple events:
Petra Bosrah Ammon Edom Moab Modern Jordan PS 27:5 CHURCH IN HEAVEN WITH CHRIST JESUS ZEPH 2:2-3 ZECH 13.6 Wounds in the house of my friends… JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - REWARDS MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Virgin Bride without spot or wrinkle ISA 26.20 1 COR 15.22-28 1 COR 15.51-53 GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT Sheep / Goat Judgment Judgment of the Nations 1 THES 4:15-18 ZECH 12:10 MATT 23.39 Go away until Israel acknowledges their sin / their guilt and seek me / call on me ISA 63 Returns to Bozrah to make war FINAL REBELLION ZECH 13.1-14.21 REV 19.3 Zeph 3 EZEKIEL’s 430 YEARS EZEK 4.1-8 LEV 26.18, 21, 24, 28 ZECH 11.17 Worthless shepherd Right Eye and Arm wounded 2ND COMING OF CHRIST May 14, 1948 June 7, 1967 ASCENSION 30th Day – Man of Sin’s Work and Evil put down ??? MARTYRS FROM THE TRIBULATION PERIOD ZECH 13.8-9 2/3 Israel Purged 1/3 tried as by Fire 45th Day – Judgment of the Nations complete ??? CROSS ISRAEL A NATION AGAIN Servitude of the Nation 606 BC – 1st siege of Nebuchadnezzar Desolations of Jerusalem 597 BC – 3rd siege of Nebucahdnezzar IJERUSALEM RETAKEN RAPTURE RESURRECTION ELIJAH / MOSES 2 Witnesses / 144,000 Sealed PENTECOST A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH ETERNITY FUTURE 2 Peter 3:8-9 Ezek 20.33-38 ISRAEL: Purged / Pass under the rod / Try as by fire ETERNITY PAST Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 – (Sabbath) 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days AMOS 9.7-15 Purged Israel from Edom ISA 61.1 LU 4.16-21 Mat 24:24 1 Tim 4 2 Tim 2; 3 2 Co 11:13 2 Ptr 2 GEN 3.15 REV 20.13-15 MILLENIUM (1,000 YEARS) Jesus rules on David’s Throne AGE OF CONSCIENCE ISRAEL - UNDER LAW CHURCH - UNDER GRACE BEGINNING OF SORROWS THE GREAT TRIBULATION B.C. 0 A.D. TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE THE WRATH OF GOD HOSEA 6.2 Back for 1 day ISA 61.2-3 4000 B.C. 1000 A.D. 2000 B.C. EZEKIEL 36-38 MATTHEW 24-25 MARK 13 LUKE 21 144,000 SEALED ??? 2000 A.D. TWO WITNESSESS REBELLION AGAINST MAN OF SIN REBELS UNITE AGAINST GOD 200,000,000 MAN ARMY GATHERS SATAN LOOSED FOR A SHORT TIME ??? GOG/MAGOG INVASION MAN OF SIN (ANTI-CHRIST) & FALSE PROPHET CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION MAN OF SIN COMES TO POWER As man reckons time on earth Hos 6:1 Gone for two days… ARMAGEDDON SATAN BOUND FOR 1,000 YEARS 2 THES 2 Satan and those NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity Early
PS 27:5 ZEPH 2:2-3 Petra Bosrah Ammon Edom Moab Modern Jordan CHURCH IN HEAVEN WITH CHRIST JESUS ZECH 13.6 Wounds in the house of my friends… JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - REWARDS MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Virgin Bride without spot or wrinkle ISA 26.20 1 COR 15.22-28 1 COR 15.51-53 GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT Sheep / Goat Judgment Judgment of the Nations 1 THES 4:15-18 Zeph 3 ZECH 12:10 MATT 23.39 Go away until Israel acknowledges their sin / their guilt and seek me / call on me ISA 63 Returns to Bozrah to make war FINAL REBELLION ZECH 13.1-14.21 REV 19.3 EZEKIEL’s 430 YEARS EZEK 4.1-8 LEV 26.18, 21, 24, 28 ZECH 11.17 Worthless shepherd Right Eye and Arm wounded 2ND COMING OF CHRIST May 14, 1948 June 7, 1967 ASCENSION 30th Day – Man of Sin’s Work and Evil put down ??? MARTYRS FROM THE TRIBULATION PERIOD ZECH 13.8-9 2/3 Israel Purged 1/3 tried as by Fire 45th Day – Judgment of the Nations complete ??? CROSS ISRAEL A NATION AGAIN Servitude of the Nation 606 BC – 1st siege of Nebuchadnezzar Desolations of Jerusalem 597 BC – 3rd siege of Nebucahdnezzar IJERUSALEM RETAKEN RAPTURE RESURRECTION ELIJAH / MOSES 2 Witnesses / 144,000 Sealed PENTECOST A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH ETERNITY FUTURE 2 Peter 3:8-9 Ezek 20.33-38 ISRAEL: Purged / Pass under the rod / Try as by fire ETERNITY PAST Mat 24:24 1 Tim 4 2 Tim 2; 3 2 Co 11:13 2 Ptr 2 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 – (Sabbath) 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days AMOS 9.7-15 Purged Israel from Edom ISA 61.1 LU 4.16-21 GEN 3.15 REV 20.13-15 MILLENIUM (1,000 YEARS) Jesus rules on David’s Throne AGE OF CONSCIENCE ISRAEL - UNDER LAW CHURCH - UNDER GRACE BEGINNING OF SORROWS THE GREAT TRIBULATION B.C. 0 A.D. TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE THE WRATH OF GOD HOSEA 6.2 Back for 1 day ISA 61.2-3 4000 B.C. 1000 A.D. 2000 B.C. EZEKIEL 36-38 MATTHEW 24-25 MARK 13 LUKE 21 144,000 SEALED ??? 2000 A.D. TWO WITNESSESS REBELLION AGAINST MAN OF SIN REBELS UNITE AGAINST GOD 200,000,000 MAN ARMY GATHERS SATAN LOOSED FOR A SHORT TIME ??? GOG/MAGOG INVASION MAN OF SIN (ANTI-CHRIST) & FALSE PROPHET CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION MAN OF SIN COMES TO POWER As man reckons time on earth Hos 6:1 Gone for two days… ARMAGEDDON SATAN BOUND FOR 1,000 YEARS 2 THES 2 Satan and those NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity Mid
PS 27:5 ZEPH 2:2-3 Petra Bosrah Ammon Edom Moab Modern Jordan CHURCH IN HEAVEN WITH CHRIST JESUS ZECH 13.6 Wounds in the house of my friends… JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - REWARDS MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Virgin Bride without spot or wrinkle ISA 26.20 1 COR 15.22-28 1 COR 15.51-53 GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT Sheep / Goat Judgment Judgment of the Nations 1 THES 4:15-18 Zeph 3 ZECH 12:10 MATT 23.39 Go away until Israel acknowledges their sin / their guilt and seek me / call on me ISA 63 Returns to Bozrah to make war FINAL REBELLION ZECH 13.1-14.21 REV 19.3 EZEKIEL’s 430 YEARS EZEK 4.1-8 LEV 26.18, 21, 24, 28 ZECH 11.17 Worthless shepherd Right Eye and Arm wounded 2ND COMING OF CHRIST May 14, 1948 June 7, 1967 ASCENSION 30th Day – Man of Sin’s Work and Evil put down ??? MARTYRS FROM THE TRIBULATION PERIOD ZECH 13.8-9 2/3 Israel Purged 1/3 tried as by Fire 45th Day – Judgment of the Nations complete ??? CROSS ISRAEL A NATION AGAIN Servitude of the Nation 606 BC – 1st siege of Nebuchadnezzar Desolations of Jerusalem 597 BC – 3rd siege of Nebucahdnezzar IJERUSALEM RETAKEN RAPTURE RESURRECTION ELIJAH / MOSES 2 Witnesses / 144,000 Sealed PENTECOST A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH ETERNITY FUTURE 2 Peter 3:8-9 Ezek 20.33-38 ISRAEL: Purged / Pass under the rod / Try as by fire Mat 24:24 1 Tim 4 2 Tim 2; 3 2 Co 11:13 2 Ptr 2 ETERNITY PAST Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 – (Sabbath) 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days AMOS 9.7-15 Purged Israel from Edom ISA 61.1 LU 4.16-21 GEN 3.15 REV 20.13-15 MILLENIUM (1,000 YEARS) Jesus rules on David’s Throne AGE OF CONSCIENCE ISRAEL - UNDER LAW CHURCH - UNDER GRACE BEGINNING OF SORROWS THE GREAT TRIBULATION B.C. 0 A.D. TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE THE WRATH OF GOD HOSEA 6.2 Back for 1 day ISA 61.2-3 4000 B.C. 1000 A.D. 2000 B.C. EZEKIEL 36-38 MATTHEW 24-25 MARK 13 LUKE 21 144,000 SEALED ??? 2000 A.D. TWO WITNESSESS REBELLION AGAINST MAN OF SIN REBELS UNITE AGAINST GOD 200,000,000 MAN ARMY GATHERS SATAN LOOSED FOR A SHORT TIME ??? GOG/MAGOG INVASION MAN OF SIN (ANTI-CHRIST) & FALSE PROPHET CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION MAN OF SIN COMES TO POWER As man reckons time on earth Hos 6:1 Gone for two days… ARMAGEDDON SATAN BOUND FOR 1,000 YEARS 2 THES 2 Satan and those NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity Late
Petra Bosrah Ammon Edom Moab Modern Jordan PS 27:5 CHURCH IN HEAVEN WITH CHRIST JESUS ZEPH 2:2-3 JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - REWARDS MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Virgin Bride without spot or wrinkle ISA 26.20 1 COR 15.22-28 GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT ZECH 13.6 Wounds in the house of my friends… 1 COR 15.51-53 Sheep / Goat Judgment Judgment of the Nations 1 THES 4:15-18 ZECH 12:10MATT 23.39 Go away until Israel acknowledges their sin / their guilt and seek me / call on me ISA 63 Returns to Bozrah to make war FINAL REBELLION 2ND COMING OF CHRIST EZEKIEL’s 430 YEARS EZEK 4.1-8 LEV 26.18, 21, 24, 28 ZECH 11.17 Worthless shepherd Right Eye and Arm wounded ZECH 13.1-14.21 REV 19.3 May 14, 1948 Zeph 3 June 7, 1967 ASCENSION 30th Day – Man of Sin’s Work and Evil put down ??? MARTYRS FROM THE TRIBULATION PERIOD ZECH 13.8-9 2/3 Israel Purged 1/3 tried as by Fire CROSS Servitude of the Nation 606 BC – 1st siege of Nebuchadnezzar Desolations of Jerusalem 597 BC – 3rd siege of Nebucahdnezzar 45th Day – Judgment of the Nations complete ??? ISRAEL A NATION AGAIN IJERUSALEM RETAKEN RAPTURE ELIJAH / MOSES 2 Witnesses / 144,000 Sealed RESURRECTION PENTECOST A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH ETERNITY FUTURE 2 Peter 3:8-9 Ezek 20.33-38 ISRAEL: Purged / Pass under the rod / Try as by fire ETERNITY PAST Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 – (Sabbath) 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days AMOS 9.7-15 Purged Israel from Edom ISA 61.1 LU 4.16-21 Mat 24:24 1 Tim 4 2 Tim 2; 3 2 Co 11:13 2 Ptr 2 GEN 3.15 REV 20.13-15 MILLENIUM (1,000 YEARS) Jesus rules on David’s Throne AGE OF CONSCIENCE ISRAEL - UNDER LAW CHURCH - UNDER GRACE BEGINNING OF SORROWS THE GREAT TRIBULATION B.C. 0 A.D. TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE THE WRATH OF GOD 2 THES 2 HOSEA 6.2 Back for 1 day ISA 61.2-3 EZEKIEL 36-38 MATTHEW 24-25 MARK 13 LUKE 21 4000 B.C. 1000 A.D. 2000 B.C. 144,000 SEALED ??? 2000 A.D. TWO WITNESSESS REBELLION AGAINST MAN OF SIN REBELS UNITE AGAINST GOD 200,000,000 MAN ARMY GATHERS ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION SATAN LOOSED FOR A SHORT TIME MAN OF SIN (ANTI-CHRIST) & FALSE PROPHET CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE ??? GOG/MAGOG INVASION Hos 6:1 Gone for two days… MAN OF SIN COMES TO POWER As man reckons time on earth ARMAGEDDON Dan 9:24-27 DANIEL'S 69 SEVENS (WEEKS OF YEARS) FROM THE ISSUING OF THE COMMAND TO REBUILD WALLS OF JERUSALEM UNTIL THE MESSIAH IS CUT OFF (REJECTED). SATAN BOUND FOR 1,000 YEARS Time of the Gentiles ends Satan and those NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity Gap between the 69th and 70th seven. Rom 11: 25 Fullness of the Gentiles is come in The Church Age Dan 9:27 Seventieth Seven – For Israel to complete its work Israel tried, purged and restored Dan 9:26 Israel – Adulterous Wife of Jehovah Time of the Gentiles Luke 21:24 From Artaxerxes Longimanus - Mar 14, 445 B.C. To Jesus Trimuphal Entry - Apr 6, 32 A.D. corrected for leap years (Add one day for every 4 years, but subtract 3 for every century.) = 173,880 days 173,880 days / 360 day years = 483 years 483 year / 7 = 69 sevens Add 7 for the 70th seven to come = 490 years Note how 490 years is used throughout scripture Daniels’ 70 Sevens
The Seven Dispensations Innocence Times of the Gentiles Conscience Human Gov’t Fullness of the Gentiles Promise Tribulation Law Church Kingdom 2nd Coming Rapture Jesus Christ Fall of Man Creation The Exodus Flood Abraham Exile David Israel Restored 1,000 Years 6,000 Years? The Nation Israel The Diaspora Genesis Rest of OT NT 400 yrs
Israel in History Babylon Persia Greece Rome > > > - Church Age Revived Rome Peace The Times of the Gentiles Luke 22:24 Fullness of the Gentiles Rapture of the Church Ascension Second Coming Of Jesus Christ 19 Centuries Judah Exile Restoration Oppression Occupation Scattered Restored Jacob’s Trouble Peace Hidden in the Old Testament 586 BC Millennium 63 BC 539 BC 332 BC Times of the Gentiles Ended Dan 2:34-35, 44-45 14 May 1948 AD 536 BC 70 AD Jer 25:11 Anti-Christ Revealed Dan 9 – 1st 69 7’s Dan 9 – 70th 7 Romans 11:25 445 BC Daniel 2:31-45; 7:1-28; 8:1-27
Israel: God’s Time Piece Daniel 2:31-45; 7:1-28; 8:1-27 The Times of the Gentiles Luke 22:24 Palm Sunday 483 Years 7 Years 20 Centuries Romans 11:25 Fullness of the Gentiles 69 of Daniel’s 70 Sevens Daniel 9:24-37 Daniel’s 70th 7 Daniel 9:24-37 Judah Exile Recovery Oppression Occupation Scattered Restored Jacob’s Trouble Peace Church Age The Church: A mystery hidden in Old Testament Babylon Persia Greece Rome Revived Rome Peace 63 BC 539 BC 332 BC Times of the Gentiles Ends Dan 2:34-35, 44-45 70-130 AD Ezek 40 Ezek 38-39 Ezek 36-37 Rapture of the Church Ascension Second Coming Of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit Pentecost 445 BC Millennium Jer 25:11 537 BC 518 BC 14 May 1948 7 Jun 1967 Servitude of the Nation Ezek 4:1-8; 2 Chr 36:21; Lev 26:34-35; Lev 26:18, 21, 34, 28 Battle of Carchemesh 606 BC Desolations of Jerusalem 587 BC 3rd Siege of Nebuchadnezzar
Petra Bosrah Ammon Edom Moab Modern Jordan PS 27:5 CHURCH IN HEAVEN WITH CHRIST JESUS ZEPH 2:2-3 JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - REWARDS MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Virgin Bride without spot or wrinkle ISA 26.20 1 COR 15.22-28 ZECH 13.6 Wounds in the house of my friends… GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT 1 COR 15.51-53 Sheep / Goat Judgment Judgment of the Nations 1 THES 4:15-18 ZECH 12:10MATT 23.39 Go away until Israel acknowledges their sin / their guilt and seek me / call on me ISA 63 Returns to Bozrah to make war FINAL REBELLION 2ND COMING OF CHRIST EZEKIEL’s 430 YEARS EZEK 4.1-8 LEV 26.18, 21, 24, 28 ZECH 11.17 Worthless shepherd Right Eye and Arm wounded ZECH 13.1-14.21 REV 19.3 May 14, 1948 Zeph 3 June 7, 1967 ASCENSION 30th Day – Man of Sin’s Work and Evil put down ??? MARTYRS FROM THE TRIBULATION PERIOD ZECH 13.8-9 2/3 Israel Purged 1/3 tried as by Fire CROSS 45th Day – Judgment of the Nations complete ??? Servitude of the Nation 606 BC – 1st siege of Nebuchadnezzar Desolations of Jerusalem 597 BC – 3rd siege of Nebucahdnezzar ISRAEL A NATION AGAIN IJERUSALEM RETAKEN RAPTURE RESURRECTION ELIJAH / MOSES 2 Witnesses / 144,000 Sealed PENTECOST A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH ETERNITY FUTURE 2 Peter 3:8-9 Ezek 20.33-38 ISRAEL: Purged / Pass under the rod / Try as by fire ETERNITY PAST Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 – (Sabbath) 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days AMOS 9.7-15 Purged Israel from Edom ISA 61.1 LU 4.16-21 Mat 24:24 1 Tim 4 2 Tim 2; 3 2 Co 11:13 2 Ptr 2 GEN 3.15 REV 20.13-15 MILLENIUM (1,000 YEARS) Jesus rules on David’s Throne AGE OF CONSCIENCE ISRAEL - UNDER LAW CHURCH - UNDER GRACE BEGINNING OF SORROWS THE GREAT TRIBULATION B.C. 0 A.D. TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE THE WRATH OF GOD HOSEA 6.2 Back for 1 day 4000 B.C. 2000 B.C. 1000 A.D. ISA 61.2-3 EZEKIEL 36-38 MATTHEW 24-25 MARK 13 LUKE 21 144,000 SEALED ??? 2000 A.D. TWO WITNESSESS REBELLION AGAINST MAN OF SIN REBELS UNITE AGAINST GOD 200,000,000 MAN ARMY GATHERS SATAN LOOSED FOR A SHORT TIME ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION MAN OF SIN (ANTI-CHRIST) & FALSE PROPHET CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE ??? GOG/MAGOG INVASION Hos 6:1 Gone for two days… MAN OF SIN COMES TO POWER As man reckons time on earth ARMAGEDDON SATAN BOUND FOR 1,000 YEARS 2 THES 2 Satan and those NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Birth of the Church – The Body of Christ Second Coming of Christ Establishment of the Kingdom Beginning of the Millennial Period Rapture – Gathering of the Church Tribulation Israel purged and repents – “At One” ment Judgment Seat of Christ Cross Burial Resurrection Ascension Lev 23:4-44 PASSOVER - Redemption DAY OF ATONEMENT Complete atonement received TABERNACLES Peace and Rest TRUMPETS – Regathering Together (At the Last Trumpet) UNLEAVEN BREAD - Purge out sin FIRST FRUITS - Thanksgiving PENTECOST – Beginning of Harvest Feasts of Israel
Levitical Feasts of Israel • 1. Passover – 14th day of the first month. • Jesus was crucified. Jesus became our Passover (fulfilled). • 2. Unleavened Bread – 15th day of the first month. • Jesus buried. The middle loaf of bread is hidden or buried (fulfilled). • 3. Firstfruits - Sunday following Unleavened Bread. • Jesus resurrected. He became the Firstfruits of them that died (fulfilled). • 4. Pentecost (Aka: Feast of Weeks in the OT) - 50th day after Firstfruits. • The Holy Spirit came in His fullness (fulfilled). • 5. Trumpets – 1st of the 7th month. • The Rapture (not yet fulfilled). The next major event. • 6. Atonement – 10th day of the 7th month. • Repentance of Israel. When they shall look upon Him, whom they have pierced (not yet fulfilled). • 7. Tabernacles - 15th day of the 7th month. • The coming state of rest. Jesus reigns on earth for 1,000 years (not yet fulfilled).
Gabriel’s Announcement – Dan 9:24-25 The Messiah The King Commandment to Rebuild Jerusalem LXX Decree of Artaxerxes Longimanus The Triumphal Entry • Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, • to finish the transgression, • to make an end of sins, • to make reconciliation for iniquity, • to bring in everlasting righteousness, • to seal up the vision and prophecy, and • to anoint the most Holy Place. Daniel 9:24 69 Weeks 70th Week Interval The Church not “thy people”; the Jews Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the King shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. Daniel 9:25 Abomination of Desolation 7 Weeks 62 Weeks 6 April 32 AD 173,880 Days 14 March 445 BC
Where to start counting?The Decrees to “Rebuild” (1) Cyrus, 537 B.C., Ezra 1:2-4; (2) Darius, Ezra 6:1-5, 8, 12; (3) Artaxerxes, 458 B.C,. Ezra 7:11-26; (4) Artaxerxes, 445 B.C., Neh 2:5-8, 17, 18. • Commands (1), (2), & (3): were to build the Temple. • Only (4) was to rebuild the city, the walls, etc. • …from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem…the street shall be built again, and the wall…. Dan 9:25 The commandment to restore and build Jerusalem was given by Artaxerxes Longimanus on March 14, 445 B.C. (The emphasis on the street and the wall is to avoid confusion with the other mandates involving only the Temple).
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:… Daniel 9:26 69 Weeks 70th Week (Interval) The Church Restrainer Removed Abomination of Desolation Matt 24:15 3 1/2 years 42 months 1,260 days 3 1/2 years 42 months 1,260 days Man of Sin Revealed Apr 32 AD Jerusalem restored Wrath of God Apostasy Beginning of Sorrows The Great Tribulation 70 AD Jun 1967 and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, Daniel 9:27 and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Daniel 9:27 130 AD Covenant Enforced and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; Daniel 9:26 And he shall enforce the covenant with [the] many for one week: Daniel 9:27 and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. Daniel 9:26 The 70th Week – Dan 9:26-27
PS 27:5 ZEPH 2:2-3 Petra Bosrah Ammon Edom Moab Modern Jordan CHURCH IN HEAVEN WITH CHRIST JESUS ZECH 13.6 Wounds in the house of my friends… JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - REWARDS MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Virgin Bride without spot or wrinkle ISA 26.20 1 COR 15.22-28 1 COR 15.51-53 GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT Sheep / Goat Judgment Judgment of the Nations Zeph 3 1 THES 4:15-18 ZECH 12:10 MATT 23.39 Go away until Israel acknowledges their sin / their guilt and seek me / call on me ISA 63 Returns to Bozrah to make war FINAL REBELLION ZECH 13.1-14.21 REV 19.3 EZEKIEL’s 430 YEARS EZEK 4.1-8 LEV 26.18, 21, 24, 28 ZECH 11.17 Worthless shepherd Right Eye and Arm wounded 2ND COMING OF CHRIST May 14, 1948 June 7, 1967 ASCENSION 30th Day – Man of Sin’s Work and Evil put down ??? MARTYRS FROM THE TRIBULATION PERIOD ZECH 13.8-9 2/3 Israel Purged 1/3 tried as by Fire 45th Day – Judgment of the Nations complete ??? CROSS ISRAEL A NATION AGAIN Servitude of the Nation 606 BC – 1st siege of Nebuchadnezzar Desolations of Jerusalem 597 BC – 3rd siege of Nebucahdnezzar IJERUSALEM RETAKEN RAPTURE RESURRECTION ELIJAH / MOSES 2 Witnesses / 144,000 Sealed PENTECOST A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH ETERNITY FUTURE 2 Peter 3:8-9 Ezek 20.33-38 ISRAEL: Purged / Pass under the rod / Try as by fire ETERNITY PAST Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 – (Sabbath) 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days AMOS 9.7-15 Purged Israel from Edom ISA 61.1 LU 4.16-21 Mat 24:24 1 Tim 4 2 Tim 2; 3 2 Co 11:13 2 Ptr 2 GEN 3.15 REV 20.13-15 MILLENIUM (1,000 YEARS) Jesus rules on David’s Throne AGE OF CONSCIENCE ISRAEL - UNDER LAW CHURCH - UNDER GRACE BEGINNING OF SORROWS THE GREAT TRIBULATION B.C. 0 A.D. TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE THE WRATH OF GOD HOSEA 6.2 Back for 1 day ISA 61.2-3 4000 B.C. 1000 A.D. 2000 B.C. EZEKIEL 36-38 MATTHEW 24-25 MARK 13 LUKE 21 144,000 SEALED ??? 2000 A.D. TWO WITNESSESS REBELLION AGAINST MAN OF SIN REBELS UNITE AGAINST GOD 200,000,000 MAN ARMY GATHERS SATAN LOOSED FOR A SHORT TIME ??? GOG/MAGOG INVASION MAN OF SIN (ANTI-CHRIST) & FALSE PROPHET CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION MAN OF SIN COMES TO POWER As man reckons time on earth Hos 6:1 Gone for two days… ARMAGEDDON SATAN BOUND FOR 1,000 YEARS 2 THES 2 Satan and those NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity FILLED OUT MASTER