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2. NRA Proposal Template. RequirementsFull Cost MechanicsScientist FeedbackEliminate data entry on separate sheets for each fiscal yearStaffing and cost profiles by Fiscal YearOrganized to enter Key and Other personnelNSPIRES, Ease of EntryData in template in the same order as required for NS
1. 1 GSFC NRA Proposal Template
2. 2 NRA Proposal Template Requirements
Full Cost Mechanics
Scientist Feedback
Eliminate data entry on separate sheets for each fiscal year
Staffing and cost profiles by Fiscal Year
Organized to enter Key and Other personnel
NSPIRES, Ease of Entry
Data in template in the same order as required for NSPIRES data entry
An Input Form that Matches NSPIRES Entry Screen
Ability to over-ride GSFC civil servant salary to enter “actual” (inflation based on full cost rates)
External Customer Agreement Form (AETD)
Traveler (NOO-New Opportunities Office)
3. 3 NRA Proposal Template Considerations
Operating Account – Varied Algorithms (600)
Separately identify org codes to each cost line to advocate “shared” support across organizations (500/600); preclude taxing other org support
Data fields that better enable metrics
External Customer Agreement Form
List of Announcements, Due Dates
Route Sheet
Changes to NSPIRES Data Entry
From 3 screens per fiscal year to 7 screen
Cost Sharing
4. 4 NRA Proposal Template Mechanics / Features
Template Issue and Full Cost Guidance Dates for version control
Buttons for sheet navigation and process visualization
Organization Information
GSFC Proposal Initiator Information
SED Tax Structure / Methodology
Proposal Information – “Feeds” Customer Agreement Form
Drop Downs from existing tables for selection of Types of:
Customer Relationship (N=3)
Proposal Opportunity (N=4)
5. 5 NRA Proposal Template Template Mechanics / Features - Menu
Drop Downs for Selection of Types of:
Program Elements (from NSPIRES Solicitations Listing/s); ‘automatically’ fills in Announcement Number/Title and proposal due date (fields available to enter non-listed Program Elements and Due Dates (cells grayed-out if selection is made from list; conditional formatting)
Proposer enters:
Proposal Start and End Dates - determines number of visible Fiscal Years
Proposal Title and Brief Description of Activity
Names and Organizations of PIs, Co-I’s, and Other Support (feeds into subsequent Workforce and Cost sheets)
6. 6 NRA Proposal Template Template Mechanics / Features
Key personnel are assumed to be PI and Co-Is; other personnel are assumed to be “support”
PI/Co-I, Names and Organizations are fed into subsequent fields from Menu
Proposer can enter Cost Targets and monitor against proposed costs; select from drop down lists
Skill category (GSFC Full Cost skill list)
Labor category (N=5) : Civil Servant, University Scientist On-Site, Contractor On-Site, Contractor Off-Site, Pass-Thru/Off-Site
Proposer enters FTEs - converted to calendar months for NSPIRES entry
GSFC Full Cost workforce “loads” are calculated
7. 7 NRA Proposal Template Template Mechanics / Features
Option to enter actual civil servant salary; otherwise, GSFC Full Cost rate is applied for the selected skill (inflation performed consistent with the inflation in GSFC Full Cost salary rates)
Proposer enters other Key Personnel salary and, if known, Fringe (otherwise, include “loaded” Salary, Fringe [and G&A] in Salary
Salary and Fringe fields are shaded (conditional formatting) as appropriate to Labor Category selection (ie, civil servant vs non)
Proposer can see total calculated costs, including taxes (suggestion to modify template to show CS Fringe)
Proposer can monitor to Targeted costs on this screen also
8. 8 NRA Proposal Template Template Mechanics / Features
Cost (Cont’d)
Enter non-Labor requirements for
Equipment, Travel, Participants
Materials, Pubs, Consultant, ADP/Computer
Subawards / Consortium / Other Contractual (not to include costs already reported under Salaries and Wages for Key and Other Personnel; also, more lines will be added for additional Co-Is)
Equipment or Facility Rental / User Fees; Alterations and Renovations
Enter required hours of support - GSFC Full Cost FTE/WYE ‘Loads’ are ‘automatically’ calculated
Fabrication, Test Services, Safety & Mission Assurance
Mission Success (as directed by Code 170)
Enter any other costs (Pass-Thru G&A field will be eliminated -- use Subawards category instead)
9. 9 NRA Proposal Template Template Mechanics / Features
NSPIRES Input (template needs to consolidate some ODC lines)
If the NSPIRES Total Budget screen does not match the total costs by category on this sheet, make correction to NSPIRES
Customer Agreement Sheet (format needs consensus)
GSFC Traveler (format needs consensus)
Route Sheet
Outstanding Issue/s
Cost Share Sheet (CS)
Button (macro) to “Print Final Routing Package” that will print Route Sheet and other Reports (content depends on directorate needs / consensus)
Searchable PDF for NSPIRES; electronic transmission to outside PIs (without formulas, links, tables, other [hidden] sheets)
Mac vs PC capability
10. 10 NRA Proposal Template Roll-Out Plan (and many thanks to …
NRA Template Working Group
Diane Elben (Metrics), Donna Drummond (AETD), Justin Robinson and Anthony Loggia (VBA/Design Assistance), Jim Green, SED Cost Proposal Manager
Proposal Metrics Working Group (Diane Elben, Jill Kirby, Dick Schneider, Justin Robinson. Jim Green)
SED Business Management Officers
NOO Grassroots Cost Working Group (Lauri Via, Robyn O’Mara)
GSFC Community (March 15)
Where is it? When will it be there?