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Lost Person Finder a project of the Bethesda Hospitals’ Emergency Preparedness Partnership (BHEPP)

Lost Person Finder a project of the Bethesda Hospitals’ Emergency Preparedness Partnership (BHEPP). Presentation at Health Stat 2.0 May 20, 2010 Dr. Glenn Pearson Software Developer, Aquilent , Inc. At the Communications Engineering Branch

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Lost Person Finder a project of the Bethesda Hospitals’ Emergency Preparedness Partnership (BHEPP)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lost Person Findera project of the Bethesda Hospitals’ Emergency Preparedness Partnership (BHEPP) Presentation at Health Stat 2.0 May 20, 2010 Dr. Glenn Pearson Software Developer, Aquilent, Inc. At the Communications Engineering Branch Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications National Library of Medicine 1 National Library of Medicine/NIH/HHS, a partner in BHEPP

  2. Lost Person Finder (LPF) Purpose: To address a surge of lost persons in a local disaster, by developing a prototype system to enter, search for, and display their descriptions and pictures. Disaster occurs with mass casualties Injured are triaged Staff/volunteerscapture text & photos of victims – initial & updates 2 1 3 LPF Database (MySQL), Web server, Image file storage, Email interface Notification and status by wall displays, email, web, etc. Includes statistics for disaster management/awareness Public search & entry of photos & descriptions via LPF web site, mobile email 5 4 “Alpha” LPF components were first fielded, successfully, during the Collaborative Multi-agency Exercise (CMAX ’09) last October. 2

  3. LPF at Suburban Hospital during CMAX ’09At the Primary Triage Station at Hospital Perimeter 3

  4. LPF at Suburban Hospital during CMAX ’09Within the Hospital Several “Notification Wall” display sites Web site reporting & search – e.g., on hospital’s Computer on Wheels (COW) 1st prototype mobile web site search on iPod Touch 4

  5. LPF at National Naval Medical Center during CMAX ‘09 Ricoh camera & TriagePic manned by social workers near ER entrance Several “Notification Wall” displays, stations to use LPF web site for report/search 5

  6. HEPL.nlm.nih.gov Haiti Earthquake Person Locator Found in Haiti (now: ReUnite) iPhone App Interactive Notification Wall disaster@mail.nih.gov LPF database & services PFIF Data Exchange (Planned: Web form for other smartphones) Person Finder: Haiti Earthquake

  7. Interactive Notification Wall – HEPL’s Main Page Haiti Earthquake Person Locator

  8. Thanks • Glenn_Pearson@nlm.nih.gov 8 National Library of Medicine/NIH/HHS, a partner in BHEPP

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