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phot/phos = light (Greek– light) phototrophic phosphorescent photogenic

phot/phos = light (Greek– light) phototrophic phosphorescent photogenic photograph, photogenic, photosynthesis. luc = light (Latin– light) lucid elucidate translucent luster, luna. spec/spect = to look at (Latin– to look at) circumspect prospect specter

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phot/phos = light (Greek– light) phototrophic phosphorescent photogenic

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  1. phot/phos = light (Greek– light) phototrophic phosphorescent photogenic photograph, photogenic, photosynthesis

  2. luc = light (Latin– light) lucid elucidate translucent luster, luna

  3. spec/spect = to look at (Latin– to look at) circumspect prospect specter specimen, spectator, aspect, conspicuous

  4. vid/vis = to see, to look (Latin– to see, to look) invidious providential improvise video, visit, vision, vista

  5. nunc/nounc (Latin to announce) enunciate renounce pronouncement announce

  6. voc/vok (Latin to call) invoke provocative revoke vocal

  7. fa (Latin to speak) ineffable infantile affable fame

  8. dic/dict (Latin to say, to tell) edict indict dictum dictionary

  9. hib/hab (Latin to have, to hold) prohibit inhibit

  10. fus/found (Latin to pour out) suffuse confound infuse

  11. ten/tain/tin (Latin to hold) sustain abstain tenacious retinue

  12. ple (Latin to fill) replete implement deplete

  13. form (Latin to form, to establish) misinformation reform formative

  14. apt/ept (Latin to fit) inept adept aptitude

  15. pos/pon (Latin to put, to place) posit impose disposition

  16. fig (Latin to shape) figment effigy prefigure

  17. LEGALatin-to appoint, to send on a mission, to charge withlegacy, delegate

  18. ACT/AGLatin-to do, actagenda, proactive, exacting

  19. PULS/PELLatin-to pushrepulsion, dispel, propel

  20. LATLatin-brought, carriedrelative, superlative, dilate

  21. CHANT/CANTLatin-to sing, to callrecant, incantation, disenchanted

  22. AUDLatin-to hearinaudible, auditory, audit

  23. SONLatin-to sounddissonance, assonance, resonant

  24. LOGLatin-to speak, to reasonanalogous, dialogue, prologue

  25. BELLLatin-warbellicose, antebellum, belligerence

  26. AMLatin-love, friendenamored, amiable, amicable

  27. AGONGreek- contest, struggleantagonize, protagonist, antagonist

  28. PHILGreek – lovephilosophical, philanthropy, bibliophile

  29. PEDLatin- footimpediment, expedient, pedestrian

  30. PEDGreek-childpedant, pedagogue

  31. VESTLatin- clothingtravesty, vested, vestment, divest

  32. CORPOR/CORPULatin- bodycorporeal, corpulent, incorporate

  33. UNILatin-oneuniform, unison, unanimous

  34. MONOGreek-onemonologue, monopolize, monogamy, monolithic

  35. HOMOGreek-the samehomonym, homogenized

  36. EQUILatin-equal, evenequitable, equilibrium, iniquity

  37. BENLatin-well, goodbenevolent, benefactor, benign

  38. CORDLatin-heartaccord, discord, cordial

  39. ANIMLatin-spiritanimosity, equanimity,magnanimous

  40. MALLatin-baddismal, malevolent, malicious

  41. JURLatin-to swear, to vowperjury, abjure, conjure

  42. DOMINLatin-to rule, to dominatepredominant, domineering, indomitable

  43. CRAT/CRACLatin-to rule/poweraristocracy, theocracy, bureaucrat

  44. LEGLatin-lawlegitimize, privileged, legislative

  45. RAPLatin-to snatch, greedy, devouringrapacious, rapt, surreptitious

  46. CEPLatin-seize, takeperceptible, susceptible, precept

  47. VORLatin-to eatvoracious, omnivorous, herbivorous

  48. CAS/CADLatin-to falldecadent, cadence, casualty

  49. FLULatin-to flowaffluent, superflous, mellifluous

  50. LEVLatin-lightleaven, levity, allbeviate

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