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Euromeeting 2010 VIII^ Edizione Manuel de Novaes Cabral Firenze, 9-10 dicembre 2010 Auditorium Sant’Apollonia Via San Gallo, 25. www.itervitis.eu. Sede: Palazzo Panitteri 92017 Sambuca di Sicilia (Ag) - Italia Tel. +39 0925 940217 - Fax +39 0925 941007.
Euromeeting 2010VIII^ Edizione Manuel de Novaes Cabral Firenze, 9-10 dicembre 2010 Auditorium Sant’ApolloniaVia San Gallo, 25 www.itervitis.eu Sede: Palazzo Panitteri 92017 Sambuca di Sicilia (Ag) - Italia Tel. +39 0925 940217 - Fax +39 0925 941007
VIII Euromeeting - 2010PoliticheRegionaleperun Turismo EuropeoSostenible & CompetitivoFirenze, 9-10 dicembre Thecontributionofvineand wine to theterritory’sidentity Manuel de Novaes Cabral manuel.cabral@cm-porto.pt
1. Vineandwine– territory Vine: Wine: Territory Sellingtheproductand, troughit, divulgetheregion
2. VineandWine – sustainability Demarkedregions Environment Diversifytheterritory Land use planning Promotionof local population’s qualityoflife Diversifytheterritoryincreasingitsvitalityanditseconomicand cultural attractiveness
3. Identity History & Stories Cultural environment Terroir & Savoir - faire There are citieswhichhaveinwinetheirmainidentityreference Winetourismisnotonly a typeoftourismbutalso a wayofbetterpromotingtheterritory
4. WineandTourism Positioning Territory Identity Competitiveness Wineis a condition for theeconomicdevelopment, butalso for thetechnologicalandscientificprogressofnumerousregionsinEuropeandintheworld Themarketdemandsqualityinthewholeproductlineandalsoinwine’sregionoforigin Wineassetsbecome a motive ofpromotionandoftouristattraction
5. RoutesandTourism Need: Want: Findways to prepare diversifiedproducts, to suggestmulti-themeroutesaimingtoselltheterritory, retainingthetourists´interest, motivatingthem
6. Routes Are tourismfacilitatorsthathave: organizedandrationalizedthesupply createditineraries lead to therenovationofheritageandpatrimony promotedthediversificationofservices highlightlackofservices, productsorquality Stillthematicroutes do not show theadaptability to respond to a newdemandwhichis more criteriousinwhatqualityisconcernedbutalsowanting more inlesstime, unless …
... Tourism Holisticvision Setofalliances Sectorial policies focused on territory Common policies of external promotion
7. Territorial competitiveness EuropeanUnion Stepbystepapproachinorder to bothcontributeandworktogether to boost territorial competitivenessandsustainability