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Diffraction at TOTEM. Leading Protons measured at -220m & -147m from the CMS. Castor (CMS). Leading Protons measured at +147m & +220m from the CMS. T2. CMS. T1. T1. T2. Castor (CMS). Leading protons: RP’s at 147m and 220m Rap gaps & Fwd particle flows: T1 & T2 spectrometers
Diffraction at TOTEM Leading Protons measured at -220m & -147m from the CMS Castor (CMS) Leading Protons measured at +147m & +220m from the CMS T2 CMS T1 T1 T2 Castor (CMS) Leading protons: RP’s at 147m and 220m Rap gaps & Fwd particle flows: T1 & T2 spectrometers Fwd energy flows: Castor & ZDC (CMS) Veto counters at: 60m & 140m? CERN - DESY Workshop 2006 Risto Orava CERN 6. June 2006
TOTEM Collaboration G. Anellic, G. Antchevc, V. Avatib,V. Berardia, U. Bottiglih, M. Bozzod, E. Brückene, A. Buzzod, M. Calicchioa, F. Capurrod,M.G. Catanesia, M.A . Cioccih, S. Cuneod, C. Da Viák, M. Deilec, E. Dimovasilic, K. Eggertc, F. Ferrod, F. Garciae, A. Giacherod, J.P. Guillaudl, J. Hasik, F. Haugc, J. Heinoe, T. Hildene, P. Jarronc, J. Kalliopuskae, J. Kasparg, J. Kempaf, C. Kenneym, A. Kokk, V. Kundratg, K. Kurvinene, S. Lamih, G. Latinoh, R. Lauhakangase, E. Lippmaai, J. Lippmaae, M. Lokajicekg, M. LoVetered, J. Lämsäe, D. Macinac, M. Macrid, M. Meuccih, S. Minutolid, A. Morellid, E. Mulasf, P. Musicod, M. Negrid, H. Niewiadomskic, E. Noschisc, E. Oliverih, F. Oljemarke, R. Oravae, M. Oriunnoc, K. Österberge , R. Paolettih, S. Parkern, E. Radermacherc, E. Radicionia, E. Robuttid, L. Ropelewskic, G. Ruggieroc, A. Rummeli, H. Saarikkoe, G. Sanguinettih, A. Santronid, S. Saramadc, F. Saulic, A. Scribanoh, G. Setted, J. Smotlachag, W. Snoeysc, F. Spinellah, C. Taylorb, F. Torpj, A. Trummali, N. Turinih, N. van Remortele, S. Wattsk, L. Verardod, J. Whitmorej (82) (5m Totem slice/person !) a INFN Sezione di Bari and Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy b Case Western Reserve University, Dept. of Physics, Cleveland, OH, USA c CERN, Geneva, Switzerland d Università di Genova and Sezione INFN, Genova, Italy e Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP and Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland f Warsaw University of Technology, Fac. of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry, Plock,Poland g Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR), Institute of Physics, Praha, Republic Czech h Università di Siena and Sezione INFN Pisa, Italy i Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia j Penn State University, Dept. of Physics, University Park, PA, USA k Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK l LAPP Annecy (France) m Molecular Biology Consortium, SLAC (USA) n University of Hawaii (USA) (14)
T1:3.1 < h < 4.7 T2: 5.3 <h< 6.5 T1 T2 CASTOR (CMS) RP1 (147 m) RP2 (180 m) RP3 (220 m) Experimental layout 10.5m 14m
”b*=1540m”, ”90m”, ”18m”, ”2m”, ”0.55m”,...protons b*=1540m: optimized for small –t b*=90m: optimum for soft & semihard diffraction b*=2m,18m: useful for hig-t elastics b*=0.55m: required for hard diffraction, Higgs,...
TOTEM measurements CMS Tracking & Calorimety • Total pp cross section with a • precision of 1% • Elastic pp scattering: • 10-3 t = (p)2 10 GeV2 • Leading particles: • 210-3 2 10-1 • Particle flows, rap gaps: • 3.1 4.7 and 5.3 6.5 • Investigate diffractive & forward phenomena together with CMS. TOTEM TOTEM Note: Rapidity coverage could be further improved by veto counters at 60m to 140m, microstations at 19m etc.
LHC Experiments: pT-h coverage CMS fwd calorimetry up to |h| 5 + Castor + ZDC 1000 CMS ATLAS 100 T1 T1 pT (GeV) ALICE LHCb 10 T2 T2 1 microstation microstation RP RP 0.1 veto veto pTmax~ s exp(-h) -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 h The base line LHC experiments will cover the central rapidity region. TOTEMCMS will complement the coverage in the forward region.
Photon - Pomeron interferencer Pomeron exchange ~ e–B|t| diffractive structure pQCD ~ |t|–8 Ldt = 1033 and 1037 cm-2 Elastic Scattering: ds/dt extrapolate to – t = 0! ds/dt (mb/GeV2) -tmin~ 2 · 10-3 GeV2 -tmax~ 10 GeV2 -t (GeV2)
Elastic Scattering at small -t deviations from single exponential slope expected nominal Totem run scenario allows to probe the inteference region • for the required precision in ds/dt|t=0, moderate –tmin ( 10-2 GeV2) seems sufficient • at lower –t –values learn about the (non-exponential) behaviour & get better extrapolation
Elastic Scattering - Resolution t-resolution (both arms) t-resolution (both arms) f-resolution (one arm) Collinearity test for tracks in both arms to reduce bacgrounds & tag CD ~1o ~1o Measurement error to be smaller than physics effects due to non-exponential cross-section (0.5 %).
TOTAL & DIFFRACTIVE CROSS SECTIONS stot and sSD total pp cross section single diffractive cross section TOTEM TOTEM sSDmb stotmb LHC LHC s GeV s GeV • measurement of sSD to 10% allows tests • of diffractive models • measurement of stot to 1% will distinguish • between different models stot (lns)eas s e = 0, 1, 2, or - 0.08 ??
Acceptance in & -t vs. Run Scenario Acceptance of leading protons produced in Central Diffractive events (Phojet) log Acceptance b* = 2m b* = 90m b* = 1540m b* = 1540m b* = 90m b* = 2m log(-t) log(-t) b* = 90m: CD protons detected by their scattering angle in the vertical RP detectors, -t 3 10-2 GeV2, almost independently of , 50% of CD protons seen (standard LHC injection optics, p-to-p in vertical plane horizontal displacement proportional to & vx positon/CMS) b* = 1540m: -t 1 10-3 GeV2, 85% of CD protons seen (very low –t reach) b* = 2m: CD protons seen in the horizontal detectors, only, 0.02 0.1, -t 2 GeV2, poor acceptance (high –t) (420m RP’s with min 0.002 would help!)
Acceptance in & MX vs. Run Scenario 90m optics: 50% of CD protons seen, L 2 1030 cm-2s-1, i.e. 1 pb-1 in a few days. Acceptance dN/d Acceptance dN/dM 1540m A = 1 1540m 90m 90m A = 1 2m 2m MX (GeV) For hard diffraction need nominal optics: diffractive protons with 0.02 (0.002 at 420m location) seen, L = 1032-1033 cm-2s-1 yields 1 – 10 fb-1 in a year.
90 m optics: resolution Resolution in is dominated by: (1) vertex position (30 mm precision by CMS assumed), (2) beam position (50 mm assumed) 10-3 1.8 s() 1.6 Including all uncertainties Vx position: 30 mm assumed 1.4 Beam position: 50 mm assumed 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
A historical note.... 5.13 CED Mass Measurement at 400m... Mass resolution vs. central mass assuming DxF/xF = 10-4 DM = (1.5 - 3.0) GeV (DxF/xF = (1-2)10-4) Mass resolution (GeV) symmetric case: 65% of the data Helsinki group/J.Lamsa, R.O. 20 GeV < MX < 160 GeV (MXmax determined by the aperture of the last dipole,B11, MXmin by the minimum deflection = 5mm) Central Mass (GeV) Workshop on Diffractive Physics 4. – 8. February 2002 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Beampipes Leading protons: Roman Pots Measurement of very small p scattering angles (few mrad): Leading proton detectors in RPs approach beam to 10 s + 0.5 mm 1.5 mm 2004 prototype
T1 Telescope • 5 planes with measurement of three coordinates per plane. • 3 degrees rotation and overlap between adjacent planes • Primary vertex reconstruction • Trigger with CSC wires 1 arm Support s~0.7mm
Collar Table T2 GEM CASTOR T2 Telescope 10 detector planes on each side of IP
READOUT STRUCTURE 512 strips (width 80 mm, pitch of 400 mm) 65*24=1560 pads (2x2 mm2 -> 7x7 mm2) readout via connectors XXX APV VFAT VFAT- fully digital readout (no analog information out) radial strip readout split asymmetric HV asymmetric spacers 130 pin connector (0.5 mm pitch)