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The Coaching Triangle System

The Coaching Triangle System. An innovative organizational learning framework for professional development that uses a coach approach to develop leadership skills and enhance learning. Linda Naiman, Creativity at Work In association with Debbie Payne and Erna Hagge,

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The Coaching Triangle System

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  1. The Coaching Triangle System An innovative organizational learning framework for professional development that uses a coach approach to develop leadership skills and enhance learning. Linda Naiman, Creativity at Work In association with Debbie Payne and Erna Hagge, Deberna Coaching International

  2. Organizational Learning KEY ISSUE Managing talent; the recruitment, development, and retention of people, are key issues for organizations today given the labour demand, demographics, and looming retirement of the major leaders of our workforces. Engaging People We believe that providing opportunities and possibilities for people to optimize and self-direct their learning engages them. We believe that being coached and coaching others accelerates leadership and fosters accountability. We also believe that engaged people can raise the collective intelligence of an organization achieving desired results.

  3. Relationship Focus We know that real work gets done through people having valuable conversations, reflecting, and developing skills, then applying this to their work. By providing space for people to have the conversations and to focus on what they are learning; they become more engaged, using discretionary effort to be more effective and productive. “Look carefully at how a workplace organizes its relationships, not its tasks, functions and hierarchies, but the patterns of its relationships and the capacities to form them.” ~ Margaret Wheatley Leadership and the New Science

  4. Purpose of Coaching Triangles Learning, reflection then taking action are a large part of leadership. By creating this safe practice environment, we foster opportunities for reflection from which action can stem. • to learn and practice coaching • to develop leadership competencies • to reflect and learn from experience • to integrate and apply previously learned skills • provide a safe place to problem-solve, practice, and create • to foster, support and recognize informal learning that naturally occurs • reduce silo effect

  5. The Coaching Triangle System • An organizational learning framework that uses a self-directed coach approach to develop leadership skills and enhance learning • Built on solid adult learning, management, and leadership principles, models and theories • Simple practical concept, easy to implement, and cost effective • People solution, not a technological solution • Managers learn a coach approach to leadership • Creates a positive workplace environment Tri-innovating Tri-optimizing Tri-reflecting Tri-actioning Leadership Coaching Learning

  6. The Triangle Process • A Coaching Triangle is formed through one person selecting a learning partner and the two together choosing a third to create a Coaching Triangle. • The three attend an Orientation and using the Tri-namics resource book they create their own charter, commit to guiding principles, set goals, and sign a contract. • They then embark on their self-directed learning journey using the over 100 exercises and assessments in Tri-namics to spark dialogue, to challenge their thinking and learn to coach each other. • Once the Triangles are established and functioning a Coach Approach workshop is taught to further develop coaching skills. The resource book for the Coaching Triangle System Published by Deberna Coaching International 2006

  7. Coaching Triangles bridge learning and work Learning Work Coaching Triangles are learning labs creating a safe place to practice

  8. Benefits • Peer coaching, dialogue • Creates culture for mentoring; coaching • Aids in succession management • Fosters integration of skills • Provides a safe place to solve problems, test ideas, take risks • Dissolves silos • Builds networked relationships • Engages people in their work and relationships • Coaching Triangles when networked together create a positive force for culture change, harness existing intellectual capital, improve knowledge transfer, and become a practical organizational learning tool.

  9. Are there barriers to making this work? There are always those who do not want to do something different, who are not willing to change. • Bureaucracy • Little perceived value for task producers • Politics • Resistance to change • Trying to “control” • No coach support However, people have control of their own triangle. If each group takes that control and makes it work for them, it will work.

  10. Applications • Terasen Gas Inc. (bridging learning and work) • University of BC (extension to coaching workshops) • Vancouver Community College (leadership development) • BC Audiologists Association (learning to peer coach)

  11. Case Study: Terasen Gas • First triangle formed in April 2002 • Supported by senior management • Three vice-presidents, General Manager have participated • Used cross-organizationally for development • Used for Distribution Team Leadership Program • Have had over 30 Coaching Triangles in the organization • Currently 12-15 active Coaching Triangles • Value to organization: cost effective development, fosters cross-org relationships and learning, local solutions to problems, extends classroom learning. • Challenges: Making time and priority for Coaching Triangles to meet, limited coach support.

  12. Testimonial “In my own Coaching Triangle we explored and clarified in a candid manner, our leadership strengths and weaknesses. The dialogue allowed each of us to look into the mirror and see the reflection more clearly of how others see us as leaders. The greatest value of Coaching Triangles is that they create the opportunity to practice leadership skills in a non-threatening environment.” — Daryle Britton, Vice President Human Resources, Terasen Gas Inc.

  13. Preliminary Research: Terasen Gas 2003 Written survey, 19 participants I look forward to meeting with my Triangle partners 90% agree+ My Coaching Triangle helps me integrate learning and work 73% agree+ I have improved my leadership as a result of being in a Coaching Triangle. 42% agree+ I feel I am a better coach as a result of being in my Coaching Triangle 42% agree+ There is sufficient structure with the Coaching Triangle approach. 64% agree+I have encouraged others to form a Coaching Triangle 68% agree+ Anecdotal comments: Frequency of meetings range from once per week to one per month, irregular Length of meetings vary from 30 min to 2 hours

  14. University of British Columbia Research 2004 • Qualitative study • External researcher for credibility • 15 Coaching Triangle participants interviewed over a period of 5 months (September/04 – January/05) • Pre-determined in depth interviews (30-45 minutes) Observations and Comments • Triangles met bi-weekly, monthly or bi-monthly • New discoveries about approaching and solving workplace problems • Increased personal consciousness towards taking a coach approach to situations and in looking for “coachable moments” at work • Self awareness and self inquiry was fostered • Communication was noted as having improved/transformed • Significant learning was related to mentoring others … and to the effectiveness of peer supported learning • triangles offer immediate feedback in the moment

  15. Testimonial "Both my Coaching Triangle partners had much more experience in coaching than I did and held more senior positions. I thought this would be a challenge for me. Far from being intimidating it was wonderful equalizing experience. Each time we met I came away centered, anchored and ready to go on. Although I have the privilege of having great supportive people in my career, this triangle provided an environment like no other in building my successes."Linda Kompauer, Human Resource ManagerDepartment of Medicine, University of British Columbia

  16. Who We Are Linda Naimanis known internationally for pioneering the use of arts-based learning to develop creativity, innovation, and collaborative leadership in organizations, through consulting, training and coaching. She is an associate business coach at the University of British Columbia, and co-author of Orchestrating Collaboration at Work (Wiley 2003). Clients include Fortune 500 companies and public sector organizations in North America, Europe and Asia. Debbie Payne, MA, RODP, CDA, co-author of Tri-namics Coaching Triangle System. Debbie has over 25 years experience as an adult educator, leadership and organizational development specialist, and coach. Her credentials include a Master of Arts in Leadership and Training from Royal Roads University. Erna Hagge CEC, EM, HRM, co-author of Tri-namics Coaching Triangle System. Erna is the founder and leader of the University of British Columbia (UBC) Coaching Services Program, Vancouver BC. She has over 25 years in human resource management in three major organizations with focuses on coaching, organizational and personal development, employee relations, recruitment, training, facilitation, and business development.

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