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Inactivation of phosphorus in two shallow lakes by means of PROTE fos. prof. Ryszard Wiśniewski dr Przemysław Nowacki mgr inż. Adrian Szulczewski. Innovation of our method and comprehensiveness of services provided by us.
Inactivation of phosphorus in two shallow lakes by means of PROTEfos prof. Ryszard Wiśniewski dr Przemysław Nowacki mgr inż. Adrian Szulczewski
Innovation of our method and comprehensiveness of services provided by us. Innovation – technology of blocking phosphorus directly in bottom sediment (the core of our service).Comprehensiveness – using many different and individualy selected supportive methods around the core one. Our method is patented.
Two-unit vessel for phosphorus inactivation in bottom sediments– surface unit.
Two-unit vessel for phosphorus inactivation in bottom sediments– underwater unit.
Winiary Lake – bird’s eye view. field base
Jelonek Lake – bird’s eye view and a bathymetry. aerators field base
Dosing chemical substances First stage was the dosing of ferric chloride from the surface to precipitate the suspended matter and to bind the phosphorus from water and ground it within the bottom of the lake. Second and main stage was the dosing of appropriate chemical substances into bottom sediment of the lake. Launching additional supportive methods.
Undertaken Actions– analysis and monitoring. Wateranalysis: Temperature profile pH Sechcidiskvisibility BOD5 COD Mn COD Cr Electricalconductivity Dissolvedoxygen Oxygensaturation Total nitrogen Ammoniumnitrogen Nitrates Nitrites Organicnitrogen Total phosphorus Phosphates Chlorides Sulfates Chlorophylla Total iron Aluminium Coli index Amount of mesophilic and psychrophilicbacteria Seston drysubstance (from the bottomlayer and the surfacelayer) Bottom sediments analysis : Water content Dry residue Mineral compounds content Organic matter content Reaction (pH) Total Kiejdahl nitrogen Ammonium nitrogen Nitrite nitrogen Nitrate nitrogen Total phosphorus Phosphates Phosphorus fractions EPC-0 Iron Aluminium Calcium Magnesium Manganese Chromium Oxygen concentration in intrasediment water Sediment temperature Analysis of biotic elements: Species and quantitive composition of phyto- and zooplankton Fish species composition Water plants species
Undertaken Actions– regeneration of the retention ability of the pond in the vicinity of Lake Jelonek.
Undertaken Actions– using barley straw. Decomposition of barley straw causes release of chemical substances called algaestatics – reducing the growth of algae, including blue-green algaeStraw used for this purpose was formed in bricks about 10 kg each.Overall, there were 600 of such straw bricks installed on both lakes.
Undertaken Actions– deployment of barley straw. Jelonek Winiary Pond
Undertaken Actions– biomanipulation (changes in fishstock). 263 kg of fish were caught in Lake Jelonek. 10% of them were predatory fish (pike, zander). 90% were the so called white fish (crucian carp, prussian carp, carp beam, tench). In Lake Winiary 290 kg were caught. 28% constituted predatory fish (zander, pike, perch) and 72% constituted white fish (prussian carp, carp, carp beam. The two lakes were also stocked with Autumn and Spring fry of pike in the following quantities: -Lake Jelonek – 250 kg i.e. 1250 pcs. + 10,500 pcs. -Lake Winiary – 300 kg i.e. 1500 pcs +11,500 pcs.
Undertaken Actions– biomanipulation (changes in fishstock).
Undertaken Actions– biomanipulation (changes in fishstock).
Undertaken Actions– biomanipulation (changes in fishstock).
rdestnica kędzierzawa włosienicznik Undertaken Actions– reintroduction of macrophytes (Lake Winiary).
Undertaken Actions– reintroduction of macrophytes. • The following species of submerged plants were introduced in Lake Jelonek in the years 2009-2010: • - Myriophyllum spicatum - 500 pcs., • - Ceratophyllum demersum - 500 pcs., • - Potamogeton lucens - 500 pcs., • - Elodea canadensis - 500 pcs. • - Stratiotes aloides - 500 pcs., • - Nitellopsis obtusa - 2700 pcs. • As well as other species of plants with floating leaves (planted in bunches about 10 pcs. each) : • - Typha latifolia - 25 bunches + 200 pcs., • - Nuphar luteum - 10 bunches, • - Butomus umbellatus - 5 bunches + 100 pcs., • - Schoenoplectus lacustris - 5 bunches, • - Iris pseudacorus - 5 bunches + 100 pcs., • - Hipperius vulgaris - 100 pcs. • Overall quantity of macrophytes and macroalgae planted on both lakes and the pond reaches 7050 pcs. (in the years 2009-2010).
Results – increase of water transparency 2009 - IX 2010 - IX 2j 1w 1j 3w 2w 3j sampling points Average from 97% (Winiary) to 103% (Jelonek) - max. 1,1 – 4m.
Results – decrease of total phosphorus in water 2009 - IX 2010 - IX 1w 2j 1j 3j 2w 3w sampling points Average from 55% (W)to 58% (J).
Results– decrease of chlorophyll a 2009 - IX 2010 - IX 2j 1w 1j 3w 2w 3j sampling points Average from 52% (J)to 67% (W).
Thank you for your attention and let’s launch some projects.