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States of Matter

States of Matter. Solids, Liquids, and Gases. What are the Characteristics of Solids?. A solid has a definite shape and definite volume. How are particle in a solid arranged?. packed very closely together. Tightly fixed in one position. Ex. Wood, stone, and steel.

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States of Matter

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  1. States of Matter Solids, Liquids, and Gases

  2. What are the Characteristics of Solids? • A solid has a definite shape and definite volume.

  3. How are particle in a solid arranged? • packed very closely together. • Tightly fixed in one position. • Ex. Wood, stone, and steel

  4. Do particles in a solid move? • Yes. • The particles in a solid vibrate back and forth but stay in place.

  5. There are Two types of Solids Crystalline Solids and Amorphous Solids Amorphous and Crystalline Solids

  6. Crystalline Solids • In many solids, the particles form a regular, repeating pattern. These patterns create crystals. Solids that are made up of crystals are called crystalline solids. • Ex. Salt, sugar, and snow. • When a crystalline solid is heated, it melts at a specific temperature.

  7. Amorphous Solids • Particles are not arranged in a regular pattern. • Ex. Plastics, rubber, butter, and glass. • Unlike crystalline solids, an amorphous solid does not melt at a distinct temperature. Instead, it may become softer and softer or change into other substances.

  8. Solids • Eureka Solids

  9. What are the Characteristics of Liquids? • Has a definite volume but no shape of its own. Without a container, a liquid spreads into a wide, shallow puddle.

  10. How are particle in a liquid arranged?These particles move freely over each other and they are attracted to each other.

  11. Do particles in a liquid move? • Yes. • The particles in a liquid are packed almost as closely as in a solid. However, the particles in a liquid move around one another freely. • Liquids vibrate, move about, and slide past each other • Liquids are also called fluids which means “a substance that flows”. • It has no definite shape. • It does have a definite volume. • Eureka Liquids

  12. Properties of Liquids • There are two properties of liquids: Surface tension and Viscosity

  13. Surface Tension • The result of an inward pull among the molecule of a liquid that bring the molecules on the surface close together. • Ex. Perhaps you have noticed that water forms droplets and can beads up on many surfaces, such as the water on your body after a shower.

  14. Viscosity • A liquid’s resistance to flowing. • A liquid’s viscosity depends on the size and shape of its particles and the attractions between the particles. • A liquid with high viscosity flows slowly. • Ex. Honey and syrup. • A liquid with low viscosity flows quickly • Ex. Water and soda

  15. What are the Characteristics of Gases? • Like liquids, gases are fluids. Unlike liquids, gas can change volume very easily. If you put a gas in a closed container the gas particles will either spread apart or be squeezed together as they fill the container. • Ex. Take a deep breath. Your lungs fills with air. Air is a mixture of gases. When you breath in, air takes the shape of your lungs. When you breath out, it does not have a definite shape.

  16. How are particle in a gas arranged?Particles move freely and easily.

  17. Do particles in a gas move? • Yes. • As gas moves, the particles spread apart, filling all the space available. • A gas does not have a definite shape or a definite volume. • Gas vibrates and moves freely at high speeds

  18. Solids, liquids, and gases • `

  19. Can you identify the states of matter?

  20. Solids, Liquids and Gases • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCL8zqjXbME&feature=autoplay&list=LPszAY3Osnq_s&playnext=1&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1

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