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制造业面对的形势和困境 The plight and situation of Manufacturing. 世界的变化 1-- 人口变化 The changing World # 1---Population Changing. 1 )数量 快速增长 : 2011 年全球 70 亿 人 , 2050 年将突破 90 亿 人, 每二十年就以十亿级数增长。 2 )老龄化: 目前世界 60 岁以上老年人 8.93 亿,占 总人口 12.8% ; 预计 2050 年到 24 亿,占总人口 30% 。 老龄化社会即将到来。.
制造业面对的形势和困境 The plight and situation of Manufacturing
世界的变化1--人口变化The changing World # 1---Population Changing 1)数量快速增长:2011年全球70亿人,2050年将突破90亿人,每二十年就以十亿级数增长。 2)老龄化:目前世界60岁以上老年人8.93亿,占总人口12.8%;预计2050年到24亿,占总人口30%。 老龄化社会即将到来。 1)Quantity increasing rapidly: Global population is 7 Billion in 2011 and will reach 9 billion in 2050, and increase by 1 billion every 20 years 2)Aging:Currently 893 million populations over 60 years old, cover 12.8% of total population; forecast will reach 2.4 billion in 2050 and cover 30% of total population. Aging society is coming.
世界的变化2-城市化 The changing World #2---Urbanization 城市化:2007年历史上首次出现城市人口超过农村人口。 2012年50%人口居住在城市→2030年60% → 2050年超过67%。 Urbanization: The rural population first time overpass the urban population in 2007. Over 50% people living in city in 2012---60% in 2030---67% in 2050
世界的变化3-气候变化 The changing World #3---Climate Changing 世界气候变化:与18世纪相比,全球平均表面温度增加了0.76摄氏度。 自有气象观察以来最热的12年中,有11年是从1994年到2005年。 温室气体排放急剧增加,对人类的威胁越来越大。 环境问题和环保问题成为世界各国共同面对的问题。 World Climate Changing: Compare to 18th Century, The global average surface temperature increased 0.76 centigrade. The most hottest 12 years from meteorological observation, 11 years are in between 1994 and 2005. The emission of greenhouse gases increases rapidly, The imperil to Human is bigger and bigger. The environment and its protection is a common issue for all countries
世界的变化4-全球化 The changing World #4 ---Globalization 全球化:由于世界交通/信息/运输等越来越便捷.“地球村”使国家间联系日益紧密,地球变得“越来越小”。 1)从1950年到2004年,世界贸易量增加了27.5倍; 2)从事国际贸易的团体从1980 的17000个增加到了目前的70000个; 3)在过去的40年里,海洋运输从每年不到6万亿吨英里增加到了27万亿吨英里。 Globalization: Due to the global communication, IT, transportation is more and more convenient, the “Global village” makes the contact between countries more and more close, the globe is changing “smaller and smaller” . 1)From 1950 to 2004, the global trade volume increased 27.5 times; 2)The organization performing the global business increased from 17000 to 70000; 3)In the past 40 years, The sea transportation increased from 60 kilo ton.miles to 270 kilo ton.miles.
中国的变化1-从“数量”到“质量” The changing China #1—from “ Quantity” to “Quality” 改革开放30年来,中国是世界上经济增长最快的国家(1979-2009年),年均经济增长率高达9.8%, 中国GDP已经超过日本,跃居世界第二。许多产业等指标(汽车产销量、电话拥有量等)跃居世界第一。 “量”已形成,资源、环境、竞争力等压力加大,必须从“数量”到“质量”的转型发展,走向又强又大。 Since opening to the outside world for the last 30 years, China is the most quickest economy increasing country(1979-2009), the average economy increase with the high level of 9.8%, Chinese GDP already exceed Japan and play the number two of global business, lots of index ( car sales, phone user etc.)reach No. one, “Quantity” realized, the pressure of resource, environment and competition increased, so the development must change from “ quantity” to “Quality, targeting the biggest both the strongest.
中国的变化2-城市化进程 The changing China #2—Urbanization progress 2011年中国城市化率首次超过50%。未来城市化率加速增长。 For the first time, Chinese urbanization is over 50% in 2011, the future urbanization will speed up growth.
中国的变化3-廉价劳动力一去不复返 The changing China #3—Cheap labor cost will no longer back again 改革开放30年来,在岗职工平均工资以年均14%的水平在增长,五年工资翻一番。 与发达国家相比劳动力成本差距从20多倍降低到4-6倍。 In the past 30 years from Reform and Open, labor cost increased average 14% annually. Salary doubles every five years. Comparing with developed countries, the gap of labor cost reduced from 20 times to 4-6 times
中国的变化4-环境和资源压力骤增 The changing China #4--- Environment and resource pressure increased rapidly 45种主要矿产的现有储量再过5-10年将只剩下24种,15-20年后将只剩下6种,1/4人口饮用不合格的水,1/3的城市人口呼吸着污染的空气,城市垃圾无害化处理不足20%,工业危险废物处置率仅为32%,全球污染最严重的10个城市中,中国占5个。 The current volume of 45 main minerals will only remain 24 after 5-10 years, only 6 after 15-20 years, 1/4 people still drink unqualified water, one third of city people breath polluted air, city rubbish innocuous treatment less than 20%, Industry hazardous wastes treatment only 32%, the top 10 polluted cities and 5 of them in China.
中国的变化5-产能过剩 、竞争加剧 The changing China #5—Over capacity, intensifying competition 投资增长与消费增长失衡: 1)2002-2005年的连续四年中,固定资产投资增长速度均保持在20%以上,而消费(社会消费品零售总额)增幅处于9%~13%之间,前者比后者快1倍左右。 2)典型行业:钢铁、电解铝、汽车、合金、电石、铜冶炼、铸造等等,产能过剩、竞争加剧。 Unbalance growth on investment and consumption 1)Average growth rate on fix asset investment was over 20% in continues four years from 2002-2005, but growth on consumption(social retail goods)was between 9%-13%, the former one is about two times quicker than the later 2)Typical industry: steel, electrolytic aluminium, car, alloy, calcium carbide, copper, casting etc, over capacity and competition more aggressive.
中国的变化6-时代的力量 The changing China #6—the power of Times 时代的进步催生了新产品、新产业,也加快了产品、产业的淘汰速度。 时代进步、竞争加剧,不持续创新将被迅速淘汰。 The progress of the times create the new products and new industry, same time also speed up the elimination of products and industry. Times progress, intensifying competition. No continue innovation means to be eliminated quickly.
中国的变化7-科技的力量 The changing China #7– The power of Technology 中国航天-彰显科技的力量 China aerospace-manifest the power of technology 未来制造业必须将先进科技融入其中: 支撑技术——IT 关键技术——虚拟制造、快速成型、智能制造…… Future manufacture must integrate the advanced technology: Support technology——IT Key technology——virtual manufacture, Rapid Prototyping, intelligent manufacture……
科技创新及人才 Technology innovation and talents
创新的两大动力:科技+人才 Bi-power of innovation: Technology +Talents
共享“四有”创新模式 KOCEL ”Four”innovation model 有创新的思想:持续产生创新思想,营造创新环境; 有创新的计划:通过创新规划、创新计划推动创新工作; 有创新的制度及体系:建立创新制度和矩阵式研发创新体系; 有创新的工作方式:CSP/6σ—我们的工作方式。 Innovative idea:Continue create innovation idea, construct innovation environment; Innovative plan:Promote the innovation by new scheme, innovation plan; Innovation regulation and system: Build innovation regulation and matrix research & innovation system; Innovation working mode:CSP/6σ—The way we work.
持续创新 Continues innovation TIDE(TDM/VM/IM) Q-Form+一体化体系/与国际标准接轨 Q-Form/与国际标准接轨 “1651” ISO9000 数字化 贯标 从严管理 依法治厂 1994年 2009年 三次管理变革、三次思想解放、力克三次危机 Three management revolution, three ideological emancipation, overcome three crisis
组织再造 Reorganization 设立相关专职领导、人员 Set up specific duty leader and staff. 适应企业转型、组织扁平化、取消科级建制 Adapt company transition, flattening organization, cancel section system
经营人才: 推进“共享快速成才” Talents Creating: boost ”KOCEL rapid talent creating” 指当前需求数量和未来发展要求数量 Current demand volume and future development demand volume 岗位类别、年龄、学历、技能、职称等结构 Position, age, education background, skill, job title etc. structure. . 健康、品质、技能 Health, morality, skill 数量是前提、稳定是基础、质量是保障;结构调整在于长远 Volume is precondition, stable is the base, quality is indemnity. Focus on long term structure adjustment
绿色制造 Green manufacturing
绿色制造 Green manufacturing 产品从设计、制造、包装、运输、使用到报废处理的整个生命周期中, 对环境的影响 (负作用)最小,资源效率最高 The whole life of product from designing. Manufacturing, package, transportation, using until dumping, the impact (negative affect)to environment is minimum, resource efficiency is maximum .
绿色制造模式 Green manufacturing mode “五绿” (绿色设计、绿色材料选择、绿色工艺规划、绿色包装、绿色处理) “Five green”( Green design, Green material, Green technology, Green package, Green treatment) 绿色制造是综合运用生物技术、“绿色化学”、信息技术和环境科学等方面的成果,使制造过程中没有或极少产生废料和污染物的工艺或制造系统的综合集成生态型制造技术。绿色制造模式是实现制造业可持续长远发展的制造模式。 Green manufacturing is integrated apply biotechnology, green chemistry, IT technology and environmental research result make the manufacture process no or less create waste and pollutant or manufacture system comprehensive integrated ecotype manufacturing technology。 Green manufacturing mode is the way to realize manufacturing long term continues development model.
解决问题的方式 The way to solve the probelm 只有想不到、没有做不到 Anything can be done as far as your thought can go to
转型发展模式探讨 Research of transition development mode
特征1:制造前端(市场、研发)和后端(服务)将变大,制造环节将缩小 Feature 1: Pre-Manufacturing( marketing, research) and after Manufacturing( service) will be bigger, manufacturing process will be smaller. 市场 Market 市场 Market 研发 Research 研发 Research 销售 Sales 制造 Manufacturing 制造 Manufacturing …… 服务 Service 管理 Management
特征2:提供完整解决方案 Feature 2: Supply total solution 万达广场 WanDa Square 卖商品→ 卖方案、卖服务、卖商品等 80%员工在现场→ 50%以下员工在现场 靠制造赢利→ 靠研发、服务等赢利 Sell stuff→ sell program, sell service, sell stuff etc. 80% employee work on site→ less than 50% employee work on site Profit from manufacture→ profit from research and service etc.
特征3:数字化企业 Feature 3: Digital company 21世纪的制造业将以双I(Intelligent和Integration)为标志(智能和集成) The symbol of 21 century manufacturing will be the double I ( Intelligent and Integration)
特征4:速度制胜 Feature 4”: Win By Speed 速度将决定制造企业竞争力。三、五年翻一番,以快致胜! Speed will determine the competition capability of manufacture company. Sales revenue requires double every 3-5 years. Win By Speed.
特征5:先进科技、绿色制造、持续创新 Feature 5: Advanced technology, Green Manufacturing, Continue innovation. 一年没有创新,发展会停滞; 两年没有创新,企业在倒退; 三年没有创新,面临被淘汰! One year no innovation, development will stop; Two years no innovation, Company will retrogress; Three no innovation, face to be eliminated!
特征6:高端产品、精品,引导消费,品牌制胜 Feature 6: High-end products, Boutique, guide consumption, win with the brand
特征7:合作共赢 ,共享美好 Feature 7: Cooperation and win-win, Share the glory 共享集团内涵 : 共同努力共谋发展共享美好 KOCEL CONNOTATION: WORKING TOGETHER, GROWING TOGETHER, SHARING THE GLORY