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Successful Knowledge Transfer Partnerships with the Business Community in Kent and Beyond. Denis Edgar-Nevill. Success Story. Working with the Small Business Forum facilitated by CEBD Run 100+ one day courses with participants from more than 150 organisations
Successful Knowledge TransferPartnerships with the Business Community in Kent and Beyond Denis Edgar-Nevill
Success Story • Working with the Small Business Forum facilitated by CEBD • Run 100+ one day courses with participants from more than 150 organisations • Invited Seminar to Small Business Forum
Benefits • Feedback used in the development of the Foundation Degree in Computing and commended by the validation panel in 2003 • Commended in the Internal Review of the Department of Computing in 2004 • Important in the Department of Computing DAT in the Institutional Review of the University in 2005 • Development of the joint award with national police training body CENTREX MSc in Cybercrime Forensics 2005 first award jointly validated with a UK university
Kent Technology Award for Excellence for Business Support – November 2005
Based on experiences with delivering IT skills courses and introductory general computer management skills … … but general ideas transferable to any knowledge transfer activity
Knowledge Transfer U N I V E R S I T Y I NDUSTRY IDEAS IDEAS
Knowledge Transfer IDEAS IDEAS Business Agenda Academic Agenda
Who are the people you are talking too?
Uniformity? Good morning class!
“Some people are different than the rest of us … … and so are the rest of us!” Clive James
Diversity (level & ability) Good morning class!
I am a nice person. I really like you and the course and I am getting a lot out of it! Typical Ideal Participant
I already know everything you are going to talk about – in fact, I am going to correct every mistake you make just to demonstrate how good I am and just how bad you are!
I know I only paid £30 to be on the course today but I expect it to be like any £1,000 commercial day-course. Printed Materials Well-Structured Something I can Use Professional Delivery
I don’t know how to do this! I should be able to do this! It can’t be my fault! It must be that this is a bad course.
Are all academics good at this?
I know you want me to give them a beginners guide to Microsoft Word … … but in the afternoon we can get onto multiple mail merges and VBA scripting! Over-ambition
I don’t really want to do this and I am going to teach this class exactly as I do all of my other classes to full-time students – and if they don’t like it … tough! Wrong Attitude
I don’t really want to do this because it is even worse than sub-degree level … I’m going to show them how smart I am and just how dumb they are. Wrong Attitude
Sorry I forgot about the course and I’m working at home today! Just send them home and reschedule. Wrong Priority
Wrong Person Here is a textbook. Spend the next two hours reading it and then we will talk about it. Schh..
I’m not very well so I can’t come in today – sorry!