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The Fascinating World of Angiosperms: The Most Successful Plants on Earth

Angiosperms, also known as flowering plants, are a diverse group of plants with over 300,000 species. Diverging genetically from gymnosperms over 200 million years ago, they have evolved into the most successful plants on Earth. Angiosperms come in two classes: monocotyledon and eudicotyledon, with varying sizes and structures. Their flowers play a crucial role in reproduction, ensuring successful pollination and fruit production. Explore the intriguing world of angiosperms and learn about their unique features and functions in the ecosystem.

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The Fascinating World of Angiosperms: The Most Successful Plants on Earth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Aaron Jones Cody Taylor Angiosperms

  2. Fruited Plants Most successful plants on earth. Over 300,000 (or greater) in existence A.K.A (Angiospermae or Magnoliophyta) Diverged genetically from Gymnosperms 202-245 millions year most likely monophyletic

  3. Classes of Angiosperms Monocotyledon Single cotyledon, parallel venation, flowers parts in multiples of three Lilies, orchids, grasses, irises, cattails, palms Eudicotyledon Non-coniferous woody plants, shrubs and many herbaceous plants Two cotyledons, branched venation, flower parts in multiples of five True secondary growth with vascular cambium

  4. Angiosperms Size vary between duckweed, barely 1 mm long to over 100 meter tall eucalyptus

  5. Angiosperm vs. Gymnosperm Several differences that allowed the Angiosperm to surpass the Gymnosperm Flowers Endosperm Production of fruit

  6. Endosperm • Nutritive tissue derived from left over macrosporangia used to feed the cotyledons, embryo, and seedling.

  7. Angiosperm Flower

  8. Flowers What advantage do flowers give a plant? Improve pollen dispersal via animal interaction Leads to coevolutionary mutualism with organisms creating niche pollen dispersers

  9. Types of Inflorences

  10. Placenta The portion of the ovary in which the ovules originate and where they remain until maturity

  11. Fruit Fruit ensures a ready and willing supply of dispersers, in exchange for the high energy return provided.

  12. Variations in Flower Structure Perfect Imperfect Staminate Carpelate Monoecious Dioecious Complete Incomplete

  13. Position of Ovary Hypogynous Paregynous Epigynous Inferior Superior Regular Irregular

  14. Life Cycle Angiosperm gametophytes are smaller than in any other heterosporous plant Mature microgametophyte consists of only three cells Mature megagametophyte consists of only seven cells Both Antheridia and Archegonia are lacking Pollination is indirect

  15. Sperm formation Microsporangenesis and microgametegenesis lead to formation of a microgametephyte

  16. Anther of the Lily plant

  17. Sporopollenin Pollen grains form a resistant outer wall (Exine) of sporopollenin composed of chiefly carotenoids The inner wall is known as the Intine and is composed of cellulose and pectin Present in all plants

  18. Egg formation Megasporagenesis Formation of the megaspore within the nucellus Megagametegenesis Actual development of the megaspore into embryo sac

  19. Egg formation

  20. Pollination The process by which pollen grains are transferred to the stigmas Double fertilization In Angiosperms one sperm unites with the egg while the other unites with the polar nuclei An unusual characteristic of Angiosperms only shared with Ephedra and Gnetum In Gymnosperms only a single sperm is functional while the other degenerates

  21. Seed and Fruit Development Primary endosperm nucleus divides forming endosperm Zygote developes into and embryo Integuments develop into a seed coat Ovary walls and related structures develop into a fruit

  22. Videos Life cycle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_UyDtaa8Ow Pollination http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuYrFwDuYn0&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL9657FBE36AC0E27F Double fertilization http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq8NWh98wQs

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