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Facilitating Microscale Distributed Generation in New Zealand. Alister Gardiner. Prepared for: NERI Energy Conference, Massey Date: July 07. Slide Overview Headings: Blue Arial 2 8 pt Bold Subheading: Green Arial 2 4 pt Bold Text can be added by overtyping the current text.
Facilitating Microscale Distributed Generation in New Zealand Alister Gardiner Prepared for: NERI Energy Conference, Massey Date:July 07
Slide Overview Headings: Blue Arial 28pt Bold Subheading: Green Arial 24pt Bold Text can be added by overtyping the current text. To add a new slide of this kind, from the insert menu, select the new slide optionand choose a ‘bulleted list’. The level at which text appears can be changed using the green left and right arrows from the toolbar to promote and demote. For example, you change lines of text from subheadings to bullet points. Click in the storyline header and select the text then type to change the content. Overview • Drivers for change • The role of Government • Definitions - DG and microgrids • Network design issues – technical, market • Current status – a level playing field? • Facilitation framework – technical, market design • What I would like to see happen here
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Slide Overview Headings: Blue Arial 28pt Bold Subheading: Green Arial 24pt Bold Text can be added by overtyping the current text. To add a new slide of this kind, from the insert menu, select the new slide optionand choose a ‘bulleted list’. The level at which text appears can be changed using the green left and right arrows from the toolbar to promote and demote. For example, you change lines of text from subheadings to bullet points. Click in the storyline header and select the text then type to change the content. Distributed Generation
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Slide Overview Headings: Blue Arial 28pt Bold Subheading: Green Arial 24pt Bold Text can be added by overtyping the current text. To add a new slide of this kind, from the insert menu, select the new slide optionand choose a ‘bulleted list’. The level at which text appears can be changed using the green left and right arrows from the toolbar to promote and demote. For example, you change lines of text from subheadings to bullet points. Click in the storyline header and select the text then type to change the content. MicroGrids “Smart Grids” is a new concept for electricity networks, needed to meet the challenges of the 21st century and fulfil the expectations of society (European Commission Directorate General for Research http://www.eurosfaire.prd.fr/7pc/doc/1144859476_smartgrids_en_etp_2006.pdf) MicroEnergy technologies and the MicroGrid are key components of the Smart Grid concept
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MicroGrids • The value of the network - ADMD capacity reduction • If individual house peaks are 16kW • The 100 house+ community per house peak is ~ 4kW • The network provides substantial value by reducing the supply capacity requirement • Who should pay for the cost of the network? • The consumer - not the generator • A customer-generator who makes a reduced demand on network capacity should be rewarded with lower network costs
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Slide Overview Headings: Blue Arial 28pt Bold Subheading: Green Arial 24pt Bold Text can be added by overtyping the current text. To add a new slide of this kind, from the insert menu, select the new slide optionand choose a ‘bulleted list’. The level at which text appears can be changed using the green left and right arrows from the toolbar to promote and demote. For example, you change lines of text from subheadings to bullet points. Click in the storyline header and select the text then type to change the content. Two areas to be addressed in a regulatory framework Technical design Market design Network integration can be enhanced by clear signals to device developers that Encourage desirable network characteristics Encourage public good benefits Technical Most generic issues are understood for low penetration levels Inverter systems offer a trouble free standardised interface System changes needed for high penetration levels Market Dominated by centralised wholesale market thinking New approach needed Transformational - must be government led Integration of community distributed energy solutions (IDES) Network Design Issues
Slide Overview Headings: Blue Arial 28pt Bold Subheading: Green Arial 24pt Bold Text can be added by overtyping the current text. To add a new slide of this kind, from the insert menu, select the new slide optionand choose a ‘bulleted list’. The level at which text appears can be changed using the green left and right arrows from the toolbar to promote and demote. For example, you change lines of text from subheadings to bullet points. Click in the storyline header and select the text then type to change the content. Leading to a more sustainable energy system Current DG Status • Technical • 2003 MED discussion paper proposed <10kW/40,000kWh category • Sep 2006 draft regulations released for comment • Jul 2007 - still no specific regulations for microgeneration • Market • EC - Proposed model contract, no minimum price • Barriers? • 4 sets of “consents” potentially required • Lines company – technical • Retailer – purchase agreement • Regional council – resource consent • City/County Council – building permit • Many other “market entry” barriers
Slide Overview Headings: Blue Arial 28pt Bold Subheading: Green Arial 24pt Bold Text can be added by overtyping the current text. To add a new slide of this kind, from the insert menu, select the new slide optionand choose a ‘bulleted list’. The level at which text appears can be changed using the green left and right arrows from the toolbar to promote and demote. For example, you change lines of text from subheadings to bullet points. Click in the storyline header and select the text then type to change the content. Leading to a more sustainable energy system What Would I Like to See in NZ? Technical: <10kW/40,000kWh is a good start but • Simplify the application procedure and detail • Mandate a standard “minimum certfication spec.” which Lines Cos must accept, eg AS4777 plus any others required • A new very small class of net metered microgeneration (<5,000kWh/yr?) which is non-notifiable if it meets proscribed standards (ie treated as an appliance) • Market: • Mandate a minimum payment /kWh exported which includes a 2 rate option for on/off peak reward (feed-in tariff concept) • On peak payment to include avoided GXP and line costs, transmission and line upgrade costs based on asset management plans
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Slide Overview Headings: Blue Arial 28pt Bold Subheading: Green Arial 24pt Bold Text can be added by overtyping the current text. To add a new slide of this kind, from the insert menu, select the new slide optionand choose a ‘bulleted list’. The level at which text appears can be changed using the green left and right arrows from the toolbar to promote and demote. For example, you change lines of text from subheadings to bullet points. Click in the storyline header and select the text then type to change the content. What Would I Like to See in NZ? PCE “Get Smart, Think Small” report Recommendation 1: • That the Minister of Energy, as part of the New Zealand Energy Strategy, develops a specific local energy work programme for New Zealand that • Endorses the concept of local energy • Identifies contributions LE could make • Set short, med long term uptake targets • Sets our govt roles and responsibilities • Provides a framework (for action) • There are 6 comprehensive recommendations • IE – the government takes a leadership role in facilitating the introduction of these systems
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Slide Overview Headings: Blue Arial 28pt Bold Subheading: Green Arial 24pt Bold Text can be added by overtyping the current text. To add a new slide of this kind, from the insert menu, select the new slide optionand choose a ‘bulleted list’. The level at which text appears can be changed using the green left and right arrows from the toolbar to promote and demote. For example, you change lines of text from subheadings to bullet points. Click in the storyline header and select the text then type to change the content. Integration of microscale energy systems Micro Distributed Energy • New Zealand business opportunities • Supply-demand side interaction • Paradigm shift in thinking • New network technical issues • 2 way power flow • protection • New network management issues • Capacity and despatch • New products • Materials and components • Systems and control • New market mechanisms • A comprehensive RD&D programme is needed • Feasibility and benefits • Systems and technology research • “Light house” community pilots to evaluate techologies and mechanisms
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