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History and Geography of the Middle East. Historical Understandings of the Middle East. The Middle East. Many people refer to this region as the Middle East because of its location. For centuries empires and kingdoms have fought for control of these lands.
History and Geography of the Middle East Historical Understandings of the Middle East
The Middle East • Many people refer to this region as the Middle East because of its location. • For centuries empires and kingdoms have fought for control of these lands. • One reason is the location-whoever held control of the region influenced trade. • Trade=$$$$$$$ Trade Routes
What are the types of climate? • Arid-extremely dry due to lack of rain. • Semi-arid-dry with 10-20 inches of rain-difficult to farm. • Desert-dry barren land, often sandy. • Arable-land that can be farmed. Write these definitions down
Climates in the Middle East • A large majority of the Middle East is desert and semi arid. • How might the climate affect the environment? • Turn to your neighbor and think of two ways this might harm the environment. Desert
Conclusion • • The Middle Easts climate is changing more rapidly than in other regions. • • More frequent and intense heat waves (strong impacts)-much higher temperatures • • Deteriorating air quality, high ozone, human-induced aerosols, on top of high natural dust levels. • • Urban environment expected to be strongly affected by heat waves and air pollution.
How Does Location Affect Population? Name three geographic features that might affect population. Where do you predict the most people will live???
How climate affects Agriculture • Huge portions of the Middle East cannot be farmed without water. • Israel uses desalination plants. • What is desalination?
Water & Access Determine Where People Live in the Middle East! People and crops need WATER!!! How does land and water affect travel?
Where people live….Read Climate and Geography-Pair share answers Look where most people live.
How People Make a Living???? • Between 10%-35% of all the people make a living in agriculture. • Between 65% and 90% are involved in services and industry. • Why is the Middle East so low in agriculture and high in services and industry?
How does Oil Affect the Middle East? • Many people make a living in oil processing. • People live near water or places with job opportunities.
Oil and Everyday LifeOil is used in many everyday objects - more than you may have ever imagined. http://www.priweb.org/ed/pgws/uses/uses_home.html
Section 2 Ancient Mesopotamia Pages 423-427 • Hammurabi-famous emperor of ancient Mesopotamia-also wrote code of 282 laws know as Hammurabi’s Code • Fertile Crescent-area also known as Mesopotamia • Sumerians-around 3000 BC the first inhabitants of Mesopotamia. • City-states-a city and area that it controls. • City-states faced 3 challenges: threat of hostile invaders, lack of water and trade issues.
Mesopotamia 101 This great culture is responsible for : • Creating the way in which we keep time • The wheel/and push cart • Banking • Horoscope and beginning astronomy • Cuneiform the first system for writing
Government in City States • City-states were religious centers • Sumerians worships numerous Gods-these gods were responsible for rain and sun. • Temples were built for each god. • Temples built on pyramid shaped towers were called “ziggurats.” • Temple priests were the first governors of the Mesopotamia city-states. After elections were held to elect rulers, priests controlled religious and economic life and the kings controlled the political and military life.
Kings to Emperors • Empire-group of countries under one rulers control. • Mesopotamia had a class system-three levels • Kings, priests and wealthy property owners were at the top of the class system • Middle class is made up of skilled workers, merchants and farmers • The bottom level was made up of the enslaved worker. • Even the enslaved had rights.
Three Religions Evolve-Judaism • Jews recognize Abraham as the father of their faith. • Believe that there is only one god named Yahweh (monotheism). • They worship in temples and synagogues. • The Torah, their holy text is the first five books of the bible. • They believe they are Gods chosen and the land he promised them is Israel.
Christianity Begins • Around the 1st century, a Jewish teacher named Jesus founded Christianity. • Jesus claimed to be the promised Messiah and son of god. • After his death the religion was spread throughout parts of Asia, Africa and Europe. • Jerusalem is a important site for Christianity, there is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher where Jesus was to have been crucified.
Islam • Emerged in the 7th century, Muhammad claimed that the angel Gabrielle spoke to him and revealed Gods will. • Many of the poor were impressed with Muhammad’s messages –he called for social justice and equality for all. • Rich and powerful merchants and leaders saw him as a threat. • In 622 Muhammad and his followers fled Mecca concerned for their safety and went to Medina • Muhammad related Gods messages for 23 years before he died.
Five Pillars of Islam Pray 5 times a day Donate money to the poor Hajj to Mecca There is one God and his name is Allah Fast during Ramadan
The Ottoman Empire • The Ottoman Empire began in Turkey around1299 AD. • The Turks rose to power when the Byzantine Empire declined. • Osman was the first Ottoman Sultan (ruler of a Muslim state)
Growth • The Ottoman Empire grew fast by taking over many regions. • Soon it was one of the largest empires in the world ruling over many Middle East and European regions. • Constantinople became the capital and was one of the largest cities of its time. It was a center for culture, art and education.
Golden Age of Ottoman Empire • From 1512 until 1520 the Ottoman Empire spread with strong rulers Selim the 1st and his son Suleiman. • The Ottoman empire was dedicated to art, writing, architecture, music, medicine, astrology and mathematics. • When Suleiman died in 1566, he had expanded the empire and was the best known Muslim leader in the world.
More on the Ottoman Empire • From 1520 to 1566 Suleiman I ruled the Ottoman Empire. • He was called “Suleiman the Magnificent” by Christians, and “The Lawgiver” by the Muslims. • He published a code of laws that established justice throughout his empire. • His chief architect Sinan, transformed Christian Constantinople into a Islamic capital. Sinan created famous mosques all over the empire. • As long as Suleiman ruled the empire it was the richest and most powerful in Europe and SW Asia.
How the Ottomans Affected the Region • As the Ottomans conquered new lands they spread the Islamic culture. • They controlled trade routes and became powerful-trade spread ideas and goods. • Many European groups were afraid of the Ottomans and looked for new trade routes. • This opened discovery of new lands.
The Fall of the Ottomans • In 1566 with the death of Suleiman, the empire declined. • Many wars hurt the empire and they lost land, men and power. • Sometimes the empire was called the “Sick man of Europe” showing that the empire was dying.
Ottomans in the 20th Century • Ottoman Empire sided with Germany in WWI against the Allied powers of the United States, England, France and Russia. • They won only one battle-the battle of Gallipoli. • They lost their lands and empire after the war. The Treaty of Serves split the Ottoman Empire and the lands were ruled by mandate. • Mandate-rule of another country by agreement of nations.
A New Land • In 1923, the Republic of Turkey was created after being granted their freedom from Britain. • Turkey was one of the first members of the UN. • Today they are an ally of the United States and have a secular government. The country is primarily Islamic.
Notes on Ottoman Empire Grew fast, became large powerful empire Began in 1299 with Osman the Sultan Ottomans were Turks and were ruled by Sultans or Kings Many sultans were educated and interested in education, art and music. Ottomans affected trade, spread of Islam and culture in region. Ottoman Empire Empire fell due to war, loss of land and people. When empire fell after WW l the lands were divided at the Treaty of Serves Today Turkey is a republic, secular country that is primarily Islamic.