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Track 1 Third Grade

Track 1 Third Grade. Welcome Parents!. AIG & Explorers.

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Track 1 Third Grade

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  1. Track 1 Third Grade Welcome Parents!

  2. AIG & Explorers Third Grade is the AIG identification year. Wendy Bardeen will work with a variety of students this year in the Explorers program. This is not AIG but one way we differentiate for students’ needs. Students will take the CogAT and ITBS for AIG identification.

  3. Important Testing Dates: • CogAT: • ITBS: • Benchmark Testing for Quarter 1: September 4-6

  4. Daily Schedule and Specials: We have all major academic subjects in the morning. Recess is at 1:00 and lunch at 1:30 so please send a healthy snack with your child! The specials schedule changes every 3 weeks. Specials include PE, Music, Guidance, Technology, and Art. The first 3 weeks of the quarter, specials will be the same each week Monday-Thursday and Fridays will vary. The middle 3 weeks will be a 5 day rotation. The final 3 weeks will be electives. Please sign your child up for electives on the school website (briercreekes.net) if you haven’t already.

  5. SOAR • We follow the SOAR (show self control, own a positive attitude, act responsibly, respect myself, others and the environment) policies in all classrooms at Brier Creek. We are a PBS school and focus on positive behavior management strategies.

  6. Four Strands 1. Reading • Literature • Informational • Foundational Skills 2. Writing 3. Speaking and Listening 4. Language

  7. The Big Ideas • Comparing the most important points and key details presented in two books on the same topic • Describing the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text (e.g., comparison, cause-effect, first/second/third in a sequence) • Writing opinions or explanations that group related information and develop topics with facts

  8. Content Standards Instructional time will focus on four critical areas: • Developing understanding of multiplication and division and strategies for multiplication and division within 100 • Developing understanding of fractions, especially unit fractions (fractions with numerator 1) • Developing understanding of the structure of rectangular arrays and of area • Describing and analyzing two-dimensional shapes

  9. Standards for Mathematical Practice Standards for Mathematical Practice include: • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them • Reason abstractly and quantitatively • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others • Model with mathematics • Use appropriate tools strategically • Attend to precision • Look for and make use of structure • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

  10. New to social studies is the exploration of content through five strands. Five strands include: • History • Geography and Environmental Literacy • Civics and Government • Culture • Economics and Personal Financial Literacy

  11. Science instruction continues to be inquiry-based Areas of Focus: • Changes • Human Body • Objects in the Sky • Plant Growth & Development/Soils

  12. Monday Folders Please sign and return each Tuesday. Assessments must be signed and returned for data notebooks; they will be marked with a signature stamp.

  13. Parent Involvement • Please register (or re-register) in the Office/ Media Center. We will send out more information about volunteer opportunities in our classrooms next week. We have opportunities for volunteers to be mystery readers, facilitate enrichment groups, tutor, help with clerical work, and any other ways you might like to help.

  14. Data Notebooks • Students will use their Data Notebooks/portfolios to display assessments and reflect on their quarterly work. These notebooks will be used at student-led conferences to show progress and growth.

  15. Conferences • Conferences will be held in the fall and spring; others can be scheduled as needed. • Spring conferences are student-led. You can choose an individual conference instead of student-led if you prefer.

  16. Homework & Agendas • Third grade homework should take no longer than 50-60 minutes per night. • Word Work homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday, beginning next week. • There is also a nightly reading log and math practice that should be turned in each day. • Please sign your child’s agenda nightly when homework is completed.

  17. Field Trips • You must be registered at a level 3 or 4 to be a field trip chaperone. • Trips are aligned with our Social Studies or Science curriculum. We usually take 2 field trips each year. Possible trips include Oak View Park, Duke Gardens, Morehead Planetarium and/or Hi Touch Hi Tech In-School Field Trips. • There will an option for online payment this year. Save this website: http://osp.osmsinc.com/WakeNC for future use.

  18. EOGs and Benchmarks • Third grade is the first year of EOG testing; EOGs will be taken in May. • Students will take benchmark tests at the end of each quarter to assess their progress and growth. Scores will be provided to parents when we receive them. These are great preparation for EOGs because they are similar format and allow students to gain stamina.

  19. How to Contact us: • Questions? • Email: jburdette@wcpss.netor cmccommons@wcpss.net • Brier Creek phone: 484-4747 • Visit our websites: http://bcesmccommons.weebly.com/ http://bcesburdette.weebly.com/

  20. Let’s Have a Great Year!

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