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Chapter 23 Aryl Halides

Chapter 23 Aryl Halides. 23.1 Bonding in Aryl Halides. Aryl Halides. Aryl halides are halides in which the halogen is attached directly to an aromatic ring. Carbon-halogen bonds in aryl halides are shorter and stronger than carbon-halogen bonds in alkyl halides. H 2 C. CH X. X.

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Chapter 23 Aryl Halides

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  1. Chapter 23Aryl Halides

  2. 23.1Bonding in Aryl Halides

  3. Aryl Halides • Aryl halides are halides in which the halogen is attached directly to an aromatic ring. • Carbon-halogen bonds in aryl halides are shorter and stronger than carbon-halogen bonds in alkyl halides.

  4. H2C CHX X Table 23.1: C—H and C—Cl Bond Dissociation Energies of Selected Compounds Bond Energy:kJ/mol (kcal/mol) X = H X = Cl CH3CH2X sp3 410 (98) 339 (81) sp2 452 (108) 368 (88) sp2 469 (112) 406 (97)

  5. Aryl Halides • Aryl halides are halides in which the halogen is attached directly to an aromatic ring. • Carbon-halogen bonds in aryl halides are shorter and stronger than carbon-halogen bonds in alkyl halides. • Because the carbon-halogen bond is stronger, aryl halides react more slowly than alkyl halides when carbon-halogen bond breaking is rate determining.

  6. 23.2Sources of Aryl Halides

  7. Preparation of Aryl Halides • Halogenation of arenes (Section 12.5) • The Sandmeyer reaction (Section 22.17) • The Schiemann reaction (Section 22.17) • Reaction of aryl diazonium salts with iodide ion (Section 22.18)

  8. 23.3Physical Properties of Aryl Halides

  9. Cl Cl Physical Properties of Aryl Halides • resemble alkyl halides • all are essentially insoluble in water • less polar than alkyl halides  2.2 D  1.7 D

  10. 23.4Reactions of Aryl Halides:A Review and a Preview

  11. Reactions of Aryl Halides • Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution (Section 12.14) • Formation of aryl Grignard reagents (Section 14.4) • We have not yet seen any nucleophilic substitution reactions of aryl halides. Nucleophilic substitution on chlorobenzene occurs so slowly that forcing conditions are required.

  12. 1. NaOH, H2O 370°C Cl OH 2. H+ Example (97%)

  13. + + Cl Cl Reasons for Low Reactivity • SN1 not reasonable because: • 1) C—Cl bond is strong; therefore, ionization to a carbocation is a high-energy process • 2) aryl cations are less stable than alkyl cations

  14. Reasons for Low Reactivity • SN2 not reasonable because ring blocks attack of nucleophile from side opposite bond to leaving group

  15. 23.5Nucleophilic Substitution inNitro-Substituted Aryl Halides

  16. Cl OCH3 NO2 NO2 But... • nitro-substituted aryl halides do undergonucleophilic aromatic substitution readily CH3OH + + NaOCH3 NaCl 85°C (92%)

  17. Cl Cl Cl Cl NO2 O2N NO2 NO2 NO2 NO2 7 x 1010 2.4 x 1015 Effect of nitro group is cumulative • especially when nitro group is ortho and/orpara to leaving group 1.0 too fast to measure

  18. Kinetics • follows second-order rate law: rate = k[aryl halide][nucleophile] • inference: both the aryl halide and the nucleophile are involved in rate-determining step

  19. X NO2 Effect of leaving group • unusual order: F > Cl > Br > I X Relative Rate* F 312 Cl 1.0 Br 0.8 I 0.4 *NaOCH3, CH3OH, 50°C

  20. General Conclusions About Mechanism • bimolecular rate-determining step in whichnucleophile attacks aryl halide • rate-determining step precedes carbon-halogenbond cleavage • rate-determining transition state is stabilized byelectron-withdrawing groups (such as NO2)

  21. 23.6The Addition-Elimination Mechanismof Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution

  22. Addition-Elimination Mechanism • Two step mechanism: • Step 1) nucleophile attacks aryl halide and bonds to the carbon that bears the halogen(slow: aromaticity of ring lost in this step) • Step 2) intermediate formed in first step loses halide (fast: aromaticity of ring restored in this step)

  23. F OCH3 NO2 NO2 Reaction CH3OH + + NaOCH3 NaF 85°C (93%)

  24. •• •• F OCH3 •• •• •• •• H H H H NO2 Mechanism Step 1 • bimolecular • consistent with second-order kinetics; first order in aryl halide, first order in nucleophile

  25. •• •• •• •• F OCH3 •• •• •• OCH3 F •• •• •• •• H H H H •• – slow H H H H NO2 NO2 Mechanism Step 1

  26. •• •• OCH3 F •• •• •• Mechanism • intermediate is negatively charged • formed faster when ring bears electron-withdrawing groups such as NO2 H H – •• H H NO2

  27. •• •• OCH3 F •• •• •• H H – •• H H N •• O O + •• •• – •• •• Stabilization of Rate-Determining Intermediateby Nitro Group

  28. •• •• •• •• OCH3 OCH3 F F •• •• •• •• •• •• H H H H – •• H H H H N N •• •• •• O O O O + + •• •• •• •• – – – •• •• •• •• Stabilization of Rate-Determining Intermediateby Nitro Group

  29. •• •• OCH3 F •• •• •• Mechanism Step 2 H H – •• H H NO2

  30. •• •• F •• •• •• •• OCH3 •• •• OCH3 F •• •• •• H H – •• H H NO2 NO2 Mechanism Step 2 H H fast H H

  31. Leaving Group Effects F > Cl > Br > I is unusual, but consistentwith mechanism • carbon-halogen bond breaking does not occuruntil after the rate-determining step • electronegative F stabilizes negatively charged intermediate

  32. 23.7Related Nucleophilic AromaticSubstitution Reactions

  33. F OCH3 F F F F NaOCH3 CH3OH F F F F 65°C F F Example: Hexafluorobenzene • Six fluorine substituents stabilize negatively charged intermediate formed in rate-determining step and increase rate of nucleophilic aromatic substitution. (72%)

  34. Cl OCH3 N N Example: 2-Chloropyridine • 2-Chloropyridine reacts 230,000,000 times faster than chlorobenzene under these conditions. NaOCH3 CH3OH 50°C

  35. •• OCH3 •• •• Cl N •• Example: 2-Chloropyridine • Nitrogen is more electronegative than carbon, stabilizes the anionic intermediate, and increases the rate at which it is formed.

  36. •• OCH3 •• •• •• OCH3 •• Cl N •• Example: 2-Chloropyridine • Nitrogen is more electronegative than carbon, stabilizes the anionic intermediate, and increases the rate at which it is formed. •• – N Cl ••

  37. 23.8The Elimination-Addition Mechanismof Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution:Benzyne

  38. Cl NH2 Aryl Halides Undergo Substitution WhenTreated With Very Strong Bases KNH2, NH3 –33°C (52%)

  39. CH3 CH3 CH3 Br NH2 NH2 Regiochemistry • new substituent becomes attached to eitherthe carbon that bore the leaving group orthe carbon adjacent to it NaNH2,NH3 + –33°C

  40. CH3 CH3 CH3 NaNH2, NH3 –33°C NH2 Br NH2 Regiochemistry • new substituent becomes attached to eitherthe carbon that bore the leaving group orthe carbon adjacent to it +

  41. CH3 Cl CH3 CH3 CH3 NH2 NH2 NH2 Regiochemistry NaNH2, NH3 –33°C + +

  42. * Cl KNH2, NH3 –33°C NH2 * NH2 * Same result using 14C label + (52%) (48%)

  43. H •• H Cl •• •• – NH2 •• H H •• H Mechanism Step 1

  44. H H – •• •• Cl H Cl •• H •• •• •• •• – NH2 •• H H H •• NH2 H •• H H Mechanism Step 1 • compound formed in this step is called benzyne

  45. H H H H Benzyne • Benzyne has a strained triple bond. • It cannot be isolated in this reaction, but is formed as a reactive intermediate.

  46. H H – NH2 •• •• H H Mechanism Step 2

  47. H H – H H – •• NH2 •• •• NH2 H H •• H H Mechanism Step 2 • Angle strain is relieved. The two sp-hybridized ring carbons in benzyne become sp2 hybridized in the resulting anion.

  48. NH2 H H •• H H H Mechanism Step 3 – •• NH2 ••

  49. NH2 NH2 H H H •• •• •• H H H H NH2 H •• H H Mechanism Step 3 – •• NH2 ••

  50. * Cl OH * OH * Hydrolysis of Chlorobenzene • 14C labeling indicates that the high-temperature reaction of chlorobenzene with NaOH goes via benzyne. NaOH, H2O 395°C + (43%) (54%)

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