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Summary. Two recommendations - Split up existing Educational Resource Kit and put it on the web at no or very low cost. Develop prototype other educational programs intended and optimized for web delivery. Consider NSF or other funding. Web based education. Wide variety of materials on Web
Summary • Two recommendations - • Split up existing Educational Resource Kit and put it on the web at no or very low cost. • Develop prototype other educational programs intended and optimized for web delivery. Consider NSF or other funding.
Web based education • Wide variety of materials on Web • The usual mixed bag, where some are excellent on content and presentation, many are very good, some dead links, etc • At least two fee based courses in powder diffraction via the web • Many links are indexed at various sites - CCP14, ACA, IUCr, ...
Several types of resources on web • Instructive discussions • Text type (IUCr pamphlets, AH YSU, …) • Real time simulations (Bragg law ...) • Applets for demonstration (Fourier maps ...) • Applets and scripts for calculating (adsorption curves for an alloy ...) • Reference information ( Strukturbericht Designation, atomic scattering factors,…)
Instructor lead courses • The Internet Course Powder Diffraction on the WEB, offered as a distance-learning Advanced Certificate awarded GBP £ 372 - 1488 (~ 500 - 2000$). One year course, ~162 hours (estimated), M. Attfield, P. Barnes, J. K. Cockcroft School of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, University of London • SDPD Internet Course Structure Determination by Powder Diffractometry 500 - 1000 euros (~440 - 880 $) A. Le Bail University of Maine (France) • Protein crystallography and texture analysis classes also available
Current ICDD education products • Powder XRD and XRF courses • ~40 Hr classes - lecture and hands on • Education Resource Kit • text, card images, search manual • description of indexes, cards • historical information
Recommend Educational Resource Kit be modified for web. • History and definitions moved to Web in general ICDD links (ICDD history, “front matter pages”, “what is a PDF anyway?) These should be developed and maintained separate from any educational system links. • Chapters 4, 5 , 6 and 7 - need access to the educational indexes, educational data book to be useful. These chapters will need minor editorial review by a task team. Careful layout will be needed to optimize learning and minimize surfing away (con’t next page)
Con’t • Chapters 4, 5 and 6 should be placed in a “How to use our product” home page. Answer sets available by request. May provide a guide to how many people actually tried to solve the patterns • Access to chapters 4, 5, 6 & 7 has a cost - fill out a user form. Access to be for a limited time - but can be renewed. • Educational indexes and databook available as a download in Adobe pdf format for no to a nominal fee perhaps 5 to 20$ • problem set(s) available as a download in text or excel tables at no cost. • Multi languge (english, spanish, japanese, … )
Expanded web activities. • Recommend additional task team be identified to study development of interactive on-line educational products for training in the 2 to 40 hour range. • Options • Prototype this in a 2-hour module for an introduction to TXRF. • Prototype an XRD module perhaps based on the EMMSC program (hardcopy available for review in lobby) • Consider seeking NSF (or other) funding to create a product.
Program goals • A significant part of the Educational Resource Kit is really an “owners manual” to our product. • Task team has looked at these items where goal is to expose people to and to promote powder diffraction. Key interface might be to undergraduate students in material science type programs. Perhaps pharmaceutical arena? • TXRF program to help industrial users. Presents oportunity to get into market.
Goal(s) and imlementation of online program need to examined in greater detail. [Task team, marketing and ?] target audience, fee?, how long 10 hrs? 40 hrs?, Separate Modules?, Interaction with instructor?, Software requirements • Task team will need not yet determined HQ support for Educational Resource Kit transition and for generating prototype course.