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The ever changing role of teachers: Is teaching still relevant?

Explore the evolving demands on teachers, including increased accountability, diverse classrooms, and the abundance of information, and discuss whether teaching is still relevant in the age of technology. Discover how educators can adapt by becoming curators of knowledge and fostering meaningful learning.

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The ever changing role of teachers: Is teaching still relevant?

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  1. The ever changing role of teachers: Is teaching still relevant? Access Employment conference Sharon Rajabi sharon.rajabi@tcdsb.org

  2. Demands on teachers... • Increased achievements for all students • Increased levels of accountability by funders • New or renewed curriculum • Budgetary pressures • Increased levels of diversity in the classroom • Massive amount of information

  3. Are we preparing our learners for the google age?

  4. Educators should become more the curators than creators...

  5. Rules of EngagementO’Rurke :2002 • Technical • Practical • Cultural • Critical

  6. Higher-order goals demand what some analysts have called “meaningful learning” (Good & Brophy, 1986) that is, learning that enables critical thinking, flexible problem solving, and transfer of skills and use of knowledge in new situations. (p. 2)


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  10. To see the world not as you see it but as others do

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  12. Not so much what we know but what we don’t know • As humans, we’re pattern seeking animals even when patterns don’t exist.

  13. How?

  14. Project-based learning • Projects include many individual tasks; the umbrella of the project allows opportunities to critique and transform practice in ways that individual tasks do not • Long-distance exchange projects • Learners debate and discuss issues related to culture, identity, education, etc.

  15. A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary. ~Thomas CarruthersA good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.  ~Mustafa KemalAtatürk translated from Turkish

  16. The mediocre teacher tells.  The good teacher explains.  The superior teacher demonstrates.  The great teacher inspires.  ~William Arthur Ward

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