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MSDS. Material Safety Data Sheet. In a science class room, all chemicals should be label for safety reasons. What would you do if you came into a room and found a beaker of chemicals that were not labeled?. Tell the teacher!. MSDS.

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  1. MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

  2. In a science class room, all chemicals should be label for safety reasons. What would you do if you came into a room and found a beaker of chemicals that were not labeled? Tell the teacher!

  3. MSDS Always read the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) prior to (before) using any chemical. It will tell you how to handle, store, and dispose of a chemical safely. MSDS Chemical Formula: NaOH Chemical Name: Sodium Hydroxide Caution: Highly corrosive. Causes severe skin and eye damage Disposal: Combine with weak acid to form saltwater

  4. 0 If something is toxic, it is poisonous. The greater the toxicity of a chemical, the more dangerous it is! 1 0 COR Press the space bar to see a real MSDS. If you are shown an MSDS, you must be able to read and understand it. This sections tells what you should do if you accidentally ingest it (eat it), inhale it (breathe it in), touch it, etc.) Source: Tx Safety Standards CD 2005 ed.

  5. Isopropyl alcohol (CH3)2CHOH • What is the name of the chemical? • What is the chemical formula? • How do you store this chemical? • Is this chemical flammable? • At what temperature will it auto-ignite? • What are negative consequences of exposure to this chemical? • Should you use protected clothing with this chemical? If so, what should you wear? in a cool, dry, ventilated area yes 3990C Possible death, drowsiness, cramps Yes: boots, gloves, apron

  6. Look at the MSDS for the chemicalIsopropyl Alcohol (on your desk). Identify the safety symbols you would expect to see on the container of this chemical. Choose from:

  7. Write the following on Assignment #5 in your journal (MSDS) MSDS = Material Safety Data Sheet • 1. What is the purpose of a MSDS? • 2. What are some of the categories on a MSDS? • 3. Who would use a MSDS? Keep you and others safe Storage, health effects, medical treatment, formula, Anyone using that chemical

  8. Write these vocabulary words & definitions Assignment #5 in your journal (MSDS) Take in by mouth into digestive system ingest - Inhale- combustible- To breath in Able to burn, flammable

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